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Lead fouling

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I bought a slab of fiochii tt100 cartridges from the clay ground this morning as I had run out of my usual cheddites now todays were fibre wad the lead fouling in the barrels of both guns was terrible particularly just after the chambers.

I can see the reasoning behind fibre wads over plastic but is this amount of fouling to be expected.I really struggled to shift it.

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I have found Fiocchi cartridges to be a bit dirtier than most and certainly dirtier than Cheddite.  I think we have been a bit spoilt by using Cheddite and expect all cartridges to be as clean, alas that is not the case.  If the cartridges have been stored at the ground, the store room is unlikely to be heated and with temperatures dropping well below freezing, the performance of ANY cartridges would be affected. Fibre wads can be a bit dirtier than plastic wads too. I use GT85 from any of the discount stores to clean my Beretta auto, it is a lot cheaper than the usual 'gun cleaning' fluids and after using this stuff for over 3 years, there has been no damage to the gun's finish.

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I use fibre wad cartridges all the time in 12g  16g & 20g guns and have'nt witnessed anything like you mention

As mentioned they could've been subjected to frost and in turn some condensation

I did a daft thing last week First beaters day loaded the vehicle in morning where it was -8 Shot all day then came home and left the cartridges in the vehicle

Next morning set off again -11 and may have been colder through the night  and i could tell the difference in the cartridges as they were not performing as good and alot more soot in the barrels But none of this fouling you discribe That was my 16g i was using

Next day i took the twelve with fresh 32g copper carts and my shooting was spot on and barrels were pretty clean

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I had a real problem with some Eley First cartridges and the gun shop had so many complaints about them that they returned them to Eley. My Beretta really took some time to clean out the fouling and several others in our clay club had the same. Eley now have a select cartridge as there club load but have not tried that as went to Gamebore victory and have not had any problems with them

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As Westley said.

"If the cartridges have been stored at the ground, thestore room is unlikely to be heated and withtemperatures dropping well below freezing, theperformance of ANY cartridges would be affected".

That was my first thought.

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