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New Gov't advice for women


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9 hours ago, henry d said:

So, what does the panel think that women should do?

I don't believe any copper would have any issue, with a lone female phoning 999 to confirm a copper, particularly a lone one out of uniform was making a genuine arrest. And that's what I've told my partner to do, if the cop had a problem with that, I'd suggest they are a sycopath trying to abduct them. 

Definitely not blaming Sarah Everard, who could possibly imagine a police officer raping and murdering someone. Got to be honest, the last few days I can't stop thinking about her and her poor family, even the ex wife of Couzens finding out she was married to a psychopath.

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9 hours ago, chrisjpainter said:

Advocating to make women lose abilities taken for granted by men is hardly the way to go about equality.

Which is what I was getting at. Why should women need to behave differently? The fault lies squarely with attitudes toward women, so that means men are at fault.

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12 minutes ago, henry d said:

Which is what I was getting at. Why should women need to behave differently? The fault lies squarely with attitudes toward women, so that means men are at fault.

Here's the problem though henry. The world isn't a "fair" place. Women don't generally go around raping and killing men and men are generally stronger and more aggressive. I totally agree women should not have to change their behaviour, but I want my family to come home safe at the end of the day, so in the same way I look both ways before crossing a road, unfortunately women need to be careful in certain situations, like leaving drinks unattended, walking around on their own late at night ect. 

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9 hours ago, chrisjpainter said:

Advocating to make women lose abilities taken for granted by men is hardly the way to go about equality.

Recruiting better candidates and training them better would go a lot further to keeping women safe from cops than telling the women to stay at home. My partner's in the force and the attitude towards women of a lot of the male officers is pretty shocking. The Met might talk about how the force has moved on, but the culture within it is still very much as it was three four decades ago.

Good post 👍

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17 minutes ago, henry d said:

Which is what I was getting at. Why should women need to behave differently? The fault lies squarely with attitudes toward women, so that means men are at fault.

Picked up on another bit of your post? 

"The fault lies squarely with attitudes toward women"

What planet are you on? You talk as if most men are the problem, it's the complete opposite, I guarantee you, the overwhelming majority of men would step in if they saw a women being assaulted, not so much male on male, even most prisoners won't tolerate sex offenders, murders down to shoplifters and almost every scumbag in between would kill a nonce if put on the same wing in jail as them, they are that disgusted at that sort of behaviour. How the hell is it men's attitudes towards women that's the problem, it's the behaviour of a tiny minority of male psychopaths that's the problem. 

9 hours ago, chrisjpainter said:

Advocating to make women lose abilities taken for granted by men is hardly the way to go about equality.

Recruiting better candidates and training them better would go a lot further to keeping women safe from cops than telling the women to stay at home. My partner's in the force and the attitude towards women of a lot of the male officers is pretty shocking. The Met might talk about how the force has moved on, but the culture within it is still very much as it was three four decades ago.

Got to disagree here, you can't train someone not to be a raping murdering scumbag, its not a training issue, maybe a vetting issue or maybe not, the problem is there'll always be someone who slips the net, same as firearms licensing

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1 hour ago, loriusgarrulus said:

I live in a nice area, but I wouldn't go walking about the village late at night on my own.

I used to go night fishing on the beach with my late husband and to isolated lakes, but now I am on my own I can't risk it.

Its not just men who are a hazard now. There are some yobbish teenage girls about who are a hazard too.

Now I have the worry of dog thieves when I walk the dogs too. 

This is a good point, when we still had a dog, I would go out at any time that suited with no regard or care, while my missus probably wouldn't have gone out after dark down the river alone, no need to as it would always be a risk.

2 hours ago, chrisjpainter said:

But it's not just about the late night pub or club session though. Sarah Everard was stopped by Couzens at 9:30pm, so it's hardly stumbling around a backstreet at 1am. Recommending not walking home alone plays into a much bigger picture - particularly in winter. It's dark by 5pm so any walk home from work is inevitably after dark when it all gets dangerous, even if the streets are busier. It's not fair to suggest a woman has a chaperone just to walk home from work

People walking home from work will be far more aware than someone on a night out, they are likely expected home within a certain time frame.

Let's not forget this was one occasion and not all blokes are like this odd ball. 

But something my wife said was how often do you see a copper out on their own, there nearly always in pairs.

Unfortunately times have changed and a lot of places are far from safe after dark.

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8 minutes ago, Mice! said:

This is a good point, when we still had a dog, I would go out at any time that suited with no regard or care, while my missus probably wouldn't have gone out after dark down the river alone, no need to as it would always be a risk.

People walking home from work will be far more aware than someone on a night out, they are likely expected home within a certain time frame.

Let's not forget this was one occasion and not all blokes are like this odd ball. 

But something my wife said was how often do you see a copper out on their own, there nearly always in pairs.

Unfortunately times have changed and a lot of places are far from safe after dark.

Restaurant or hospital staff at midnight after a full on shift on their feet? 'Dead on their feet' is the phrase most of my friends who did it describe it. And what if they live alone? This isn't absurd hypotheticals that don't really happen in reality. These are real people going about their real lives 

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7 minutes ago, chrisjpainter said:

Restaurant or hospital staff at midnight after a full on shift on their feet? 'Dead on their feet' is the phrase most of my friends who did it describe it. And what if they live alone? This isn't absurd hypotheticals that don't really happen in reality. These are real people going about their real lives 

The point is though, how do you make women safer? 

The only way I can see is women being careful, it's not fair and its not right, but that's the reality of the situation. 

If i cross the road on foot at a junction, the law says I have priority over cars, I'm still going to look because the laws of phisics says I'll loose an argument with a car and it's the same for women, they shouldn't have to take extra care incase a psychopath wants to harm them, but unfortunately it's the only way they can be kept safe. 

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1 hour ago, chrisjpainter said:

Restaurant or hospital staff at midnight after a full on shift on their feet? 'Dead on their feet' is the phrase most of my friends who did it describe it. And what if they live alone? This isn't absurd hypotheticals that don't really happen in reality. These are real people going about their real lives 


1 hour ago, 12gauge82 said:

The only way I can see is women being careful, it's not fair and its not right, but that's the reality of the situation. 

This is it, in the first case you have to look out for yourself,  and that's how my daughter will be raised.

99% of men will never do a thing to harm a woman, we used to go well out of our way making sure 'the girls' got home when we finished work in the pub.

Those women that do live alone and work unsociable hours are probably more switched on than most.

My lad will simply be told have fun when your out, and always help if you see a girl in trouble the same as I was.

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5 minutes ago, old man said:

And sadly that is how this will end up? ? ?

Think is, do that to a minority, like why is there more black on black violent crime, or more Asian grooming gangs and we're told its racist, you can't stop and search more black people ect. 

White male and its fair game, even though the stats aren't there to support it. 

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14 hours ago, henry d said:

So, what does the panel think that women should do?

If they feel vulnerable then they should go armed with anything they feel is justified. 
It’s just my opinion but as folk on here know, I’m a great advocate of law abiding people being able to carry something for self defence. It doesn’t have to be a lethal means, but has to be effective. The irony of this means that depending on what they choose, it may mean they’re no longer law abiding. A sad state of affairs really, but if the state can’t protect individuals, and as is proved on a daily basis,  they can’t, then it’s up to the individual to protect themselves. 

You don’t protect law abiding people by ensuring they’re disarmed. 

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1 hour ago, henry d said:

You still don't see it though do you? Your thoughts were just to increase police presence rather than be proactive.

So what do you propose to do to keep women safe?

Short of something ridiculous like locking all men up. There is nothing sensible that can be done, other than women being careful, I'm not saying its right, but it's the simple sad facts of reality. 

I won't hold my breath for a reply, you seem to simply ignore questions you haven't got an answer for. 

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1 minute ago, clangerman said:

had the police not turned a blind eye to this nuts previous conduct he would not have had the power to stop and detain the victim so  her death is full square a failure by the police nobody else empowered the nut 

That's a good point and without doubt needs addressing. I'm sure heads will roll once it's been investigated. It's very sad it wasn't dealt with at the time, a young woman would very likely still be alive today. 

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