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Energy drinks


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You may have heard this on the news this morning.


I dont partake of energy drinks myself, dont like the taste.
But it got me thinking, what constitutes an 'energy' drink?
Is it the sugar content? Cola or the big baddy ,Liptons ice tea, has easily as much, if not more sugar.

Is it the caffeine ? They are talking about banning the sale of these drinks to under 18s !!
Citing that anything over 150 mg of caffeine per litre is bad for you.
Bear in mind a 250 ml cup of coffee has 100mg , thats 400mg per litre !
Yes I know that taurine is sometimes an ingredient, but all that does is make the release of caffeine a little quicker into the body.

My point is , what is the point of banning these ,and not banning all the other fizzy drinks and other 'lifting' beverages?

You can fight for your country, have sex and hold a job down, but cant have a fizzy drink.
What next ?

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2 minutes ago, panoma1 said:

Not strictly a response to the OP........but Red Bull works for me, when I get tired whilst driving on long journeys, I always carry it!

Dont doubt it works, its caffeine, and I love coffee !

Its just , how can they ban it for under 18 s , are they banned from starbucks in case they get a double shot in their latte ?

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11 minutes ago, panoma1 said:

Not strictly a response to the OP........but Red Bull works for me, when I get tired whilst driving on long journeys, I always carry it!

Yes I normally keep one in the car. That's a good use, not drinking ten on a night out along with shots and going hyper wanting to fight everybody.

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7 minutes ago, Vince Green said:

Yes I normally keep one in the car. That's a good use, not drinking ten on a night out along with shots and going hyper wanting to fight everybody.

I was on a training day at work, and a guy in his late 20's came into the room, trembling and shaking slightly. On our lunch break, he was slurring and told us that he drinks 10-15 cans of Red Bull a day. He admitted that he was having withdrawal symptons.

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As a person that I’d say was an addict I think under 16s shouldn’t have it.

i used to drink it occasionally then a can a day then 3 a day. I’d get the shakes and headaches without it. I just felt so energyless. 

Its diabetes in a can and carries massive health risks. It’s not the caffeine but the taurine that causes mental health issues.

taurine was given the American soldiers in Vietnam to keep them awake and caused mental health problems after . It’s true just google it. 


I havent had had it in years now as it’s also caused me major stomach problems so I’m on tablets daily to calm it down.


my reason I drank it so much was I was out clubbing until 3am and in work for 7am on Wednesday, Thursday,Friday,Saturday when I was single .  Guess I was also having it during the night too .



Edited by team tractor
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yh you already have to show I.D for these drinks for 6 months in most major super markets, but what makes me laugh the government concerned about these drinks but in my town it's easier to get class A drugs than a can of red bull, its even know to the police that kids young as 10 years ol  been buying pill and cannabis but there not one bit bothered  

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Another vote to ban. Hell I used to drink 5-10 of those cheap 'euro shopper' ones at 35p whilst rearing. Id go to the local shop and used to buy them by the slab. They'd get extra in for me. I'd be fine all day, but as soon as I'd got home I'd turn the motor off and fall asleep on the drive. Misses would come out and wake me up. Then the massive come down (headaches, shakes, dose of the ****s - permanently). Plus the mood swings I had at the time. 

I have 1 every other day now, but they are addictive, but unfortunately I've a addictive personality


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I think banning kids from drinking these drinks is easy and obvious, why would you want your kids having a red bull or similar? Saw it on the telly today and thought it was already banned, kids drinking 6-7 cans then having heart trouble!!!

For my kids fizzy drink is an occasional treat if were out some place.

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Why even try to address a problem that is known to be causing problems, ?  lets just do nothing about anything that may help future society. How bizarre that even when they try and fix something as plainly stupid as ludicrous amounts of sugar and other unnecessary elements in our diets people moan about the "nanny" state. 

Edited by Hamster
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Yep ban it for kids. Must confess to a few Vodka Bulls on a night out :lol:

It's not easy to call all these things as life is dangerous full stop. Most things are fine in moderation and used sensibly but there will always be some that will push the boundaries. We could end up banning most things if we carry on down this road. 

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1 hour ago, Hamster said:

Why even try to address a problem that is known to be causing problems, ?  lets just do nothing about anything that may help future society. How bizarre that even when they try and fix something as plainly stupid as ludicrous amounts of sugar and other unnecessary elements in our diets people moan about the "nanny" state. 

I think it's more about free choice, I don't drink them personally, but if everything that was harmful was banned life would be pretty boring, why not outright ban, cigarettes, alcohol, gambling, porn, they cause lots of addiction and/or harm, why stop there? We could ban shooting, cycling, swimming, vehicles or running in the park, people get injured or die all the time doing them, I'm pretty sure people have died using toasters to, so ban them as well ???

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I have noticed a rise in people drinking these as if they were 'normal drinks' 7am on the trains, children walking to school drinking them, mothers at the gates, then again i see a guy in the mornings with a McDonalds breakfast and a coke as the drink so is that any worse?

back in the day we once worked out that on an average night out we would drink about 8 cans of redbull in 5 or so hours drinking Vodka Redbull with the old ozzy offer card (£1 a drink) i honestly thought i was once having a heart attack at 3am and stopped drinking as many after that!

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I am all for banning them to under 18s, there is no reason for kids to have them and at that age (or any age) it cant be doing them any good. Only time i have drunk them is as part of a couple of jaeger bombs on a night out. If someone needs them on a daily basis to function at some point you will come crashing down you are quite simply forcing your body to do more than it should, someone mentioned working on a quarry personally if i was the foreman i wouldnt be happy with the site running off red bull!

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47 minutes ago, 12gauge82 said:

I think it's more about free choice, I don't drink them personally, but if everything that was harmful was banned life would be pretty boring, why not outright ban, cigarettes, alcohol, gambling, porn, they cause lots of addiction and/or harm, why stop there? We could ban shooting, cycling, swimming, vehicles or running in the park, people get injured or die all the time doing them, I'm pretty sure people have died using toasters to, so ban them as well ???

Access to these is already controlled so it's not a case of banning everything, even porn is arguably already restricted to over 18's. Putting sugar and some caffeine in a can and calling it "Energy" ? drink is duping impressionable young kids, pure and simple. We KNOW these things are harmful and totally pointless, their only real use is to make parasites like RedBulls owners billionaires off the back of a physically harmful product. 

And yet I'm not asking for a ban but pointing out that restricting access until after they've wised up a little to the nasty world that awaits them is a good start. They are yours and my kids remember.

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26 minutes ago, Hamster said:

Access to these is already controlled so it's not a case of banning everything, even porn is arguably already restricted to over 18's. Putting sugar and some caffeine in a can and calling it "Energy" ? drink is duping impressionable young kids, pure and simple. We KNOW these things are harmful and totally pointless, their only real use is to make parasites like RedBulls owners billionaires off the back of a physically harmful product. 

And yet I'm not asking for a ban but pointing out that restricting access until after they've wised up a little to the nasty world that awaits them is a good start. They are yours and my kids remember.

Fair point mate, I was being a little facetious, although how they think restricting it to over 18 will work is beyond me, all that will do is make the younger kids want to get it and they will get it easily I should imagine.

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I think a lot of you are missing the point.
How can you ban one drink because it has too much sugar in it, and not another that has more, just because its not promoted as an energy drink?

Likewise ,how can you say a drink has too much caffeine in it, when drinks like coffee have more?

People are talking about drinking 5 cans of monster and having palpitations, hardly surprising, try drinking 5 cups of strong coffee, you will get exactly the same effect.
Caffeine in excess has been known to kill.
We know sugar in excess is bad for you, weve known for many years it causes diabetes and heart problems, so are we going to ban everything with sugar in it ?
Asking for ID to prove you are 18+ to buy a can of pop , really ?

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7 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

I think a lot of you are missing the point.
How can you ban one drink because it has too much sugar in it, and not another that has more, just because its not promoted as an energy drink?

Likewise ,how can you say a drink has too much caffeine in it, when drinks like coffee have more?

People are talking about drinking 5 cans of monster and having palpitations, hardly surprising, try drinking 5 cups of strong coffee, you will get exactly the same effect.
Caffeine in excess has been known to kill.
We know sugar in excess is bad for you, weve known for many years it causes diabetes and heart problems, so are we going to ban everything with sugar in it ?
Asking for ID to prove you are 18+ to buy a can of pop , really ?

Got to say I agree. Free country? It's starting to feel like I'm living in North Korea!

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18 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

I think a lot of you are missing the point.
How can you ban one drink because it has too much sugar in it, and not another that has more, just because its not promoted as an energy drink?

Likewise ,how can you say a drink has too much caffeine in it, when drinks like coffee have more?

People are talking about drinking 5 cans of monster and having palpitations, hardly surprising, try drinking 5 cups of strong coffee, you will get exactly the same effect.
Caffeine in excess has been known to kill.
We know sugar in excess is bad for you, weve known for many years it causes diabetes and heart problems, so are we going to ban everything with sugar in it ?
Asking for ID to prove you are 18+ to buy a can of pop , really ?

I think you are missing the point. Kids are not buying and drinking 5 cups of coffee from Starbucks. They are buying and drinking 5 cans of Monster from the local corner shop. 

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