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iPhone Apps for those with hearing aids


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I wear two hearing aids  fitted with the loop system and for the most part I manage. I do have two areas of difficulty, hence this post.

1. The audio on some TV programmes can be rather quiet (in part) and turning up the volume is not conducive to domestic harmony. So is there a simple App which allows you to use your phone with earphones as a listening device? I have seen some apple adds but the earphones must be Apple compatible or WiFi, which mine are not.

2. Is there an App which picks up the Loop system? The number of times I go to a theatre which runs a loop system, I wear their necklace to pick up the loop, and I get sweet fanny adams. Very frustrating as the range of hearing aids is not that great.

I'm confused by what I read on line so thought I'd ask here to see if others have solutions to similar difficulties.


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