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Dog's diet


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With my dog having the possible early stages of epilepsy and having done a fair chunk reading I have changed his diet over a few days to a mixture of gluten free kibble and raw minced turkey. So far he scoffs it down and what comes out the back end has been reduced by at least 50% and a lot firmer, I hope and prey its going to help the little fella. 

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There is no question that you care a great deal for your dog and you will do whatever it takes to get on top of the condition.

It may not be relevant but my Border terrier had seizures and fits in his second and third years, about three times per year. All I did during these episodes was to wrap him up in my arms until the problem passed. From his fourth year onwards he never had any more problems of this nature.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yesterday little Stan was back at the vet's for a check up its now a month since the last fit and I was discussing his new diet. The vet said they don't agree with a total raw food diet as the dog dosnt get all it needs from it. Not sure how animal's in the wild fair as there's no kibble for them out there. Anyhow looking how Stan is they said there's a possibility that he may not have any more episodes so for the time being I will hang onto that as I like to think I'm optimistic. 

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