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Groundhog Weekend

pigeon controller

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We headed out to the same area that we shot last five weeks, the maize had been shot on Tuesday by another shooter but as we approached the field we expected to find Bunny_Blaster set up as we had not set out till 08.00. As we scanned the field it was eighty percent crows and twenty percent pigeon so we decided to drive area to find if the pigeon had found another food source. As we did a large loop around the lanes we found birds on rape, stubble, growing wheat and wild bird seed mix. So where to set up, the one edge of the one field is bordered by a wood and with the strong wind from the west that edge would be sheltered. So we set up with twelve fresh birds with two on the magnet. The first bird in straight to the pattern and landed, spook and shot. It was just after 10.00 and we had some interesting shots as the birds lifted from the decoys and hit the strong wind coming over the top of the wood. which had the effect of slowing them down so less lead. After a couple of hours I went to drive round and spook any birds who had gone to other fields in the area. To be honest I did not find any numbers anywhere. When I returned DB said he had seen a number of birds flighting the far edge of the fields and said he would go and shoot the flightline which leads to a safe roost in the grounds of a church. When I returned to the field a local resident stopped me at the gate and asked if I had permission to be on the land to which I replyed yes, he quoted the name of the farmer who owned the land ten years ago and at this point he started to swear at me and I requested that he did not swear at me as I had not sworn at him. He then said he would get me banned from shooting as I was shooting dangerously, to which I calmly replyed that I had a good reputation amogst the local farmers and if he insisted in taking that course of action I would counter that by taking him to court  for defamation of character at which point he mumbled something about informing the police and wandered off.

When I was back in the hide I was aware of a vehicle in the gateway and presumed it was Bunny_Blaster and for the next twenty minutes shot like a lemon as the birds were coming over my head and hitting the wind which made accelerate or slow up, also I could not shoot over the wood or to the left of me due to houses. In a later conversation he did offer to give me some lessons!!!!

He then had a walk with his dog over other parts of the land and sent us birds.

DB returned to the hide when his flightline dried up and we had a further half an hour of shooting when me birds stopped it was now 15.30. It took a bit of time to retrieve the shot birds but we ended up with One Hundred and seventy three pigeons. As I stated last week this flock seems to grow each weekend we shoot it so I'm not sure if we have some migrating birds who join during the week  but I'm not complaining  



173 Pigeons

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You dealt with the interloper very well. He is the sort who would never understand the ways of the countryside. Thankfully I don’t come across many people on my shooting travels. That’s one of the joys of living in an underpopulated area. The downside is no town pigeons.

Edited by JDog
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You certainly have a good population of pigeons in the area PC.

I think the person you met is just one the things we are faced with nowadays and it is only set to get worse. Such folk will never understand or be interested in learning about our sport or country ways.

I agree wiyh JDog, you dealt with the situation well. Good on you for that and well done once again for the impressive bag.👍

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A great report of yet another most remarkable day, showing great restraint and diplomacy with the intruder. Once again I admire your absolute determination, tenacity and of course stamina over what must have been a pretty tiring day. And yet you still make time to lay out the bag in perfect PC style for the photo.

Thanks for posting and well done again.


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Good report.

Always best policy to remain calm and ask the other person not to shout or swear, although this often makes them angrier. I had this earlier in the year when an older man reversed into my Defender. Instead of apologizing to me, he started to rant at me, claiming he had done no damage. I asked him not to swear and for his details, which merely lit the blue touch paper and off he went, shouting and ranting.. If he had said sorry in the first place I would have said no more, but because of his attitude I asked for details and then took pictures, just to make him squirm.. even though I had no intention of pursuing any claim.

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