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Penetration vs Power


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Over penetration can easily happen with a .22lr hp round, especially if you are head shooting rabbits, I’ve had zingers after the bullet goes through the brain. Not particularly desirable but ok with the correct backstop. It pays to think a bit about where you want the impact point to be. Even chest / heart shots can easily go through the other side. My go to gun on paddock areas is now a .25 FAC air at 45 ft lbs. On skinning, prepping and gutting rabbits shot with this calibre it is apparent there it much more lead retention. Noticeably the pellet doesn’t always stay in one piece but often fragments and stays in the animal. It depends on the strike and whats been hit. .25 in my experience is very effective.

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8 minutes ago, Ultrastu said:

Will second that ?


Often ballistic tests are done on jelly, marrows, melons etc. OK It’s all a bit of fun but it hardly replicates stuff that vermin are made of. Fur, skin, bone, cartlidge, vital organs come to mind. Nothing can substitute results in the field if you want to formulate informed opinions as to what works best on a certain quary at a certain distance. I think?

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9 minutes ago, Mice! said:

wouldn't have thought of an air rifle Pellet breaking up, that's interesting.

I can assure you they do. At 12ft lbs this is much much less so but at FAC levels it is the case more often than not.

I haven’t done any substantive testing but would say close range shots with .25 FAC (15-25 yards) the pellet will almost certainly break up when using chest area shots.

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1 hour ago, Robertt said:

Sorry Dekers I can see rifling marks. 

Take a closer look. 


Who said you can't?

But what's that got to do with pellets deforming or staying in shape, which was the basis of your post?

Edited by Dekers
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The one certain thing you can say about any shot be it air rifle or 458 Win Mag, once that projectile leaves the barrel and hits something it is it's own free agent and shoot enough and you will get some seriously weird results. Had a 30-06  130grain round nose hit a large fallow buck at about 45degrees from behind, just a couple of ribs behind the front leg halfway up the body.

It reacted perfectly for the first 10 inches or so and destroyed the heart, what happened next is not explainable but i found the exhausted fully mushroom bullet embedded in the haunch !!!

The best we can do is make an intelligent guess.

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Just read through this and have to confess it was with a mixture of interest and boredom. Don't do air rifles - not for 60 years anyway. I'm sure Ultrastu's results will tell it as it is. A while back I did the same thing but theory based with shotgun pellets and have to say that this (shotgun) was a damned sight more straight-forward. Just a couple of points if anyone is going to transpose Ultrastu's trial results into a field application. The penetration into whatever test medium has to be tempered such that any threshold energy - that to punch through fur or feather -  requirement has to be taken into account. Also and any experienced live quarry shooter who prepares their own meat will recognise the validity of this, but another example of my point is to find out why during the American Civil war so many soldiers died having being shot by what in itself was a non fatal wound, and as I imagine that the sectional density of the pellet - just as in the case of the shotgun counterpart - plays its part in determining penetration, then it is necessary to take pellet boundary layer into account.

On the other hand, one could just go out and shoot something.

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