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BBC licence fee


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The Government creams off a percentage, of course!  You need a licence if you watch any live broadcasts, BBC, ITV, Ch 4 , Outer Mongolia tennis, etc, no matter where in the world they originate from.  However, there's no way the BBC or Capita Business Services (aka TV licencing) know what you are viewing....unless you're stupid enough to tell them!   You do not have to talk to them, answer their threatograms (the monthly red inked letter promising an 'investigation' and a visit! ).  Why anyone even bothers to watch ANY of the drivel, on any channel, I don't know!  Cue the BBC lovers.......  Btw...did you know that on certain forums,  ie, Digital Spy, there are certain individuals who obviously work for the BBC and whenever there is a topic degrading the BBC or the tv licence, these people try to turn the conversation / debate around and humiliate or even ban the the anti BBC posters.    

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The Government needs a propaganda machine so not only does it get one in the form of the BBC, but it also gets the population to pay for it (in addition to paying taxes) in the form of a licence fee. By substituting crowd-funding for a licence fee, you can see from where Wild Justice got their idea.

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