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Not had One of These for a Long Time!


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Answered my mobile at work to be greeted by a chap with an awful accent that I couldn't fathom. I asked him to slowly repeat what he was saying.


Turned out he wanted to speak to me about a recent minor road accident.


I slowly took in what he was saying and then politely informed him that as he was wasting my time I was now wasting his.


How very rude, he just hung up!

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I think I mentioned this before but bears re telling. I was having a very pleasant lunch both edible and drinkable alongside the river down near Fairfor the guest of a very good friend who was a Solicitor. His moblie buzzed and he apologised but on answering began a very long conversation with some young lady about double glazing. He has the gift of the gab as do most good lawyers. After at least 15 minutes, with cheeky glances at the rest of us at the table he very politely told the young lady he was really noy interested as he had just had all his windows in his three storey home replaced by one of their competitors, giving her a plausible name.   Brilliant.  We all fell about laughing.


Edited by Walker570
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I say yes ive been in a accident and they put you threw to the call centre and can you confirm youve had a accident and the reg of your car i randomly pick a date and pick the first car reg i see out the window . Then how bad where your injuries ?  when i reply i DIED the hang up . 

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I just make out that I am an assassin. The reference to an accident being the code word for the 'hit'.

had one yesterday...in a very husky voice I said "it is done. There was more blood than usual so you will need to send the clean-up team in. There was a witness so,I did a 'two for one', next time you will be invoiced"....the phone went very quiet

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As funny as our experiences are, it does worry me that without some people actively taking them up on the offer of fighting a case, these must fall on to one of two categories;

1. Chancers, out for whatever they can get.

2. Idiots who just don't know or care.

Ultimately if nobody responded, just cut them off, the trade would die out.

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Me: "oh yes, that's brilliant - can you just hold on a minute I was in the middle of something"

Them: "Certainly sir" (you can't do accents on the written word :D )

Me: puts the phone down and continues watching telly for a while (or whatever) then picks the phone up "Are you still there?"

Them: "Yes sir"

Me: "Thank you so very much for holding for so long" and then I hang up

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