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Is it over


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Am I the only one that thinks we are over CV-19? Deaths and infections have fallen significantly. People don’t seem as worried about it now. It’s all about minimising the economic impact and the inevitable social unrest that will follow (whether due to poverty or race). 

And I’m getting my haircut this afternoon. 

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1 minute ago, henry d said:

Not convinced, from what I am seeing locally, and nationally, and other people telling me, I think there will be a spike, how big depends on how fast the gummint move to stop it.

Other countries that eased lockdown before us have not seen a spike. If there is one it will be in the winter imo

Edited by AVB
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From my own observations having worked for the last 12 weeks in a Covid clinical assessment pod that covers a large area of Merseyside  I can say in the last 2-3 weeks the amount of referrals into the service for seeing and assessing patients face 2 face with confirmed Covid has decreased hugely. I am still seeing a few patients who have had confirmed  Covid in previous weeks and months who have had resurgence of symptoms but have swabbed negative. Mostly these individual have had underlying chest conditions such as asthma, copd, emphysema, diabetes among a few others. The good news is for many of these patients their representing symptoms have resulted in a lot milder illness in relation to their underlying condition and and most I have been able to manage at home with self care advice, and /or acute prescriptions and timely follow up review from own gp for clinical review.

We are well into the pollen season so seeing lots of people in the pod with allergic Rhinitis (hey fever) as onset of cough and  patients with exacerbation's of asthma to exclude Covid.

On the whole still having neonates, babies, infants, young children, younger adults and older adults referred who have any many symptoms which have an associated a fever, cough or breathing difficulties to clinical assess face 2 face as many of these have unlikely covid infection  but require assessing to find other focus for fever, cough or breathing difficulties and to hopefully exclude /confirm unlikely Covid infection.

Encouraging that I have not sent a  single patient into hospital  in the last two weeks with a suspected Covid pneumonia, ARDS or pulmonary embolism which are all associated severe symptoms in rare circumstances however, I had seen many patients with these presenting symptoms throughout the most severe periods of the pandemic. 


Speaking again with our Medical lead again last week and I mentioned the 2020 flu season, though it is a good few months off that some years it  raises it's head a little earlier. The response was that we as a trust and provider to the wider nhs services are not reducing our services in response to Covid anytime soon so the wider area gp's ambulance service, nhs 111 etc can continue to refer patients to us.  I was told the  infrastructure that has been put in place for the pandemic will more than likely remain over winter as part of strategic planning. I have not been privy to the costs but can imagine from my experience in my area that they have been significant. 

 It comes as no surprise to me and would expect infrastructure to be kept in place for a possible second wave in light of the lessening of the present restrictions so as to support the wider nhs services.

The office of National statistics and the media focus heavily upon deaths, what has not been widely reported on has been the sheer numbers of face 2 face and non face 2 face consultations in relation to covid symptoms that have taken place and the impact of reduced burden of hospital avoidable admissions.  Conversely, as others have mentioned in the thread there will have been many other nhs and private services that have been reduced or virtually stood down. Very unfortunately this has resulted in reduced services and poorer outcomes for patients in both the short and long term who have been awaiting elective surgery, curative treatments among many others.

It will be interesting when all the data becomes available.

For the present regarding the Covid severity of physical impact things appear to improving. Will also be interesting to see how recent public gatherings impact on infection rates and outcomes.

Certainly in my experience the wider public do not seem as concerned.


AVB, did you get your haircut? and if so, was it cut at length on the end of a long reach hedge trimmer. :lol:



Edited by 7daysinaweek
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1 hour ago, 7daysinaweek said:

From my own observations having worked for the last 12 weeks in a Covid clinical assessment pod that covers a large area of Merseyside  I can say in the last 2-3 weeks the amount of referrals into the service for seeing and assessing patients face 2 face with confirmed Covid has decreased hugely. I am still seeing a few patients who have had confirmed  Covid in previous weeks and months who have had resurgence of symptoms but have swabbed negative. Mostly these individual have had underlying chest conditions such as asthma, copd, emphysema, diabetes among a few others. The good news is for many of these patients their representing symptoms have resulted in a lot milder illness in relation to their underlying condition and and most I have been able to manage at home with self care advice, and /or acute prescriptions and timely follow up review from own gp for clinical review.

We are well into the pollen season so seeing lots of people in the pod with allergic Rhinitis (hey fever) as onset of cough and  patients with exacerbation's of asthma to exclude Covid.

On the whole still having neonates, babies, infants, young children, younger adults and older adults referred who have any many symptoms which have an associated a fever, cough or breathing difficulties to clinical assess face 2 face as many of these have unlikely covid infection  but require assessing to find other focus for fever, cough or breathing difficulties and to hopefully exclude /confirm unlikely Covid infection.

Encouraging that I have not sent a  single patient into hospital  in the last two weeks with a suspected Covid pneumonia, ARDS or pulmonary embolism which are all associated severe symptoms in rare circumstances however, I had seen many patients with these presenting symptoms throughout the most severe periods of the pandemic. 


Speaking again with our Medical lead again last week and I mentioned the 2020 flu season, though it is a good few months off that some years it  raises it's head a little earlier. The response was that we as a trust and provider to the wider nhs services are not reducing our services in response to Covid anytime soon so the wider area gp's ambulance service, nhs 111 etc can continue to refer patients to us.  I was told the  infrastructure that has been put in place for the pandemic will more than likely remain over winter as part of strategic planning. I have not been privy to the costs but can imagine from my experience in my area that they have been significant. 

 It comes as no surprise to me and would expect infrastructure to be kept in place for a possible second wave in light of the lessening of the present restrictions so as to support the wider nhs services.

The office of National statistics and the media focus heavily upon deaths, what has not been widely reported on has been the sheer numbers of face 2 face and non face 2 face consultations in relation to covid symptoms that have taken place and the impact of reduced burden of hospital avoidable admissions.  Conversely, as others have mentioned in the thread there will have been many other nhs and private services that have been reduced or virtually stood down. Very unfortunately this has resulted in reduced services and poorer outcomes for patients in both the short and long term who have been awaiting elective surgery, curative treatments among many others.

It will be interesting when all the data becomes available.

For the present regarding the Covid severity of physical impact things appear to improving. Will also be interesting to see how recent public gatherings impact on infection rates and outcomes.

Certainly in my experience the wider public do not seem as concerned.


AVB, did you get your haircut? and if so, was it cut at length on the end of a long reach hedge trimmer. 



That’s seems promising. I have no idea what the end cost will be for this. A friend of mine is a nurse at a London hospital (no idea what type of nurse). Over the last couple of months she has been making comments about how much she is raking in on overtime, along with all of the free meals she is getting. I don’t begrudge her that. However, she then said that she has been off sick for the past three weeks. When I asked what was wrong she replied “nothing I just fancied a break after working such long hours. We have been told to put it down as stress”. She failed to see that she was doing anything wrong. 

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16 hours ago, 7daysinaweek said:

Certainly in my experience the wider public do not seem as concerned.

Wider public thinks it's done pal, although I'm still seeing people wearing masks, someone on the M6 yesterday in gloves and mask on their own,??

Personally we're just avoiding places with large gatherings,  plenty of places to go that aren't full of sheep, although the kids are missing school.

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17 hours ago, AVB said:

That’s seems promising. I have no idea what the end cost will be for this. A friend of mine is a nurse at a London hospital (no idea what type of nurse). Over the last couple of months she has been making comments about how much she is raking in on overtime, along with all of the free meals she is getting. I don’t begrudge her that. However, she then said that she has been off sick for the past three weeks. When I asked what was wrong she replied “nothing I just fancied a break after working such long hours. We have been told to put it down as stress”. She failed to see that she was doing anything wrong. 

 I would gauge that the the nhs  overtime/bank/agency/locum costs as a whole will have increased for specialist areas,  some  monetary savings will have been made by transferring staff  from other services which have been reduced in the pandemic to the front line so helping to reduce the need for locum/agency etc.  

re your friend, It is more than likely most of us in our working lives have experienced colleagues who adopt that poor approach to their work ethic. In my experience individuals with these behaviors are not team players and only increase workload for colleagues. Sad that she happy to take the pay then now has took absence for  several weeks for non genuine sickness. She must be pulling the wool over her gp's eyes. 


3 hours ago, Mice! said:

Wider public thinks it's done pal, although I'm still seeing people wearing masks, someone on the M6 yesterday in gloves and mask on their own,??

Personally we're just avoiding places with large gatherings,  plenty of places to go that aren't full of sheep, although the kids are missing school.

Hope you are all well K, we are doing the same. On my way out yesterday evening with the airifle I passed a very local pub, I would estimate there were over a hundred people on the grassed beer garden at the front. Caught me as a bit of a surprise as I pass it every day on my way to work and obviously over the pandemic it has been shut. Anyroads they appeared to be enjoying themselves very much 🍺


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4 hours ago, 7daysinaweek said:

Hope you are all well K, we are doing the same. On my way out yesterday evening with the airifle I passed a very local pub, I would estimate there were over a hundred people on the grassed beer garden at the front. Caught me as a bit of a surprise as I pass it every day on my way to work and obviously over the pandemic it has been shut. Anyroads they appeared to be enjoying themselves very much 🍺

That's what I mean, folk have had enough,  things were relaxed an inch and people took a mile, many like me will have had no experience of this virus, so many are returning to normal. 

We've been out all day trying to find a friend's dog that ran off during the week, people everywhere looking with no joy, but while on the canal it was busy with people,  only thing different was the pub wasn't open, I could have murdered an icecream or beer.

The government might as well say right everything is open and returning to normal for all the good this semi lockdown thing is kind of doing,  open the pubs, shops and send people back to work, then see how it plans out?

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On 13/06/2020 at 16:41, Bigbob said:

Surely they will have to wait 2 weeks to see if the numbers rise from all the rioteers ?>

And that's the thing isn't it, we've now heard "the numbers will be back up in two weeks thanks too..." and then replace as applicable with sunny day\bank holiday\BLM protest 1\ BLM protest 2 etc etc and the numbers either stay the same or reduce depending on which part of the country you're in.

Personally my job has had me working between the North East and London and I do see that traffic is closer to 'normal' now and people are now gathering in larger groups, social distancing although enforced at entry to shops is pretty much ignored by people once inside and more people are seemingly trying to get on with life - take out food and drinks from the shops that they'd usually sit in and more people having a drink together again.

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