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How the other half live !


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Tonight I went for a pint in a local pub which I don't normally frequent. 

Got into a conversation with one of the locals about dogs and he told that he had a pit bull type terrier which,  he had to get shut of as it savaged 3 people outside the same establishment. 

So, as you would, he bought another pit bull type dog.

He then went to tell me he was out on the 'pull ' and if all else failed, he would go round to his ex' s who he had abandoned with 2 kids to get his leg over.

After that encounter I discussed his caddish behaviour with a friendly  local who told me that he has no apparent employment  but

he's  in the pub, daily, 1400 till he gets thrown out !

So got home thinking, quella la ****

It's not about money or class.

This is typical behaviour of non SGC or FAC holders.




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18 hours ago, Robertt said:

Tonight I went for a pint in a local pub which I don't normally frequent. 

Got into a conversation with one of the locals about dogs and he told that he had a pit bull type terrier which,  he had to get shut of as it savaged 3 people outside the same establishment. 

So, as you would, he bought another pit bull type dog.

He then went to tell me he was out on the 'pull ' and if all else failed, he would go round to his ex' s who he had abandoned with 2 kids to get his leg over.

After that encounter I discussed his caddish behaviour with a friendly  local who told me that he has no apparent employment  but

he's  in the pub, daily, 1400 till he gets thrown out !

So got home thinking, quella la 

It's not about money or class.

This is typical behaviour of non SGC or FAC holders.




Similar thing happened to and the Mrs. Due to some working pattern changes I went to 4,  10 hour days for a short period. As the Mrs works shifts managed a few pub lunches on my day off. Bearing in mind the day off I had wasn't the same each week We did notoce that it was the same people in the pub each day. Usually the worse for drink. We did wonder how they could afford it.  

Would I choose their lifestyle though... nnooooo wwayyy.  

Edited by Paul1440
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Where I live there are many who claim different types of benefit. Unemployment, job seekers. Young mums spitting out kids like they are a fashion statement etc! They all drive around in 2010 cars, smoke, spend hours in the pubs, latest fashions, foreverbdecorating the houses, massive BBQs inviting loads of people.


Then I wonder what's going on? I work my bottom off on NMW and can't afford to run a 2005 renault, what little I do get I spend trying to get mum n dad mobile, bought mum a mobility scooter recently. Now need to find another for Dad, and a wheelchair so I can get him out to the dentist etc. my idea of a night out is waiting half an hour for the bus home from work! Might not have a lot, but what I do have I worked for!  Still, I get the odd bottle of ale to treat myself so it's not all bad :yes: 


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Scroungers. Spongers. Time wasters. They don't know the meaning of proper work or contributing. Stick em all in a rocket to Mars, or better still, the Sun. Oh and make sure anyone connected with or doing drugs is on board to. 

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32 minutes ago, getthegat said:

Scroungers. Spongers. Time wasters. They don't know the meaning of proper work or contributing. Stick em all in a rocket to Mars, or better still, the Sun. Oh and make sure anyone connected with or doing drugs is on board to. 

Good shout that just a waste of sunlight to be fair

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9 hours ago, Lord Geordie said:

Where I live there are many who claim different types of benefit. Unemployment, job seekers. Young mums spitting out kids like they are a fashion statement etc! They all drive around in 2010 cars, smoke, spend hours in the pubs, latest fashions, foreverbdecorating the houses, massive BBQs inviting loads of people.


Then I wonder what's going on? I work my bottom off on NMW and can't afford to run a 2005 renault, what little I do get I spend trying to get mum n dad mobile, bought mum a mobility scooter recently. Now need to find another for Dad, and a wheelchair so I can get him out to the dentist etc. my idea of a night out is waiting half an hour for the bus home from work! Might not have a lot, but what I do have I worked for!  Still, I get the odd bottle of ale to treat myself so it's not all bad :yes: 


And never forget that you have our respect and can hold your head up high.

Personally the ending of our benefits culture has to come as it will eventually bankrupt the country.

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Agree with all of the above although i think the bigger issue facing our society actually comes from the huge corporations, the wealth they have amassed will lead to generations of the young merely able to afford an existence, every major society in history has almost always failed because the top of society has taken too much from the bottom, what can be done about it is beyond me, that is for bigger brains than I possess!

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5 hours ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

Personally the ending of our benefits culture has to come as it will eventually bankrupt the country.

It will not end, believe me.  Labour (mainly Blair and Brown) have built up such a large voting population 'bribed' by benefits, that no-one dare tackle it properly.

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On 26/08/2018 at 07:47, getthegat said:

Scroungers. Spongers. Time wasters. They don't know the meaning of proper work or contributing. Stick em all in a rocket to Mars, or better still, the Sun. Oh and make sure anyone connected with or doing drugs is on board to. 


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1 minute ago, team tractor said:

The thing I’m noticing is people about 50/55 that quit work and say I’m retired but live off benefits.

I retired just (5 months) before my 60th.  I had worked or been in full time education (University when I worked all vacations) from 17 to 59 with only 3 months on benefits (made redundant in 1986).  I do not claim any benefits.

I'm not sure how you can honestly claim benefits if you have retired?  I'm sure there are dishonest ways of doing it ........ and such people should be searched out and made to repay.

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17 hours ago, JohnfromUK said:

I'm not sure how you can honestly claim benefits if you have retired?  I'm sure there are dishonest ways of doing it ........ and such people should be searched out and made to repay.

There are many ways of claiming benefits if you retire. Benefits don't stop at retirement age in fact there is a case for saying a lot of benefits such as housing, income support, sickness, incapacity, attendance, mobility etc become easier to claim as you get older. 

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1 hour ago, Vince Green said:

There are many ways of claiming benefits if you retire.

I particularly added the word "honestly" - I'm sure under our complex, shambolically run and bureaucratic system there are many 'less than honest' ways to claim.  Only today there was an article in one of the papers saying that the amount of fraud had gone up - despite our government 'promising' to reduce fraud.

I do not believe (as I'm sure the people on this forum don't) in falsely claiming benefits and wouldn't do it.  In the event that I was (for example) disabled, then I would probably claim what is due, but I'm not.  Personally I think those making false claims need to be sorted out and have the 'book thrown at them' because it penalises the genuinely needy.

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On 24/08/2018 at 23:49, Robertt said:

This is typical behaviour of non SGC or FAC holders.


On 27/08/2018 at 01:17, KB1 said:

That's a strange statement?

Strange statement indeed. I know a lot of people that who don't have a SGC of FAC that don't conform to the OP's description of non SGC and FAC holders. I also have a friends that claim benefits (also non SGC and FAC holders) that do not spend their days in the pub and claim disability benefit because they cant work. They also have to support a young family on this claim and have to watch every penny they spend.

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