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The only thing that seems to work to a degree is human presence but unless you plan on spending the next few weeks 24/7 around the pens there's not a lot you can do.

Having said that I did find an article about deterring certain raptors from the release pen area but I think you need a licence from DEFRA/NE…..http://raptorpolitics.org.uk/2017/01/04/a-simple-way-of-preventing-buzzards-predation-within-the-pheasant-pen-using-a-non-lethal-deterrent/

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Whatever you do, it might work in the very short term but they'll soon learn it's no threat and ignore it.

The only surefire way is to be there, and obviously that's going to be difficult!

I've never found kites to be a problem, even though there's hundreds of them around my patch, they usually only ever take advantage of already dead ones.  It's the buzzards which will get in to the pen and kill, but usually they don't make multiple kills so your attrition rate might only be one or two a day.

Tawny owls will do more damage; apparently a tell-tale sign of a tawny kill is the head of the bird having been removed.

You can often work it out if you visit several mornings as early as possible, just after daybreak, because the daytime predators won't have done their work yet but carcasses from overnight owl kills will be on the ground.

You can't rule out something like a goshawk being responsible.  I know little about them, but I know they are deadly and can sometimes latch on to a pen full of juicy pheasants.

A trail camera may help identify the culprit so a more tailored approach can be taken.  Good luck 👍

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