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Exercising and wildlife

team tractor

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During all this virus I like to get out and exercise  . I’ve dropped 2st + since Xmas and 3st In 12months with eating differently and one thing or another. 
One thing I’m noticing is the amount of foxes . In 40 minutes I’ve spotted 6 foxes that are all very tatty except the one which was huge . All within 20 yards of me too .

Total in the last 3 nights was 11 foxes and I only go out for a short while now the gyms are shut. Im on my own and don’t see a soul besides the occasional police car drive past . 
I feel so much better in my joints , legs and hips . I’d been getting worried about the aches and pains as I’m not quite 40 yet and even my breathing feels better as I’m asthmatic. 
I’ll add I always carry my phone in case of an emergency. I never go out until after 7 as I never see anyone so I take all sensible precautions. 

Now 14st 😎

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2 minutes ago, washerboy said:

Brilliant 👍

I'm the same, completely changed my eating habits. Down from 15st to 12st 4

Im 50 in October and needed to sort my self out big style. I even enjoy shopping for clothes more 😂. Keep up the good work, I can't wait for my gym to open again 

I’m missing the gym . I used to go lots until kids etc but I’d just started back and a month later boom this virus

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1 minute ago, washerboy said:

I can't risk parking up on my usual walk out so I haven't seen much about. Only walking the streets as exercise 

I just walk from the house . I was followed once already . 

11 minutes ago, henry d said:

I've seen more kingfishers this year than ever, not sure it has anything to do with the virus as there are many more walkers and cyclists along the riverside.

I’ve not ventured to the canals yet as it’s always dark . With my luck I’ll be swimming 

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20 hours ago, GingerCat said:

Badgers. Driving about at night I've never seen so many badgers as I have the last 2 weeks. Lots of rabbits too. 

There is a big active set on a footpath I use when walking the dog. Never seen an animal shift so much soil. Every day it looks like they have had a JCB in overnight. 

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