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Question should Lewis Hamilton tweet about black oppression and removal of slavery Statue’s ?


The reason I ask is because he makes millions of dollars driving for Mercedes who 70 years ago also made lots of Deutschmark’s working for the Adolf Hitler and using slave labourers from concentration camps ? 

I must add I’m being Devils advocate, just wondering if anyone else thinks it’s slightly short sighted or foolish  

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8 minutes ago, Modafinale said:

Question should Lewis Hamilton tweet about black oppression and removal of slavery Statue’s ?


The reason I ask is because he makes millions of dollars driving for Mercedes who 70 years ago also made lots of Deutschmark’s working for the Adolf Hitler and using slave labourers from concentration camps ? 

I must add I’m being Devils advocate, just wondering if anyone else thinks it’s slightly short sighted or foolish  

It sounds like a fair point to me.... logic dictates and all that.

Hopefully someone will point it out to him. 

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In common with Anthony Joshua, he seems to forget who pays him. The problem with celebs speaking out is that they never think it through. Quick to jump on a popular bandwagon, when their own situation would hardly stand scrutiny.

He might mean well, but I don't agree with him.

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19 minutes ago, Modafinale said:

Question should Lewis Hamilton tweet about black oppression and removal of slavery Statue’s ?


The reason I ask is because he makes millions of dollars driving for Mercedes who 70 years ago also made lots of Deutschmark’s working for the Adolf Hitler and using slave labourers from concentration camps ? 

I must add I’m being Devils advocate, just wondering if anyone else thinks it’s slightly short sighted or foolish  

That is a very good point. I used to have a lot of respect for Hamilton but he has gone down in my estimation with his recent posts. Not that he will be bothered by that. 

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i also believe that he wears Hugo-Boss..........who made Nazi uniforms in the late 30's.........

quite honestly ....glitterarti and et al actors and suchlike are entitled to make their views...........the populace will judge them at their leisure and to their discomfort

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28 minutes ago, ditchman said:

i also believe that he wears Hugo-Boss..........who made Nazi uniforms in the late 30's.........

quite honestly ....glitterarti and et al actors and suchlike are entitled to make their views...........the populace will judge them at their leisure and to their discomfort

Who, along with Audi, also sponsor Tottenham Hotspur Football Club, who have a Jewish Chairman and are based in an area of London heavily populated by the Jewish community...

I don't agree with Hamilton on this and I think it's very much a lost opportunity that he, Joshua and others missed the opportunity to unite rather than perpetuate the division.

I do wonder how far we go with this line of reasoning though and question what, other than a bit of point scoring, purpose it serves.

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23 minutes ago, Raja Clavata said:

Who, along with Audi, also sponsor Tottenham Hotspur Football Club, who have a Jewish Chairman and are based in an area of London heavily populated by the Jewish community...

I don't agree with Hamilton on this and I think it's very much a lost opportunity that he, Joshua and others missed the opportunity to unite rather than perpetuate the division.

I do wonder how far we go with this line of reasoning though and question what, other than a bit of point scoring, purpose it serves.

i was impressed with the statement that Richi Shunak...(chancelleor of the exchequer) issued............

Prime Minister in -waiting methinks in the future......

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Total hypocrite, he was fighting with his conscience the other month over his racing cars and harming the environment soon forgotten when the £££ rolls in ,and coming from mixed race family can he really comment without upsetting one side of the family  or the other 

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Just now, ditchman said:

i was impressed with the statement that Richi Shunak...(chancelleor of the exchequer) issued............

Prime Minister in -waiting methinks in the future......

Didn't see it, but I agree he's good and personally feel the sooner he's made PM the better 👍

Edited by Raja Clavata
Talking of point scoring, lol
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Mercedes, Audi and Hugo had associations with the Nazis in the past,  those associations no longer exist today.

Slavery still exists in a different form. Racism still exists. Hamilton is entitled to an opinion whether it carries any weight is in the purview of the listeners.

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9 hours ago, Benthejockey said:

He wants a kick right in the mangina. Self serving supercilious little *****. Every time there some band wagon on the roll he jumps on it in his vegan loafers. 


9 hours ago, Gordon R said:

In common with Anthony Joshua, he seems to forget who pays him. The problem with celebs speaking out is that they never think it through. Quick to jump on a popular bandwagon, when their own situation would hardly stand scrutiny.

He might mean well, but I don't agree with him.

Bang on

41 minutes ago, ditchman said:

i was impressed with the statement that Richi Shunak...(chancelleor of the exchequer) issued............

Prime Minister in -waiting methinks in the future......

I’ve been saying this from Day 1 👍

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40 minutes ago, ditchman said:

i was impressed with the statement that Richi Shunak...(chancelleor of the exchequer) issued............

Prime Minister in -waiting methinks in the future......

Agree, he looks like the future. Certainly amongst the best of the current  front bench. 

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2 minutes ago, Hamster said:

Take HAMILTON out of it for a minute, does that statue belong in a place of reverence or at the bottom of the sea, B is the correct answer. May he rot in hell. 

Let us not forget that whilst he traded in slaves the actual "slavers" were predominantly Arab or African who seem to be conveniently forgotten when this issue is discussed. 

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10 minutes ago, Hamster said:

Take HAMILTON out of it for a minute, does that statue belong in a place of reverence or at the bottom of the sea, B is the correct answer. May he rot in hell. 

Wrong answer.

Bristol, as we know it today would not exist without benevolence of slave traders with guilty consciences.  They built schools, bequeathed scholarships (including to one of my farm-labourer ancestors) and so forth.

To tear down this part of history simply because it doesn't fit the latest fad for mob-rule as some kind atonement for past sins is a pathetically weak argument.  Anybody who thinks that statue was 'revered' is completely mis-guided.

I understand toppling Saddam's statue, or Lenin, or (insert crazed dictator here) - because that happened in living memory and the people tearing down said edifice suffered under their despotic regime.  But none of the rentamob has suffered because of Colston's actions.  Indeed, if they were students in Bristol, they benefited from it.

As for Hamilton, maybe he should look closer to home, that is, Switzerland, and start lecturing the Swiss about their lack of diversity.  Also, why does he insist on wearing girl's earrings?

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10 hours ago, Modafinale said:

Question should Lewis Hamilton tweet about black oppression and removal of slavery Statue’s ?


The reason I ask is because he makes millions of dollars driving for Mercedes who 70 years ago also made lots of Deutschmark’s working for the Adolf Hitler and using slave labourers from concentration camps ? 

I must add I’m being Devils advocate, just wondering if anyone else thinks it’s slightly short sighted or foolish  

I have thought all along that Germany's use of slaves seems to have been conveniently forgotten in all this

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Ripping down a monument does what exactly? They ripped down saddams effigy but does that erase him and his actions from history? I bet you can find one or two Iraqis who say not. Everybody is offended by everything and disgusted by the actions of our ancestors nowadays as if it makes a blind bit of difference. I'm related back to some Norman's who came over in 1066, those bloody French coming over here slaying our potential king and then ruling the country for years after, I do apologise for my forebears. We could go further back and look at neanderthal and homosapien man, you can bet your last werthers original that the homosapiens discriminated against neanderthals and used them as slaves and treated them with extreme prejudice, again sorry for the actions of my forebears. Sounds ridiculous doesn't it. What has happened in the past cannot be undone and should serve as a reminder of what we did wrong and what not to do again and not as a stick to beat us with when one particular group of snowflakes get emotional. 

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Take HAMILTON out of it for a minute, does that statue belong in a place of reverence or at the bottom of the sea, B is the correct answer. May he rot in hell. 

If there had been no statue already, one would hardly have been erected, but it is part of history. I doubt that many thought what a great man he was. Some will point out that he made money from slavery. I would have thought it better to have kept it as a reminder of how far the World has come. Not very far according to some, but I cannot agree with them.

What is the view on Churchill - suddenly labelled a racist?

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56 minutes ago, Hamster said:

Take HAMILTON out of it for a minute, does that statue belong in a place of reverence or at the bottom of the sea, B is the correct answer. May he rot in hell. 

The correct answer is what the people of Bristol want - not what a violent and out of control mob wants.

There was a civilised poll run by the local newspaper, the Bristol Post, in which 56% of the respondents said it should stay while 44% wanted it to go.

The democratic outcome should (and did at the time) prevail.  But the mob don't believe in democracy - they want rule by violence and force imposing their will.

The statue seems likely to be recovered and installed in a museum, which seems a sensible outcome.  Thiose who don't want to see it - don't visit the museum.

The BAD thing is that mob rule has won - and that is bad and increasingly common sadly.

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I think he's what we call here in the Midlands a idiot. And always has been. When I see him I think of the title of that book title "The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 13 3/4". And why on earth that Scherzinger girl wasted her time on him. Notwithstanding that she was also old enough to be his mother.

The Colston statue is different as apparently there was dispute over those that had wanted to add a supplementary metal plaque referencing Colston's primary source of wealth being slaving. Yet the Society that was a third party to the matter objected to the wording preferring an airbrushed version. So some feared it would never have that supplementary plaque fitted.


I wrote a letter to the London Evening Standard after Priti Patel's statement on the toppling of the Bristol statue:

"I saw Priti Patel on television saying that the pulling down of the Colston statue was "disgraceful". Just seeing her re-affirms that she just doesn't "get it" and is as stupid an individual as I'd always thought. Colston's statue in modern Bristol is as offensive and indefensible as statues of Nathan Bedford Forrest in modern day USA. But Colston's statue has gone yet the plinth it stood on remains vacant. I going to crowdfund (and ask Priti Patel for a donation) to replace it with a statue of Idi Amin. A man whom many Ugandans in Kampala, and elsewhere, also still, today, hold in esteem for his improvements to that city. Perhaps she'll "get it" then?"


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