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Keeping fit


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With gyms closed what are people doing to maintain physical and mental fitness? 

my wife is doing her gym classes indoors via video (zoom). Works surprisingly well. 

My daughter is a competitive swimmer. She is doing exercises set by her coach. Not sure it is working that well as she struggles with motivation unless in a pool with somebody shouting at her. 

My personal trainer has set up an exercise circuit in a farmers field. Mainly sprints, jumps over hay bales, tyre steps etc. You get an hourly session allocated so are training alone other than him giving encouragement and timing. I forget how hard running outside was. He has also loaned out weights for people to use at home  

son is exercising his thumbs on the Xbox controller. He claims this is essential for his mental well-being. 

Edited by AVB
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The better half has worked out a way to keep me fit its called decorating bedrooms and many other D.I.Y. jobs. I am being positive about it cos if I get the jobs out of the way I will have more time later on to get out with the dogs and gun.

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My son has agreed to keep paying his subs in Return for borrowing some weights. I retired from formal exercise at 60 and now stick with walking, gardening and the like, picking up on the hill in season. As I have access to the field at the back of the house and the shore nothing much changes. Training dogs usually keeps me going.

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I’ve been thinking about this a lot. Been sticking to regular gym routines for a few years and I really missed the planned session today. Went for a couple of long’ish solo hill walks over the weekend but, although very enjoyable, it’s not the same.

I’ve even been scouring fleabay for a bench, weights and even complete multi gyms for the garage but it seems the panic has set in and they are going for silly money. As a last resort I can see me getting the road bike out or even, god forbid, taking up running 😪

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Nothing abnormal, it's called work. sawing logs, splitting them, digging the veg garden, repositioning high seats etc etc etc etc., so don't need any of that fancy kit.  By he way I'm just six months short of my 80th birthday and have never seen the inside of a gym in my life always had plenty of work to stretch my muscles for me.

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