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Putin announces 'military operation' in Ukraine.


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1 hour ago, Mungler said:

am a massive fan of free speech

Sorry , what you mean is , I'm a fan of free speech ,as long as it agrees with my version of free speech.


1 hour ago, Mungler said:

But if you are posting abject nonsense or arguing over the colour of orange juice then don’t be surprised with the robust replies / answers you court.

If you consider the replies too robust or too hurty (notwithstanding that they are within the forum rules) then try putting on the big boy trousers.

Abject nonsense according to your opinion you mean ? What happened to free speech ?

It went straight out the window , as soon as they didn't agree with you 😄

Are the replies too robust ? Not at all , but childish insults make you , and by extension,  us,  look like a bunch of squabbling kids.

1 hour ago, Mungler said:

Really? That’s a gnats away from the ‘woah you were doing 34 mph in a 30 mph, that’s breaking the law and your ticket is in jeopardy’. Well done. And it was you of all people went there.

Forgive me , but to quote a recent post , what the actual frig has that got to do with Ukraine? 

1 hour ago, Mungler said:

And I don’t care what anyone says, McHughCB has to be in the pay of the Kremlin - there’s no other rational explanation 😆 Indeed, I’d be more worried what he and others are stockpiling under their beds, waiting for the revolution and the coded ‘go’ signal from the Kremlin

And right on cue, you completely lose it....

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9 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

Sorry , what you mean is , I'm a fan of free speech ,as long as it agrees with my version of free speech.


Abject nonsense according to your opinion you mean ? What happened to free speech ?

It went straight out the window , as soon as they didn't agree with you 😄

Are the replies too robust ? Not at all , but childish insults make you , and by extension,  us,  look like a bunch of squabbling kids.

Forgive me , but to quote a recent post , what the actual frig has that got to do with Ukraine? 

And right on cue, you completely lose it....

Don’t you go on? 😆😆

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If this thread is no longer going to be about the original subject, and is going to descend into a bun fight then we can close it down.

Just follow the rules of the forum, if you think something is against the rules contact a Mod and we will look at it.

Free speech is allowed until a Mod decides it isn't:lol:

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8 minutes ago, Newbie to this said:

Not just that, defamation of character comes to mind

But if you love all things Putin, surely being in the pay of the Kremlin can’t then be defamatory?

But in all seriousness, if we can’t agree that the Russian invasion of Ukraine and war, is just that, then it’s unsurprising that continued disagreement follows.

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2 hours ago, Mungler said:

But if you love all things Putin, surely being in the pay of the Kremlin can’t then be defamatory?

But in all seriousness, if we can’t agree that the Russian invasion of Ukraine and war, is just that, then it’s unsurprising that continued disagreement follows.

I think we all agree Russia invaded and started what is a war to everyone except the Russian elite and their friends and subjects - the controversy is about how much unseen chicanery has been or is also done by Ukraine and the west which 'our' MSM and others try to keep from us with propaganda.

There's bound to be polarised feelings on the tragedy and perhaps they ought to be taken as just opinions or thoughts.

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36 minutes ago, Dave-G said:

I think we all agree Russia invaded and started what is a war 

Ah ha, and that’s where you’re wrong.

I bet you a £50 donation to the Salvation Army that you can’t get McHughCB to agree to that, even though it appears to be a fundamental and basic fact up there with the colour of orange juice. 

And Dave, you have just started the ball rolling to make all my points for me, thank you 👍





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13 minutes ago, Mungler said:

Ah ha, and that’s where you’re wrong.

I bet you a £50 donation to the Salvation Army that you can’t get McHughCB to agree to that, even though it appears to be a fundamental and basic fact up there with the colour of orange juice. 

And Dave, you have just started the ball rolling to make all my points for me, thank you 👍





No bets lol. 

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On 10/10/2022 at 20:44, mchughcb said:

You think 60+ years of militarisation can be over come in a couple of personal meetings? It was a start.

A start, Trump was played by North Korea and the great leader and was too dumb to realise it. 

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On 10/10/2022 at 08:41, old'un said:

This guy is ruthless, he’s been given a free hand by Putin to get the job done, I think we will see the same tactics he used in Syria where he bombed civilian areas and reduced them to rubble, leaving little for the resistance to hide and fight from.

This guy will not be wanting to send soldiers back to Putin in body bags, he will hold his troops back and bomb the hell out of the Ukrainians first.

 You are making the same mistake Putin made overestimating this militaries equipment and its capabilities, sitting back against a untrained unequipped rabbel in Syria is not the same as taking on a well trained and equipped army in Ukraine. They could even get the basis's right at the start of the war and still haven't, air superiority. 

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On 15/10/2022 at 19:20, Gordon R said:

You raised that aspect and now you don't know. I asked you to support your bizarre assertion, but you can't back it up. I expect an evasive reply, which has become your norm.

"You got to give the Russian's credit. They are allowing civilian who wants to get out of the fighting zone to get a russian passport and move east. The UK on the other hand doesn't give them a passport and sends them to Rwanda hoping that solves the problem."

"Them" being people fleeing a war zone. Any war zone such as Syria, Libya or any other conflicted place that the UK government stuck its nose in or "invaded". If Libya wasn't such a basket case you wouldn't have people fleeing the Sudan conflicts to make it through to boat smugglers in Libya but hey, the UK helped get rid of Ghaddafi.


I said that Russians are offering passports to people in the Donbass. I then said that the UK government doesn't give refugees passports but is sending them to Rwanda. You then jumped the topic and started to distinguish between your so called financial refugees and Ukrainians which maybe refugees or economic refugees arriving in the UK. You then ask me to state how many Ukrainian refugees have be relocated in Rwanda which you said will never happen. However I find that Boris is already considering moving the Ukrainians to Rwanda to which you ask me to provide numbers, sorry you can do your own research on that one.

You can accept the following or not,

the UK is not going to be handing out UK passports to refugees like the Russians are for the people of the Donbass.

the UK is sending war refugees to Rwanda rather than given them UK passports.

Refugees get stopped all the time at borders and if you open up their bags you will be surprised what you see.

Former Ukrainian MP's wife tries to flee country with 28 million dollars, 1.3 million euros in cash (msn.com)





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10 hours ago, ordnance said:

 You are making the same mistake Putin made overestimating this militaries equipment and its capabilities, sitting back against a untrained unequipped rabbel in Syria is not the same as taking on a well trained and equipped army in Ukraine. They could even get the basis's right at the start of the war and still haven't, air superiority. 

Russia didn't over estimate the Ukranians equipment and capabilities, what they couldn't factor into their estimate is the 120% replacement equipment provide by EU and NATO as arguably for the first time, non-combatant countries stripped their reserves and even front line units of equipment to send to a third party country.

Russia has air superiority over the area of the conflict, but instead of aggressive fighter tactics the West would use seeking a countrywide no fly zone, instead rely on over lapping missile systems. No Ukranian aircraft can get within 50 miles of the front line without being engaged and shot down, what those remaining aircraft do in the West of Ukraine doesn't really matter if they can't support the front line.

Russian jets, drones and missles can also fly over any part of Ukraine reasonably successfully, hence last week's panic from Ukraine for additional air defence systems to replace those already destroyed as they have few significant air force assets left capable of intercepting Russian bombers, drones or missiles.

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10 hours ago, ordnance said:

 You are making the same mistake Putin made overestimating this militaries equipment and its capabilities, sitting back against a untrained unequipped rabbel in Syria is not the same as taking on a well trained and equipped army in Ukraine. They could even get the basis's right at the start of the war and still haven't, air superiority. 

I read this morning that during the negotiations as a sign of good faith that Zelensky would agree to conditions and the UA pull out of the Donbass, the Russian's pulled out of Kiev. However that didn't got to plan, so Russian's withdrew and have started the grind to push the UA out of the Donbass. 

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13 hours ago, Dave-G said:

I think we all agree Russia invaded and started what is a war

I think we can all agree that the Ukranian Army invading the Dombass started what is a war.

Or was it just imaginary tanks, soldiers, missiles, executions, shelling and bombings until Russia stepped in?

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11 hours ago, ordnance said:

 You are making the same mistake Putin made overestimating this militaries equipment and its capabilities, sitting back against a untrained unequipped rabbel in Syria is not the same as taking on a well trained and equipped army in Ukraine. They could even get the basis's right at the start of the war and still haven't, air superiority. 

Well I'm seeing reports of the Ukrainian Migs being shot down as they try to shoot down the drone attacks and the missile systems are launching their missiles from a pretty far distance.

Now I've just seen the latest Kherson offensive which was repulsed by artillery was then hit with the Russian airforce in retreat.

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On 15/10/2022 at 14:30, Mungler said:

No, I mean the unrelenting Putin apologists on here.who cannot find a single criticism to make of Putin (which is rather odd on any measure).



You asked for a criticism of Putin before and I gave you one, didn't fit your narrative and they you just wash and repeat.

If I had to criticize Zelensky is that he didn't take the deal offered back in March and saved a lot of bloodshed.

They have both made their choices and the conflict may end up splitting the EU project for good.


3 minutes ago, Mungler said:

And it’s defamatory to suggest these two brain washed shills are in the employ of the Kremlin? 😆😆😆

Oh well, my £50 is safe.


I give 20 dollars a month to the Salvation Army, direct debit from my savings account and I've supported since I was a boy scout. I wouldn't decide to donate to the Salvo's based on some posting on some off topic thread.

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3 minutes ago, mchughcb said:

You asked for a criticism of Putin before and I gave you one, didn't fit your narrative and they you just wash and repeat.

If I had to criticize Zelensky is that he didn't take the deal offered back in March and saved a lot of bloodshed.

They have both made their choices and the conflict may end up splitting the EU project for good.


Oh give over. How about a criticism for starting a war, invading Ukraine and causing the needless deaths of hundreds of thousands of people?

Your criticism of Putin is up there with ‘he tries too hard and cares too much’.


There was never a deal in March and here’s the FT link https://www.ft.com/content/7b341e46-d375-4817-be67-802b7fa77ef1

I liked this bit where they say ‘war’ and not ‘special military operation’ 😉👊

Putin showed no sign of compromise on Wednesday, vowing Moscow would achieve all of its war aims in Ukraine.


And that’s why this now feels like arguing over the colour of orange juice.

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 However I find that Boris is already considering moving the Ukrainians to Rwanda to which you ask me to provide numbers, sorry you can do your own research on that one.

You really need to keep up with events - Boris went some time ago. Again, you can't answer straight question.

Whilst your alleged donation to the Boy Scout movement is laudable, are you still in the Boy Scouts?

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4 minutes ago, Gordon R said:

You really need to keep up with events - Boris went some time ago. Again, you can't answer straight question.

Whilst your alleged donation to the Boy Scout movement is laudable, are you still in the Boy Scouts?

Dude, do you carefully read anything? I used to collect for the Salvation Army and the Red Cross when I was in the boy scouts and cubs before that. I continued to support the Salvation Army for many decades now in my working life. I do not donate to the boy scouts unless I see them holding a fund raising event.

You ask straight questions get straight answers if you don't like it that's your problem.

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10 minutes ago, Mungler said:

Oh give over. How about a criticism for starting a war, invading Ukraine and causing the needless deaths of hundreds of thousands of people?

Your criticism of Putin is up there with ‘he tries too hard and cares too much’.


There was never a deal in March and here’s the FT link https://www.ft.com/content/7b341e46-d375-4817-be67-802b7fa77ef1

I liked this bit where they say ‘war’ and not ‘special military operation’ 😉👊

Putin showed no sign of compromise on Wednesday, vowing Moscow would achieve all of its war aims in Ukraine.


And that’s why this now feels like arguing over the colour of orange juice.

You post an article. Do you even read your stuff you are sending links to? Your highlighted text is what the FT reporter wrote. The actual quote from Putin was, subject to translation:

 “We will never allow Ukraine to become a stronghold of aggressive actions against our country,” he said.

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7 minutes ago, Gordon R said:

The problem is that you never give a straight answer. I thought you might still be in the Boy Scouts, given the juvenile level of your posts - dude.

Demanding answers then being upset about them. A very strange outlook on life and not one beholden to learning anything new.

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18 minutes ago, mchughcb said:

You post an article. Do you even read your stuff you are sending links to? Your highlighted text is what the FT reporter wrote. The actual quote from Putin was, subject to translation:

 “We will never allow Ukraine to become a stronghold of aggressive actions against our country,” he said.

But that quote, like all Kremlin quotes, is of course a lie or nonsense.

So this war is about what again?

I am confused - Nazis, drug dealers, nato, Donbass, Peter the Great? 

It’s a lucky dip depending what week it is.


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