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Stick making help please


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Hi all, well after a solid week beating/picking up it's come to an abrupt end so thought I'd try and make a stick. . . . I realise it won't be easy yet have faith with some help from this forum; maybe?

I have loads of hawthorn bushes/trees around me but don't seem able to find a hazel, is using hawthorn plausible on am I on a hiding to nothing or shall I find something else?

I gather I should find a straight bit and let it dry a while; right lads?

Any help would be appreciated


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Hi, l make quite a lot of sticks as shown in photo. Hawthorn is a good wood for a stick but needs a reasonable straight bit.  Sticks normally need storing for about 12 months to dry out and they do shrink. Then straighten and use to make stick. Good luck with it


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Really any reasonably straight piece of wood will do. I even have a stalking stick made from a Lawsonia. It is very lightweight but flexible and strong enough to act as a third leg crossing ditches etc.  Yes, blackthorn/hazel/ash probably everyones favorite ..maybe add holly to that list  but a hawthorn would be similar to blackthorn and when the bark is rubbed down with wire wool the colour is very attractive.  In short, the worlds your oyster and great pity you are so far away or you could go manic in my wood where there must be a thousand choices of ash/hazel/blackthorn.  I am coppicing this winter and there will be a load of hazel and some ash which if not used for hedge laying or sticks will get burned.  Anyone within striking distance of CV9 is welcome to come and help themselves.  

Better if the stick is thoroughly dry having rested for a year or more  BUT it doesn't have to be if you just want to make a basic thumb stick as it can dry out afterwards.

I have some ash which have died with this ash die back disease and I would say they are pretty dry to start with.

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Hello, is there no hazel where you go beating? But as said would need drying out, you can buy shanks cheap enough already dried, is there a stick maker near you ? I have made 2 sticks to pick up cartridges and just doing another one, hazel shaft with antler top, owner wanted it same as mine, ideal to save bending down 🤔😀

Edited by oldypigeonpopper
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As said, the most commonly used wood for sticks is hazel and blackthorn but hawthorn, ash, holly and rowan can all be used but have different characteristics. All need to be seasoned for around 12 months.

If you have access to roe antler, thumbsticks can be produced quite easily as the ones I`ve made show. Some more amateurish(the first ones made) than others. If I can make them, anyone can !

The one on the right was from a eucalyptus shoot that when cut was green and within a few months turned a deep red.

The antler is joined to the shafts with studding epoxyed (spelling ?) into the antler and the shaft.



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1 hour ago, bottletopbill said:

Old boggy sticks work well had mine about six months still great so thank's again. Had the same as the tallest one in  photo

Thanks Bill.

Glad that the stick was OK.

Hope that the Op went well and that you are now up and running.



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Hawthorne was my first beating stick , lasted a few good years , last 8-9 years been using the same blackthorn, gets straightened every year & a service! Bit early for cutting yet , sap still be up , give another month or two , once you get your eye in , spot a decent stick at 30yds .....

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16 hours ago, bottletopbill said:

Knee is more trouble now after total  knee replacement  Doctor want's re do it. No way will keep using the stick.





Very sorry to hear that. Hope that you have a good outcome eventually, whichever you decide.


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