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Experience needed

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Hello all, 

I’m in March, Cambridgeshire and in need of some rifle experience. I’ve got my FAC but only for a semi auto 12 bore. I need a bit more experience before I can apply for a variation and get a .22LR added to my ticket. 
unfortunately I don’t have anything to offer in return Shooting wise but I thought this was the best place to start and ask for help. 
many thanks,


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I was told by the fao that I need more experience (someone to vouch for me) as I can’t prove my experience with a rifle due to the little experience I have being obtained in Canada.
I’ve held a SGC for sometime which is why the section one shotgun was issued. it was agreed that once I’ve got a bit more experience it would be easier to apply for a variation than refuse my application and re apply.

im not aware of any clubs apart from Cambridge GC which have only been to a few times. 

I do have a permission that was needing to be cleared by a different police authority but COVID came and stopped everything in its tracks.

its all a bit long winded but hopefully that gives you an idea!

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This leaves you 2 options, as until that land is cleared for .22lr , you technically dont have a reason to possess the .22.
A full membership at a club would give you that , but could involve a probationary period.
Getting experience with a calibre is difficult if dont know anyone with that calibre to mentor you, and I must admit , Ive never heard anyone with good reason being asked to be mentored in .22lr.

The strange one is , do you have land for the sec 1 shotgun ?
As you also need a reason to possess that too, unless of course you are a member of a PSG club ?

I would ask for some clarification from the FEO , do they want reason , or a mentor , before they grant.

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18 minutes ago, Percy78 said:

 I do have land for the sec 1 shotgun. Unfortunately the permission for the .22 is under Lincolnshire police and seemed to cause a headache all round. 
Thanks for the replies Rewulf. It’s much appreciated!

No problem , push them to get that land cleared, and if all else fails PM me , and Ill either mentor you , or put you in one of my clubs to get your 'reason' while you wait for them to get their act together.
I know its a trek to Notts, but the best I can offer :good:

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13 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

No problem , push them to get that land cleared, and if all else fails PM me , and Ill either mentor you , or put you in one of my clubs to get your 'reason' while you wait for them to get their act together.
I know its a trek to Notts, but the best I can offer :good:

That’s a fantastic offer and very much appreciated!

8 minutes ago, figgy said:

What about fac air as a way of getting a foot in the door and being able to clear some pests.

Push the force to clear the land then you have a reason to possess a .22 LR.

Thanks figgy. I’ll certainly look into that.

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2 minutes ago, figgy said:

Some will grant fac air rather than powder burners. A nice .25 cal air rifle can do all you would likely do with a .22 lr


Great offer from Rewulf, PW at its best.

I’ve never even given that avenue any thought. It’s something I will definitely investigate. 

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5 minutes ago, Percy78 said:

I’ve never even given that avenue any thought. It’s something I will definitely investigate. 

The only issue with that is the land will still need clearing, the FEO will look at FAC air as only slightly less dangerous than .22lr.
Dont forget , some FAC air guns are 100 ft lb , and you dont get to specify on the application that its only such and such power.
If theres a problem clearing one , if wont make a huge difference clearing another.

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3 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

The only issue with that is the land will still need clearing, the FEO will look at FAC air as only slightly less dangerous than .22lr.
Dont forget , some FAC air guns are 100 ft lb , and you dont get to specify on the application that its only such and such power.
If theres a problem clearing one , if wont make a huge difference clearing another.

Good point! I think my first job should be chasing up the land being cleared!

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32 minutes ago, bruno22rf said:

Done this before - couple of hours with an experience gun then a note to the FEO giving an opinion on the suitability of the applicant. Quite happy to do it again if you need but I'm in Bucks . 

That’s incredibly kind of you bruno22rf. I just may take you up on that offer at some point.

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6 hours ago, Percy78 said:

Hello all, 

I’m in March, Cambridgeshire and in need of some rifle experience. I’ve got my FAC but only for a semi auto 12 bore. I need a bit more experience before I can apply for a variation and get a .22LR added to my ticket. 
unfortunately I don’t have anything to offer in return Shooting wise but I thought this was the best place to start and ask for help. 
many thanks,


There is a rifle and pistol club next door to you at Mepal.  Its called Isle Target Sports Club.

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