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Yildiz Shooting low

Scenic Sam

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Mine puts the pattern right in the middle if I do.  Are you 'aiming' it or just picking it up and shooting as you would at a bird ....hopefully?

Probably the stocks are slightly different and the Yilditz is letting you get too low on the stock or you are getting too low ....only takes a smidgin to make a difference.  Try putting a pad as a riser on the top of the stock

1/2 inch should be adequate to correct it. 

This is why it is important to pick the gun up and mount it a s you would at a bird and fire without hesitation and not 'aim' it like shooting a rifle.

I often see guns on their peg, pick a gun up before a drive and aim it .... pointless excersise in my view.

Edited by Walker570
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I agree with walker 100 % 

But would also add that its better a manufacturer shapes agun to shoot a touch low as its easier to raise the comb and to get it spot on than it is to lower the comb of a gun that shoots too high. 

Obviously we all have have different shaped faces and eyes and also naturally position the gun in different ways , in respect to our quarry when shooting .


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hello, having just purchased the 12 bore version i shall have to note this, still yet to try out,  sam have you looked into the measurements of both stocks, 525 and Yildiz ? there maybe a slight difference that affects the POA, but as Walker mentioned shoot as you would in a natural way and not like a rifle, and as gunman mentioned, all good advice,  good luck

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Check your stock lengths, it could be that changing the recoil pad to a shorter one will bring you poa/ poi into line with what you are used to. The drop on the gun will dictate how much this changes things but comparing dimensions is worth a look.

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I am also a little confused, is the op mounting the gun, as if taking a shot at a moving target with his concentration on the pattern plate and pulling the trigger or is he mounting it and looking down the rib as if using a rifle, if he’s using it like a rifle then surely it will hit the center of the plate?

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4 hours ago, B B said:

Check your stock lengths, it could be that changing the recoil pad to a shorter one will bring you poa/ poi into line with what you are used to. The drop on the gun will dictate how much this changes things but comparing dimensions is worth a look.

:good: Well worth a try. To change the 40:60 to 60:40 means you need to go up 6". Theoretically, patterning at just 32 yards this could well be achieved if by whatever means the comb is effectively raised by 3/16". If you initially patterned at the more usual 40 yards then the 6" that you're looking for would need a little less at the comb.

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