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The Next General Election.


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Nothing surprises me about Labour scummyness (new word?) any more - I imagine this would have been followed up with advice about how to exploit the postal voting system that Labour fought so hard to retain. Seems Plymouth Labour party is just as scummy as Peterborough.

Little surprise with the likes of Fiona Onasanya having been in the party and its postal vote scams - and the electoral commission not finding anything - yea right!


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The Greens have published their manifesto (pdf).  Somehow I don't think they'll get many votes from PW members...


Ban all hunting. This includes trail hunting, where dogs are used to track foxes who are then shot, and the commercial shooting of deer and game birds. Government subsidies, used to maintain artificial landscapes designed only for hunting (such as grouse moors) will be ended and the land rewilded where possible. Where necessary for ecological reasons, humane culling will be licensed by Natural England and carried out by trained professionals. We will also ban the use of lead ammunition and outlaw all forms of snaring.



Restore access to the countryside by re-opening lost public rights of way and creating new ones. We will grant to people in England and Wales the same right to roam over all landscapes as people in Scotland currently enjoy. We will protect and enhance access to inland waterways.



Advocate for European legalisation to end factory farming and to reduce transportation times for animals, including the halting of all live animal exports from the UK. We will work to ban the killing of animals for sport across the EU.


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3 minutes ago, udderlyoffroad said:

The Greens have published their manifesto (pdf).  Somehow I don't think they'll get many votes from PW members...




Fantastic ! lets let moorland grow wild, spend millions on planting trees, using huge amounts of energy, then when the overgrown moor catches alight in high summer from a walkers discarded match, we can spend a fortune on trying to put it out, whilst watching the plastic tree guards keeping the flames going. We can also kiss goodbye to the birds such as curlew which depend on a managed moor for shelter and food.

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5 minutes ago, islandgun said:

Fantastic ! lets let moorland grow wild, spend millions on planting trees, using huge amounts of energy, then when the overgrown moor catches alight in high summer from a walkers discarded match, we can spend a fortune on trying to put it out, whilst watching the plastic tree guards keeping the flames going. We can also kiss goodbye to the birds such as curlew which depend on a managed moor for shelter and food.

Indeed, I limited myself to 3 quotes for the sake of brevity, but the whole thing reads like it was written by someone who has barely set foot in the countryside, never mind talked to anyone who actually works the land.  Packhamnomics, if you will.

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3 minutes ago, henry d said:

Looks like they have abandoned Scotland to NS and the vociferous Yes body without a thought.

Aiming at the city folk who don't know or care what goes on in the fields forests or moors, most didn't know what a moor was until they set on fire.

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1 hour ago, henry d said:

It was more that they cited EN so don't worry about SNH etc

To be fair to them Henry, and I hadn't realised this till I looked just now:


This is the manifesto of the Green Party of England and Wales. Separate sister Green parties cover Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Because throughout the rest of the document, they appear to be enthusiastically copy-and-pasting policies in Scotland and applying them to England+Wales, e.g. Right to Roam, Minimum unit pricing, etc

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"Asked if staff such as teachers, nurses and doctors could take action to show solidarity with striking rail workers, he replied: 'We would make sure that people have the right to withdraw their labour.' 

Secondary striking was banned by Margaret Thatcher in 1980 after public services were paralysed under the previous Labour government."

Now that's scary,  being only 43 I don't remember most of that, but secondary strikes reads to me like the unions telling people to walk out, if just teachers did that the knock on effect of people leaving work would be massive. 

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51 minutes ago, Mice! said:

I don't remember most of that

I do remember - very well;

The vast majority of the whole UK population was held to ransom by a few people who were simply 'bullies' - holding out for their own members at the expense of everybody else.  Once they had (eventually) been given their wishes - the next lot started on their claim.  There were coach loads of "Militant Tendency' and 'Socialist Worker' members bussed round to all the picket lines (which got quite violent at times).  A time the country was ruled but a minority of bullies - just like the terrorists that Corbyn and Co are so pally with.  It was a simply dreadful time.

Thatcher was the first with the guts to stand up to them.

Edited by JohnfromUK
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8 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:

Thatcher was the first with the guts to stand up to them.

Creating the tory bogeyman that Labour still rattle on about today. 

The unions made demands that would be fulfilled.. Or else, created a them and us mentality that should have been left behind in the 1940 s.

They nearly broke this country, for the sake of political ideology, and labour would happily give them a second chance. 

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1 hour ago, JohnfromUK said:

I do remember - very well;

The vast majority of the whole UK population was held to ransom by a few people who were simply 'bullies' - holding out for their own members at the expense of everybody else.  Once they had (eventually) been given their wishes - the next lot started on their claim.  There were coach loads of "Militant Tendency' and 'Socialist Worker' members bussed round to all the picket lines (which got quite violent at times).  A time the country was ruled but a minority of bullies - just like the terrorists that Corbyn and Co are so pally with.  It was a simply dreadful time.

Thatcher was the first with the guts to stand up to them.

I too remember it very well. I was an apprentice toolmaker in Coventry and I remember meetings where the shop floor was implored to go out in sympathy "with our brothers" at so and so. The shop stewards had worked hard at isolating those who were known to object to the bullying tactics of the unions and making implied threats to them. Very intimidating but the fact was, the unions ruled, end of. Most decisions made by shop stewards/convenors took place on Friday lunchtimes, in the pub and they'd come back well the worse for wear. Thatcher made many decisions which I disagreed with but taming the idiotic drunken loonies in the unions was one of her better moves. Looks like those times may be coming back again.

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6 minutes ago, WestonSalop said:

Looks like those times may be coming back again.

Fortunately, I think that is unlikely.  A Labour majority is a very unlikely outcome. 

But it does show how the Labour party is now controlled by the same class of bully.  They are playing 'working man's friend' at present - but the reality is they are hate fuelled bullies.

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The unions, when they had the upper hand stuck it to the employer, the employees suffered, the employers, now they have the upper hand are sticking it to the unions and likewise, employees have suffered........and so when either side get the upper hand over the other, it goes on, and on, and on, and on.........if a balance in industrial relations could be achieved, both sides could work together and then things would be good for both the employees and the employers....but they won’t, it’s a never ending struggle! When either get the upper hand they screw over the other side! Ever has it been thus!

Traditionally the conservatives will always tip the balance towards the employers, through anti union laws, labour will always try to tip the balance towards the employees via collective industrial action......except of course “new” labour who under Blair and Brown broke the mould and kept Tory anti trade union laws.....but were more conservative than labour!

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32 minutes ago, panoma1 said:

The unions, when they had the upper hand stuck it to the employer, the employees suffered, the employers, now they have the upper hand are sticking it to the unions and likewise, employees have suffered........and so when either side get the upper hand over the other, it goes on, and on, and on, and on.........if a balance in industrial relations could be achieved, both sides could work together and then things would be good for both the employees and the employers....but they won’t, it’s a never ending struggle! When either get the upper hand they screw over the other side! Ever has it been thus!

Traditionally the conservatives will always tip the balance towards the employers, through anti union laws, labour will always try to tip the balance towards the employees via collective industrial action......except of course “new” labour who under Blair and Brown broke the mould and kept Tory anti trade union laws.....but were more conservative than labour!

^^^^^ This. We need the middle ground where has it gone. 

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