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What to expect from a Labour government


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On ‎11‎/‎06‎/‎2019 at 18:11, bluesj said:

I don't know why they are pushing 'community ownership' community anything doesn't really work because only a few of the community will actually put anything in. Its all a bit citizen Smith and the Tooting popular front just not as funny.

What they really mean is Party ownership 

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31 minutes ago, B725 said:

Mmm Corbyn and Abbot it will be a land of free and plenty, how can anyone not want to live not want here, there's only around 65 million here I'm sure we can squeeze a few more in. 

Especially when you don't have to work for anything as the state will provide. 

Quite how they will provide when no one works is something even they dont know. I suspect north Korea and Venezuela will be on speed dial for tips. 

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7 hours ago, GingerCat said:

Quite how they will provide when no one works is something even they dont know.  

Corbyn and Abbott have made a very good living without having to work all these years. But don't confuse reality with empty electioneering promises. How many Russian peasants were any better off after 1917? despite what they were promised?

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All the fears of JC as PM are real and he has already declared no guns other than for 'professional purposes' so start selling a few now before he gets power. But seriously we have a huge problem with millions of youngsters - the snowflake generation - who have known nothing but Tory austerity and Brexit in-fighting and who may believe the extravagant lies of Labour. Unless Tories elect a powerful, credible PM who sorts out our exit from EU AND starts to produce some equality into our financially top heavy society. Teresa had the right words but she is/was just too nice to handle her team (and I use the word 'team' loosely here!). We are in a very very frightening situation at the moment. 

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24 minutes ago, norfolk dumpling said:

All the fears of JC as PM are real and he has already declared no guns other than for 'professional purposes' so start selling a few now before he gets power. But seriously we have a huge problem with millions of youngsters - the snowflake generation - who have known nothing but Tory austerity and Brexit in-fighting and who may believe the extravagant lies of Labour. Unless Tories elect a powerful, credible PM who sorts out our exit from EU AND starts to produce some equality into our financially top heavy society. Teresa had the right words but she is/was just too nice to handle her team (and I use the word 'team' loosely here!). We are in a very very frightening situation at the moment. 

Yes, just like my former step daughter, although, trust me she has never known austerity, but plenty of PC indoctrination at school and university.

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I was once a member of the said 'Intensively managed grouse shoot' quoted in the attached report.
It was rented from a local farmer by 10 friends who resurrected it from vermin, motor cyclists and everyone else who considered it 'Public community land'.
It flourished and became a fine spot for all manner of wildlife which frequent peat moorland and it became a very reasonable small driven moor  keepered
solely by the syndicate.

It is many years since I gave up my gun in the syndicate but it stll thrives I believe, being only a mile from myself.
If the snowflakes get their way, which I doubt they will, knowing the owner it could well end up like Ilkley Moor, probably a wasteland again.

As for the the 'Intensicely managed' quote, all I can say is that a dog has two them.

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