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pro choice


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Whilst I agree that some matters are individual choice, what we term to be murder versus what we term as a medical procedure is a matter for society to determine not individual conscious. Termination of a child should not become a method of contraception. With over 200,000 procedures each year in the UK it is hard to see it as anything but that.

Except in special circumstances I do not agree with abortion past say 6 weeks, just as I do not agree with infanticide. I know it is not a popular opinion for someone of my generation but it is my opinion. We have babies being euthanised at a stage in pregnancy when they can survive now, with modern medical intervention. 

However let me clarify that as much as I am concerned about the prevalence of abortion I am doubly concerned about the people who protest outside of abortion centres or send hate to those involved. Perversely, whilst life is precious I would happily have those protestors dangling at the end of a rope. 🤷‍♀️

I guess the system we have now is not perfect but is a compromise for a complex situation. 



Edited by WalkedUp
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3 minutes ago, henry d said:

Who fights for the right to life of the, as yet unborn, person? Why is choice higher than life?

Just questions, not a stance.

I’d have to agree with this.
As much as I’m a huge supporter of freedom of choice, it has to come with responsibilities. 
At the other end of the spectrum so to speak, I’m a huge believer that individuals who have no quality of life and wish to do so, have the right to end their lives. 
Not easy topics either way. 

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It's such an emotive subject, so many factors at play with terminations including failures of sex education, failures with contraception etc. As much as there is the argument of protecting the rights of an unborn child, there's the counter argument that what quality of life can an unwanted child expect? It's still very contentious but there is evidence that Roe V Wade in the US was the main driving factor in the reducing crime rate, kids that would have been born into poverty or unwanted were terminated and therefore not born - these kids were likely to be the ones turning to crime and without their presence the crime rate dropped.

I'm no expert but I don't believe many people are routinely using abortion as birth control, the few people I know that have had them have wrestled with the decision and have to live with the consequences of their actions the rest of their life.

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2 hours ago, The Mighty Prawn said:

...It's still very contentious but there is evidence that Roe V Wade in the US was the main driving factor in the reducing crime rate, kids that would have been born into poverty or unwanted were terminated and therefore not born - these kids were likely to be the ones turning to crime and without their presence the crime rate dropped...

Very contentious, no way could you tell if the person would be a criminal or who cured cancer.

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