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Nasty News!

Lord Geordie

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I have just took my lad to hospital after he collapsed at a school fair a few month ago and he had to go for an ECG


He THEN got taken for a blood pressure test and THEN for a Ultrasound test on his chest.


I got called in to see the specialist and was told his Aortic Valve is faulty. The Aortic valve should have 3 flaps and Chris's only has 2.


This leads to restricted blood flow due to the fact it can't open fully AND it is not closing fully either so about 10% to 20% of the blood flow is being sucked back into the chamber :good:


He is going to need surgery in the future to replace the valve but they are not sure when this will be as they want to keep a close eye on him to see if he will need medication. He is not allowed to play football rugby not allowed to run or do ANY physically exertive things as this will place strain on the heart and lead to complications.


He couldn't run for more than 50 yards without being short of breath and the minuet it turned cold his lips turned blue.


Man this really sucks!!!


I always KNEW he had a heart murmer from when he was born but never in my worst nightmares thought it was going to be something like this!


In a way it's good to know it CAN be treated with surgery but in another it sucks a young kid has to go through this **** :lol:


He has not had it easy as when he was born had trouble with his breathing THEN he had speach and hearing trouble which NOW seems to be almost sorted after 5 years of therapy and also has a curvature of the spine AND a deformed shoulder blade.


Now to find out he has heart trouble too is just a complete ******. He only turned 12 this week and 2 days after his birthday finds this out :lol:


I guess I should count my blessings it's not anything like SOME parents have to go through and perhaps in that way I am selfish but I think he has had enough on his plate for such a young age and feel really pee'd off about it all.


Sorry had to rant!!



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Go ahead Martin and have a good rant ..


Like you say it always seems to happen to the good people and Chris is a good kid always seem to enjoy himself when he comes to the clay shoot with you..


Hope they can sort it sooner rather than later, then he can get back to being a youg lad again (running about ect)..


all the best for the future :good:

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Sorry to hear that Geordie but from your post it sounds like he is a fighter who has dealt the best with whats been thrown at him ? He has the strength of youth on his side and a family that care for him, half the battle is won I hope :good:



:stupid: My sister's bloke had surgery for something similar last week - as Digger says youth IS on his side.


All the best


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dear LG

you are not a selfish man,you like any of us only want the best for your boy.i can not imagine the feelings and pain you are both going though at this moment .but from what you have told us you are both fighters .it sounds like the two of you have had it tough from the day your son was born . so in the next few months when the going get hard . remember you both have got this far together .and between you and your boy you can do it again . your young boy has one thing in hes favour .he has you as he dad .and with you by hes side he is in good hands


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Hi mate.I know nothing about paediatric cardiac surgery but have done plenty of caring for adults pre and post aortic valve surgery and they do very well indeed.I also know that in these politically correct times where the NHS is in fear of being ageist that the guys in charge of your lads treatment will stop at absolutely nothing to make sure he is going to be alright .The freeman has a great reputation,if thats where he goes to.

All said,I am upset if my little lass has as much as a bad cold even,we cant help it us dads.Its going to be a worrying time no doubt but you will have your lad fit and well looking,doing exactly what he wants to do at the end of it. All the best. :stupid:

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Hi mate.I know nothing about paediatric cardiac surgery but have done plenty of caring for adults pre and post aortic valve surgery and they do very well indeed.I also know that in these politically correct times where the NHS is in fear of being ageist that the guys in charge of your lads treatment will stop at absolutely nothing to make sure he is going to be alright .The freeman has a great reputation,if thats where he goes to.

All said,I am upset if my little lass has as much as a bad cold even,we cant help it us dads.Its going to be a worrying time no doubt but you will have your lad fit and well looking,doing exactly what he wants to do at the end of it. All the best. :stupid:


Yes it WILL be the Freeman! Same hospital who looked after my Dad when he had a multiple heart bypass and did a fantastic job. He is fighting fit now and can almost give ME a run for my money now :good:


I know the option of surgery is a god sent but when I think of all he has had to deal with in a short little life it really starts getting to me.


Also thanks to all those who have expressed their thoughts it really means a lot to be able to vent when needs must!


Thanks again





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If they need to replace his aortic valve it will amaze you how quickly he recovers and thrives again.To have a leaking valve is very debilitating but once they put the mechanics right and the blood does not regurgitate backwards,all he has to do is get over the op itself .the 80 year olds I send for valvular surgery continually amaze me.Kids are much better at recovering. I,m glad you,ve seen the Freemans handiwork,the surgeons and cardiologists are gifted and I still impressed at their professional pride to do a good job.Stick in pal.

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Kids are a worry !


My youngest has Talipes or what used to be known as "club foot", he has it quite lightly but he has to have special shoes, a brace on his leg overnight and will always have one foot smaller than the other - man, I am NOT looking forward to buying him two pairs (one in each size) of the latest Nike trainers when he is a teenager ! :good:


Evil Elvis knows is stuff, so if he says your lad will be OK, I would feel loads better about it. :stupid:

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