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wich CZ 452 Varmint


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just been to order my new varmint but got conflicting advice on barrel length !!! so now don,t know wether to buy a 16" or 18" version !!!! :rolleyes:

anybody got any suggestions-ideas PLEASE !!!!!!!


shaun :lol:



I dont have any experience with the 18" but this week I bought the 16" and am really pleased with it especially the SAK mod I fitted, its perfect for using in the truck. It shot good tight groups straight out of the box.


B) D2D

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I'm going for the 16" model (American though). You drop 40fps of velocity with the 16" barrel compared to the 18" (although I could swear the longer one is 21", losing you 41fps). Anyway, what's 40fps off of 2550 going to change? Those bunnies are still going down and you have a gun that's much easier to handle. Go for the shorter model :rolleyes:

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I have the varmint with the long barrel. When I bought it I was happy because I do a lot of "stalking" style shooting, so length wasnt a problem (waits for a barrage of jokes.....)


Hovever, since I got it I have done nothing but lamping from vehicles, shooting from windows etc. I must confess it is a bit bulky for that, so I am looking to get it chopped, maybe to 14 1/2 or 15 inches. I use a SAK mod.


I have been quoted £30 for shortening, crown and rethread which sounds reasonable to me. Having looked on here it seems that everyone who has done it seems happy.


The only thing that worries me is the balance as I take a few standing shots - views anyone?


Personally, I'd get the 16.

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