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Gardening Question , in need of HELP ( Thanks )

marsh man

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Looking for a bit of help and advice please , we have got a Flowering Cherry tree ( Prunus Okane ) that I bought around two years ago , up until now it have always looked healthy and in good condition , this year it budded early and we had a nice lot of bloom , now the bloom is off it had several dead end's to some of the branches , I have watered it well and the leaves are looking greener , would it pay me to cut the dead bits off the branches ? and what would you advise to feed it with ? , if you think it need feeding .I have enclosed a couple of photos so you can see the problem .




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12 minutes ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

Frost damage I suspect.

Jdog will be along later.

Not sure if it was a frost problem Dave as we got away with virtually a frost free Winter , we did get Blue Tits eating , or nibbling the buds but I don't think they done any harm :hmm: 

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Never fed a cherry tree in my life and have a dozen growing here and hundreds of little ones popping up all over the place.  Yes frost can knock them back but I tink you would have noticed one as hard as that.   Prune off the dead wood and personally I would also take out that main leader or it is going to get a big tree quickly.  See how the leaves come.  As said I have a fair few about two are good producers of edible cherries and the others wild cherries but the fruit is seriously tasty and not seen any die back on any of them.  youtube is often your friend in these situations, punch in cherry tree diseases and see what comes up.  Never ever had a wisteria until a friend gave us one and I hadn't a clue.  20 mins on youtube and a pair of secateurs and low and behold it is covered with flower buds this year.

Edited by Walker570
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