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Digweed? Got a shot @ Sports Personality of the Year?


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Has Digweed got a shot at Sports Personality of the Year 2007?? :)


After winning the THE ALL ROUND WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS which took place over 4 days in Dallas, USA. The event consisted of 900 targets. Each discipline in clay shooting were in the competition, and one of the disciplines had to be shot with all of the different guages.


100 American Skeet

25 Skeet with 4.10 guage

25 Skeet with 28 bore guage

25 skeet with 20 bore guage

25 Skeet with 12 bore guage

100 Sporting

100 ISU Skeet

100 Bunker Trap

100 Double Rise Trap

100 Compaq Sporting

100 Helice Targets

75 Fitasc

25 Super Final


This kind of consistancy as well as winning the European Title for the 12 time & The First & Second leg of the Worls Cup which he adds to his 15 world titles.........only missing out on No 16 to Faulds after a shoot off.


With Career stats of:-




Surely finally he's in with a shout.


Or is it the case that he's got to win Olympic gold next year to even get a nomination in 2008?:lol:

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Without a doubt one the greatest sportsmen this county has ever had, but sadly, likely to win? About as much chance as George Dubya as of being Sainted.


Can you see the great unwashed tree huggin', lentil eating, left-wing elitist, BBC producers' club 'anti's letting that one though? No, thought not!

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I think he deserves it, but the problem is the public don't know him. Unfortunately the competition is stupidly named "Sports personality of the year". Regardless of the dominance in his chosen sport, and the many disciplines within it as well, the inclusion of the word "personality" as many have said will preclude him from having a look-in.


I think there is a clever money bet on that soppy **** Henman getting it as he bows out ungracefully from a career of failure, as some kind of "reward" for being completely average.

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No PR or profile for a shooter I am afraid no matter how accomplished on the world stage.


What about the English bloke who has won the most Gold medals - a pistol shooter - absolutely nowhere in terms of media profile or recognition.


Tim "plucky loser" Henman is neither a winner nor a personality I am afraid.


Lewis Hamilon either this year or next - what he lacks in personality is made up for in terms of media exposure.

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What you have to remember Mungler is that "personality" doesn't come into it. Think of the previous winners :) For example, Johnny Wilkinson, great athlete but dull as a wet weekend in Margate (no offence margate-shooter) However, you do have to have been heard of by the people who vote in such things, which to be honest are exactly the kind of people who go and sit outside wimbledon and shout "come on tim" as he manages to loose to some unknown 13 year old Czech kid.

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Tosspot. I'm just trying to see which words will fit well into that sentence. So far I have ten or so, all of them funny.


As for GD getting anomination, I think it unlikely. Today's population like their sports stars plastered across Grazzia or the Sun and don't really understand about clay pigeon shooting. They'd probably assume it was something to do with shooting real pigeons with clay. Who were the two GB rifle shots that usually got silver and gold in the olympics, but got zero mention and no funding the last few times they competed?


Oh yes... Athletics - massively funded, first class seats on plane, little chance of winning. Sailing - medals won (Australia), economy seats there, boat sold to pay to get home.


There's no justice.

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Tosspot. I'm just trying to see which words will fit well into that sentence. So far I have ten or so, all of them funny.


As for GD getting anomination, I think it unlikely. Today's population like their sports stars plastered across Grazzia or the Sun and don't really understand about clay pigeon shooting. They'd probably assume it was something to do with shooting real pigeons with clay. Who were the two GB rifle shots that usually got silver and gold in the olympics, but got zero mention and no funding the last few times they competed?


Oh yes... Athletics - massively funded, first class seats on plane, little chance of winning. Sailing - medals won (Australia), economy seats there, boat sold to pay to get home.


There's no justice.


Richard Faulds & Ian Peel I believe.


I also believe they only would of got a mention in The Guardian or The Independant, as they actually have an ACTUAL Sports Section instead of a Football & Rugby section as most papers do!!!

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Tosspot. I'm just trying to see which words will fit well into that sentence. So far I have ten or so, all of them funny.


As for GD getting anomination, I think it unlikely. Today's population like their sports stars plastered across Grazzia or the Sun and don't really understand about clay pigeon shooting. They'd probably assume it was something to do with shooting real pigeons with clay. Who were the two GB rifle shots that usually got silver and gold in the olympics, but got zero mention and no funding the last few times they competed?


Oh yes... Athletics - massively funded, first class seats on plane, little chance of winning. Sailing - medals won (Australia), economy seats there, boat sold to pay to get home.


There's no justice.


Isn't it funny that it's the normal man that goes clay pigeon shooting in the thousands up and down the country on a Sunday, the same man who buys the Sun.


I think that if every shooter in the country voted for him he'd win hands down.


What do you reckon?? B)

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I hope not, he earns no respect for turning up at small clay shoots with his personalised plate on his sponsored Range Rover using his bespoke gun to shoot an hour before final entries. Then he takes the pool money / prize fund and scoots to the next clay shoot to do the same.

Before his fans protest I am jealous I would rather work hard to shoot a record bag of pigeons ( not that I am after the record ), rather be invited to shoot game by mates than sychophants and much prefer to be like I am as opposed to acting like billy big spuds.

Big as he is the guy is a **** and yes I would say it to his face.

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I hope not, he earns no respect for turning up at small clay shoots with his personalised plate on his sponsored Range Rover using his bespoke gun to shoot an hour before final entries. Then he takes the pool money / prize fund and scoots to the next clay shoot to do the same.

Before his fans protest I am jealous I would rather work hard to shoot a record bag of pigeons ( not that I am after the record ), rather be invited to shoot game by mates than sychophants and much prefer to be like I am as opposed to acting like billy big spuds.

Big as he is the guy is a **** and yes I would say it to his face.


I sense a bit of bitterness there, has he by any chance ever beaten you or one of your mates to Top Gun in the last hour of a shoot?


In the end it's up to the other shooters to post a better score rather than bitching because he can do it and they can't!!

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Wish I was as good as Dweed, you have to be the best to win at any competition and the only way to win is to compete. If you are unable to win a few words my dad said to me many years ago help:


When the one great scorer comes to write against your name he will write not that you one or lost,

but how you played the game. Works for me.





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I have seen him and Faulds shoot (last Sunday for instance) on a few occasions and I don't blame him for turning up and grabbing prize money.

Shooting isn't a big money sport like golf or tennis, and even though they are sponsored they still need to earn a crust.

They have had to work hard to get to where they are and just as hard to stay there, that can't be cheap - so fair play to them.

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Unfortunately only the big spectator sports will get a look in.

Isnt it strange that the winners of the SPOTY are voted for by the people who apart from viewing said sport, do not participate in it at all.

Fishing is still today the biggest participant sport in Britain and the England team have won many team and individual golds and have, with the exception of **** Clegg MBE, no recognition from the powers that be.

I fell then that if you really want Digweed to win SPOTY we should all give up our guns and sit in the pub on Sunday afternoons growing fat and buying the Sun.


P.S did a horse not win it one year? It sort of diminishes its kudos somehow. I mean, imagine if you lost to a personality contest to an animal that cannot speak and dribbles. Coming second to Rooney must be hard.

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Your all missing a trick . It's BBC sports personality of the year . Run by the BBC . So only sports covered by the BBC will get a look in . But to be fair who cares , more bum licking of sports people by folks that should know better but don't ! Boring telly , i'll be down the pub .


all the best yis yp B)

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