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big cat

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just inform feo of the date that you submitted your request to GP, and that their response is...." ...whenever... blah, blah.."...

The matter then is out of your hands and you have done your best to comply with a....er, a....part of the ACPO wish list. So if it does not appear "in time " for them to issue your renewal, you will expect a temporary one to tide you over until the ....yes,.just play their game !

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I took mine recently, the lovely receptionist said due to Covid the Drs were not doing any not essential paperwork so she refused to accept it!

I put it in an envelope posted it under the door when they were closed! Stating the name and contact details of my FEO asking them to contact them if their were any problems. And that it was a Police Scotland Request for Information.

My FEO said she will take over and chase it from their end.

So far no invoice either.

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11 hours ago, Vince Green said:

My Dr was all over it like a rash when I had to do it for my PSV licences. £150 for ten minutes work, cash

And you can bet your backside it wasn't put through the books to be taxed. Cash changing hands is hard to trace

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