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Plant ID


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This plant was given to me about 5 years ago by a wonderful lady who is sadly no longer with us. She had grown many of these and had them in small pots in her greenhouse, when I got it it had stayed in a small pot outside for the last four years and was a lot smaller, it has produced the odd flower in the past. I moved it into a larger pot a couple of months ago and it has now doubled in size and is producing a fantastic bloom with the most wonderful scented flowers. She did tell me the name of the plant however, It has been lost from my memory. 

Can the pw collective tell me what it is?, should I keep it potted? and how big will it grow?

I suspect JD may be able to shed a large light!






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13 minutes ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

Is it dangerous?


Could you get a little closer to the flowers!

Give me 30 minutes, just having some lunch before I go to work, will try to get a closer one.

10 minutes ago, Mice! said:

He's worried about the possibility of snakes

Too bloody right K, they can be hiding anywhere! 🐍

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21 hours ago, JDog said:

This is it's cousin a cultivar called S. Bleeding Heart.

Pictures Salvia Bleeding Heart..jpg

What a lovely dense foliage that is JD.

The one I have was in full sun and it was beginning to wilt a bit so I moved it into a more shaded area and it appears to like the semi shade, I would like to keep it a patio potted plant. What I really like about it is the wonderful scent the flowers and leaves give off and it really adds some colour to our garden.

My wife  and I had a look online and she likes the look of some of the purple varieties, we are planning a trip to a local large garden centre and hopefully will pick one up.  We will keep an eye out for the other varieties.





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