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Squirrel feeding times?


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When have you found the best time to shoot squirrels at the feeders?

I have put trail cams out and they sometimes feed either very very early in the morning or very nearly dark.

There is one downside to this as my sd card is second hand and the date and time is all wrong and I don't know what time they are feeding. What I do know is that it is very dark when some of them are feeding.

What times do you find best?.




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13 minutes ago, harrycatcat1 said:

There is one downside to this as my sd card is second hand and the date and time is all wrong and I don't know what time they are feeding

The card takes the time off the camera, if you don't know how to reset it, then take a photo and see what time it says, then work it out.

I generally find that mornings are best, but the weather will have an effect and make them arrive late.

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5 minutes ago, Ultrastu said:

I've always found squirrels to not come to a feeder at first light .and have found between 1 and 2 hours after dawn .when the sun's up a bit and warming up the winter woods. 

In my experience  

Yes this is what I thought but...

I know it's not the best picture as I've took the picture with my phone from a laptop but the second picture above is best part dark either early morning or evening. There are lots of pictures in the near dark and lots of others in Broad daylight. 

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I normally see action about 30 to 40 minutes after sunrise on a good morning but sometimes one will catch you out and be there almost before you can pick the cross hairs out.  Then, a couple of hours before darkness falls. NOW having said that, I drove down into my wood today at about 1pm and one dived off one of the feed tables and it was lashing down a d the poplar trees where rocking in the wind.  I do think at this time, the dark dark days before Christmas, you can expect them at any time, further north than my position mid country then I think that probably is more evident.

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1 hour ago, harrycatcat1 said:

Yes this is what I thought but...

I know it's not the best picture as I've took the picture with my phone from a laptop but the second picture above is best part dark either early morning or evening. There are lots of pictures in the near dark and lots of others in Broad daylight. 

When I put my cameras out its almost always first thing that is busiest,  often the first picture taken is in the dark, but like Nev says you might wait half an hour after sunrise.  This way I know what time I need to arrive by to be in position,  the camera will then show activity all through the day.

It also depends how well you have positioned your feeders, are the squirrels having to travel to get to the food or are you bang in the area they're living?

Sometimes though people post that there only seeing squirrels feeding in the afternoon,  which will mean they are topping up before bed after fed elsewhere on naturals or maybe pheasant feeders earlier.

Putting out a camera realy does take the guess work out.

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On my trail cams they seem to be out more on the feeders at dawn and dusk but it hard to say a set time.

I notice more activity if there is a break in the weather and you get a sunny spell but the other day in the rough wet/windy conditions they were still out but mainly on the ground.

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  • 2 weeks later...
9 hours ago, Longbower said:

Cant remember the correct  word , but squirrels like most mammals , like to sleep a lot . Feeding after a good sleep .

So , my trail cams seem to catch them , just after dawn , and just before dusk. 



At the moment here in the Midlands I am also seeing them turn up just about the time I can see my cross hairs in the morning but often also appearing at mid day then an hour before dusk falls as said.  Trail cams are good at logging this. The one I shot yesterday morning wason the trail cam at 0805  and I was sat waiting at 07.30 and sure enough it pushed it's way passed the pheasants and climbed on the feed table at 08.10. Then seemed to loose it's balance.

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4 hours ago, Mice! said:

I hope you got it cheap?

Have you put fresh batteries in it, has it got water in it?

One off fleebay, tested the batteries too.

It makes the "noises" that is working flashing red at the front if you move it about. It was out in the rain last time. I will try it again to see if its dried out. Never thought to look if it's a "dry outside camera" 🤣🤣🤣 it's only a Chinese thing so anything could happen.  Saying that my air rifle is smk 😀🙄👍

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  • 1 year later...

Not a great day unless you are out the wind, good luck. 

On 22/12/2023 at 07:50, John.p.clegg said:

Thanks everyone, a few years out of date but ot's 07:47 and I'm waiting for Cyril to appear for his breakfast...he's eating me out of house and home .




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