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Boris and Burkas ????


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I'm very surprised at the reactions here.  When we are eventually free to trade outside the EU and want to trade 'as a free member' of the global trade system, there will be many Muslim countries with whom we would hope to trade.  Saying rather stupid and childish things about their customs is not statesman like and won't do us any favours in getting trade deals.

What you may think privately - and what you say as a person who may be thought to be representing a party/government/country are NOT always the same.  What you think in private is 'free' and known only to you (and possibly a few close people with whom you share your thoughts - the other (as a public figure) will be public - should be bounded within the rules of diplomacy and sheer good manners.

More evidence that Boris is temperamentally unsuited to high office in my view. (and that is exercising my diplomacy and good manners!)

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17 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:

I'm very surprised at the reactions here.  When we are eventually free to trade outside the EU and want to trade 'as a free member' of the global trade system, there will be many Muslim countries with whom we would hope to trade.  Saying rather stupid and childish things about their customs is not statesman like and won't do us any favours in getting trade deals.


We already trade with them, its not been a problem so far.
And if you think we are offensive as a nation with some Muslim customs, you ought to hear what some others are like.
I didnt see anyone putting embargos on American goods, or refusing to sell them oil, when Trump came out with his supposed 'Muslim ban'

Money is the language of trade, not the plebs delicate sensibilities.

Wheres the backlash from all of our British niqab wearers anyway ?
Anyone would think that they dont enjoy wearing it ...

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people are trying to make out it is an attack on their religion..................wot a load of old cobblers


Nadine Doris is bang on the money for a change backing boris...good for her..............(me the old synic.....she will be elevated to home secertary when Boris is PM...cause she aint got nothing to lose at the moment)

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4 hours ago, Rewulf said:

To clarify, a burqa is an invention of the Pashtun tribes of Afghanistan, and is sometimes worn by a few other sects.
It is the full 'tent' like dress with the 'grill' type thing covering the eyes.
The burqa pre dates Islam, and is rarely if ever seen outside Afghan.

A niqab is the veil with the slit for the eyes, and a movable mouthpiece for eating, this is what has been banned in Denmark , and many other European countries, it is also banned in some African countries with sizeable Muslim populations, including Morocco.

It is true that the Koran and Hadithas do not mention any particular form of any dress, other than that which preserves modesty, not dissimilar from the Bible.

Like many have said, face covering ie crash helmets ect , are banned in certain places for security reasons, so its not unreasonable to ask women to drop the veil in certain public areas.
But I think people who cite integration as a reason for its ban, are missing the point, forced integration isnt integration, but that would nt even be necessary if the people concerned WANTED to integrate.
Sadly ,whilst this is norm, as a society we are not going to get better ,before it gets worse.

Good post this Rewulf !

I could be wrong Rewulf but also wasn`t the Burka almost history in Afghanistan in the 60`s/70`s/80`s and only saw a resurgence after influences from Saudi and Iran ?

Its only my personal opinion / perception and I could be wrong but......

It would appear to me that the left need to understand that a lot of people immigrating to the UK are doing so not to integrate with us regular British but to join communities who isolate them self's from everyone and live off our stupid benefits systems that milk our country dry.

Add to that amongst them a very small percentage..... but still they do exist and they wish to bring harm and terror to us incited by hatred. 

Is it so wrong or such a surprise that a growing number of British citizens have developed a fear of a community that isolate themselves and wear clothing that causes concern to others based on a decade of terror on our streets.

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