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Another computer problem

Old Boggy

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As I didn't wish to derail Steve-b-Wales thread on a similar subject, I have a continuing annoying problem with an iTunes pop up occurring every few minutes on my iPad, telling me to 'sign into itunes store'.

I understand that itunes is a default setting and cannot be deleted, but nevertheless there must be a way to stop this happening. 

Any ideas ?

I would appreciate any advice, but please keep it In simple layman's terms for this  technophobic Luddite.

Thanks for any replies.


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14 minutes ago, Old Boggy said:

Any ideas ?

A guess; are there any updates to Apps waiting to be downloaded/installed?

I ask because my iPad and iPhone have App updates (to Apps I have added) from time to time and I know some require a sign in.  Others I'm also pretty sure don't ...... and I don't know why that is.

In the more recent versions of iOS, the update for Apps has been slightly hidden.  Follow this;

  1. Open the App store application (blue icon with a stylised captial A)
  2. On the top of the screen it will say (in big letters) "Today" at the left and have your photo in a circle form on the right of the same line.  Tap the photo.
  3. This brings up a 'pop-up' entitled "Account"
  4. Scroll down that pop up to see pending and recent updates
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