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Beretta Gunpod 1 for Xplor 400 etc £75 posted


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In good used condition .Counts the number shots,power of cartridges temp etc etc. 


CAUTION: Before handling the GunPod ensure that the firearm is not loaded, that there are no cartridges in the maga- zine, receiver and chamber. Inspect the firearm by looking through the ejection port, the loading gate and the chamber.
The Beretta GunPod is a multifunctional electronic device housed in a polymer in- sert in the pistol grip cap, and offers the possibility of:
• counting the total number of shots (not re- settable)
• counting partial shots (up to 7 resettable sessions)
• measuring the outdoor temperature in C and F degrees (thermometer)
• providing an indication of the energy of ammunition fired
The GunPod is a revolutionary device be- cause it provides a count of fired shots even when the battery pack is not inserted or the battery is flat. The battery has the only function of powering the display screen which provides information related to the GunPod functions.
CAUTION: The GunPod is offered as a standard component on some specific models, and may be applied upon re- quest to the grip of your Beretta shot-
gun, if its design allows housing a Gun- Pod. In this case, the black polymer in- sert is located on the cap (the bottom part of the grip), with the words "Ready for GunPod" clearly visible.
CAUTION: Request the assistance of qualified personnel to replace or repair your GunPod. Do not carry out repairs on the GunPod without adequate kno- wledge and experience. Never alter any part of the device, and use only original Beretta spare parts.
POWER: The GunPod is powered by a NON RECHARGEABLE battery (type: VARTA 6620 101 501 lithium manganese 3V 70mA/h CR 1620). It is not necessary to remove the battery from a device that is not used for long periods of time.
• Press the ON button to activate the di- splay and select the desired function.
• Every time you turn on the GunPod by
pressing the ON button, the display screen shows the last function selected.
WARNING: When not in use, the display screen will turn off automatically after ap- prox. 5-6 seconds. The display screen does not light up when the shotgun is firing.
• The partial shots counter will remain ac- tive for five seconds, then the screen will display the last function used prior to the screen turning off.

• To move on to the next function, press the ON button.
cates the shooting session (of the device memory can store from 1 to 7 sessions). The remaining numbers to the right of the dash represent the shots fired (from 0 to 9,999). The procedure to change the ses- sion displayed is as follows:
1. By holding the ON button down for three seconds, the session number begins to flash (the first number on the display screen, number 1 of the example in Fi- gure).
2. By releasing and pressing the ON but- ton, the number of the shooting session increases (from 1 to 7).
3. By holding the ON button down for a fur- ther five seconds, the numbers of shots fired begins to flash (numbers to the right of the dash).
4. By releasing and holding the ON button down for three seconds, the number in- dicating the shots fired in the session is reset at zero.
5. By not pressing the ON button within five seconds, you exit the procedure for changing the session, and the menu re- turns to the session and the relative number of shots.
Every time you turn on the GunPod by pres- sing the ON button, the display shows the last function selected.
NOTICE: In case you need to go back to a previously interrupted session, it is possible to start the shotcounting again by repeating the above instruction points 1 and 2.
It displays the numerical indication (bet- ween 0 and 99) of the energy of the last cartridge fired.
 The counter displays the total number of shots fired in the entire service life of the gun, and cannot be reset.
WARNING: In a new shotgun, the GunPod may have a total number of shots resulting from function tests performed at the Fac- tory.
The GunPod stores over 450,000 shots in its memory, and once that threshold is rea- ched, the counter stops without resetting at zero.
WARNING: The Beretta GunPod may pre- sent an error of ± 3% in the total count of the shots fired.
  (Session 1 shot #75)
The counter displays the number of shots fired in the last shooting session that you want to register.
The first number on the display screen indi-

CAUTION: The Beretta GunPod device does not provide a Unit of Measure, but an indication of the cartridge energy (in- direct value). The GunPod was designed to read the energy of new Factory car- tridges which meet international CIP and SAAMI® specifications. The use of de- fective, improper, hand loaded, reloaded or re-constructed ammunition may pro- vide incorrect energy indications. The use of such ammunition could cause product malfunctions and may void the Manufacturer's warranty.
CAUTION: The value displayed may vary from cartridge to cartridge (even if they are the same type, weight and brand), even with the same type of firearm and user, due to the cartridge load and the shooter’s posture.
By holding the ON button down for 10 se- conds, you can convert the numeric indi- cation into a horizontal bar representation (see figure).
Horizontal bar display of the maximum energy
Every time you turn on the GunPod by pres- sing the ON button, the display shows the last function selected.
The GunPod offers the possibility of com- paring two different types of cartridges, even having the same load, by a simple procedure:
• fire 3 cartridges of the second type (B) • access the Cartridges Session-Test fun- ction, which will display the average va- lues indicative of the energy of the two
types of cartridges.
Cartridge of first type (A), medium value 45; cartridge of second type (B), medium value 52.
The GunPod always stores in its memory the values recorded for the last 6 cartridges fired, therefore the cartridge comparison mode is always operative: by accessing the cartridges Session-Test, you can see the average values of the last 6th -5th -4th and 3rd -2nd -1st last cartridges fired.
It is however possible to clear the stored average values by holding the ON button down for 5 seconds.
WARNING: The indicative values of the cartridge energy can be stored only if the battery is charged.
This displays the ambient temperature
The reading is provided in Celsius or Fa- hrenheit.
   • fire 3 cartridges of the first type (A)

 To select the unit of measure for tempera- ture, hold the ON button down for five se- conds.
In the steps following this Entry, the last se- lection will be displayed.
WARNING: Temperature measurement ranges from -25° C/-13°F to +70° C/158°F, with a possible error in the order of ± 1.5%.
WARNING: Take into consideration a cer- tain thermal inertia from the beginning of temperature reading. To measure the ac- tual temperature as opposed to the initial temperature, the thermometer needs at least 20-30 minutes.
Temperature range for the following appli- cations:
for reading the fired cartridges: -20°C ÷ +60°C / -4°F ÷ 140°F for displaying the reading: -10°C ÷ +60°C / +14°F ÷ 140°F
The flat battery icon begins to flash in every menu entry.
WARNING: Under certain conditions, a slight noise can be heard while handling the GunPod, caused by the mobile mass used to detect the fired cartridges.
WARNING: The GunPod Beretta device is assigned code IP57 (IP = International Pro- tection). This code describes the degree of
protection provided by the casing against access to hazardous parts, the introduction of solid foreign bodies, and the harmful ef- fects of water. Degree IP57 allows the pe- netration of dust in quantities that do not to impair the proper functioning of the device, nor compromise safety. The Beretta Gun- Pod is also protected against temporary or continuous immersion in water.
• Be sure to insert the new battery correc- tly, observing the symbols to position the positive (+) and negative (-) poles of each battery.
• Use batteries of the specified size and type.
• Store batteries in a cool, dry place at ambient temperature.
• Dispose of batteries in accordance with local regulations. Some batteries can be recycled, and it may be possible to di- spose of them at your local recycling centre. If you can not identify the appli- cable rules for your area, check the bat- tery manufacturer's instructions.
• Improper management of battery dispo- sal can result in fire hazards, explosion or chemical combustion.
• Do not disassemble, puncture, modify, drop, throw on the ground or otherwise damage the batteries.
• Do not attempt to dispose of the batte- ries in a fire or garbage incineration, nor must you leave them in places with high temperatures, such as a car under the sun.
• Do not store batteries near ovens, wood stoves or other heat sources.
• Do not connect batteries directly to a power source, such as the mains of hou- ses or cars.
• Do not place batteries in a microwave oven or any other high-pressure contai- ner.
• Do not immerse batteries in water or get them wet in other ways.
• Do not cause short circuits in batteries,

for example by leaving them in pockets or purses in contact with other metal ob- jects that could cause short circuits.
• Do not use batteries that are leaking, that look faded, rusted or warped, that emit smell or have other anomalies.
• Avoid direct contact with leaking batte- ries. Wear protective fabrics to remove these batteries and immediately dispose of them properly.
• Do not mix old and new batteries or place used batteries in other devices.
• Do not recharge non-rechargeable bat-
teries or recharge the batteries accor- ding to instructions or equipment that is not expressly specified.
• Do not leave batteries in the hands of children and do not store them places that are accessible to them.
• Do not put the batteries in your mouth. If a battery is swallowed, immediately con- tact a doctor or local poison control cen- tre.


Edited by fallowbuck
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