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Its a shame its out of date as Wild Justice launched a petition to get grouse shooting banned last night, and have already gained 15000 plus signatures.

And as for their view on Thames Valley introducing medicals through the back door

The BASC are 'strongly opposed' to the new way and the spokesperson said: "We believe that the policy should be withdrawn with immediate effect."  

what ever BASC we'll just get the KY out as we'll all have to just take it......



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I also thought the BASC's 'live newsletter' was a good idea ....... but it is of course addressed to the 'loyal faithful'.  What is really needed is to put some truth to the general public.

The elephant in the room here is Packham.  He has a huge reach to an audience through the BBC.  What with his various TV appearances, his radio appearance (he is probably the most frequent contributor to BBC Radio 4's "tweet of the day" at 05:58 daily) he gets BBC TV news coverage pretty much every time he opens his mouth.  This in turn means that he gets a lot of newspaper column inches/coverage.

In my view - it is quite wrong that someone with a strong political motive who openly fronts a 'pressure group' gets this sort of coverage where there is no one to put the other side of any argument.  VERY wrong.

I am reminded that David Bellamy was dropped by broadcasters like a hot cake when he dared to express doubts about the climate change issues at the time.  It is time Packham had this platform provided at license payers expense removed.

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I'm not surprised the "ban driven grouse shooting" petition is getting traction. Packham has now posted a picture (taken by a tourist, apparently)  of a golden eagle in Scotland flying with what appears to be a spring trap (possibly a Fenn) clamped onto its leg. The same photo is doing the rounds in national media. Sickening.



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I agree, This appears to be a new initiative by BASC in attempting to keep their members informed.........one of my issues with them, in the past, was them not telling members what's going on........I hope it is a success!

As for Packham and his licence payer funded political platform.......every time he is interviewed or quoted in the media he is described as the presenter of the BBC's Springwatch (or similar words to the same effect!)........if that is not promoting him and his agenda via his connection to the BBC I don't know what is!.... The BBC don't seem to find anything wrong with being connected, via Packham to promoting a one sided political campaign, without giving the other side the right to reply with similar airtime and media exposure!...so much for the independence of the BBC

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4 minutes ago, stagboy said:

I'm not surprised the "ban driven grouse shooting" petition is getting traction. Packham has now posted a picture (taken by a tourist, apparently)  of a golden eagle in Scotland flying with what appears to be a spring trap (possibly a Fenn) clamped onto its leg. The same photo is doing the rounds in national media. Sickening.

You are right, it is sickening.  However Fenn traps are widely available and have been for a long time - and are used by many types of people, farmers, gardeners etc.  There is no evidence that this incident (and that is assuming it wasn't a 'photoshop incident') was related to any shooting activity.  The picture is insufficiently clear to show that the trap is in fact on the bird, or whether the bird is carrying a trapped mammal.  I don't know if eagles will pick up a dead rabbit?  ALL traps need to be used with great care.

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This BASC initiative is surely a welcome step.

However, back in WAGBI days when the staff was about six, there was a weekly column in Shooting Times saying for example what the then Director had been up to, snippets of news, upcoming events, and so on. This at a time when copy had to be typed and sent by post.

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1 minute ago, scolopax said:

No not at all.  But before we can mount a robust defence we need to take a long hard look at the various facets of shooting sports and if needed, get our house in order.

I don't disagree at all - but I think that a very high percentage of the shooting fraternity are 'country people' (even if they happen to live in town).  By that I mean they have an interest in the countryside and how it's ecological balance operates and want to maintain the wonderful countryside we have.

I fully agree that we don't want the few 'rotten apples' and the sooner they are weeded out, prosecuted under the law - and duly punished the better.

I am not convinced that the picture shown is actually a golden eagle caught in a trap and I think there are people who are prepared to use false evidence to play on the horror of illegal cruelty to and persecution of wildlife the vast majority of us share.

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