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Fun tonight


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Drove 12 miles to a small farm/ stables where the lady of the house was /is having trouble with a few rabbits digging holes in their immaculate lawn. It is a litle built up and I took the 22RF because it is silent and the back stops where good.  Got there and went to put my add on NV on the Rimmy scope and suddenly it dawned I had the wrong NV with a different fitting. What to do ?

The attachments on the scope for the 'tv' are female as are those on the NV that I hd brought. Hmmm!!  I looked in my cuddy box in the Landie which has just about everyhting and the bullet box which now holds my pellets has a clip on the front about 3/4 by 1 1/4.  I cut this off and then fettled the edges of the plastic at an angle and it fitted both connectors, problem was it was a bit floppy, so good old gaffer tape again from cuddy box and the window wiping sponge stuffed under the back and HEH Presto it worked.  Just got it fettled and looked down the paddock and there two rabbits came chasing up and across the drive and one straight into the centre of the lawn ....THUNK!!!   Yep it works.    The second rabbit vanished not to return and non others seen but one very happy lady gardener.

Never give up as often there is a solution.

Edited by Walker570
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