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Christmas! OOPS sorry winter festival.


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Any substantial evidence of this or just a daily mail article?

Quote of the day for me :good:

I bought that piece of pooh on Sunday, took the CD out and binned the rest, not even fit for wiping your backside on.

Hmm, How do you know then Stuart, If you did not even read it? ? ?there is more than the Gaurdian to read every day!!

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A muslim girl in my year at school gave her English friends Christmas cards despite the fact she doesn't celebrate Christmas.


2 sides of the coin chaps.

Cant help noticing that F M allways quotes the young Muslim lady he attends college with, Unfortunatly F M, you do not see the big picture down south,you should travell around the big cities and see whats going on , the future for christians in this country looks bleak, to say the least. :no:

It's true I do quote the people around here who are Muslim because these are the people I interact with on a daily basis. I am aware it is very different in the inner cities but this has more than it's fair share of representation on here so I like to put my side across. I'm sure you will agree it adds more balance to the debate rather than basing it solely on Daily Mail 'headlines'.


FM :lol:


I would have thought it was quite an achievement finding a Muslim in Chippenham :good:


It's seemingly becoming increasingly trendy to snipe at the Daily Mail and its readers. Strangely (as I've said before) I see no evidence that any of their headlines on this subject are inaccurate. On the contrary, this mindless government continues to prove them right on all counts. The politicians are starting to admit to the true scale of immigration (as quoted by the DM and common knowledge to all but the blind). Wait till Turkey gets into the EU (and it will) If we've got a couple of million Eastern Europeans, you can expect about 15 million Turks.

'Ave a keeeeebab :no:

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A muslim girl in my year at school gave her English friends Christmas cards despite the fact she doesn't celebrate Christmas.


2 sides of the coin chaps.

Cant help noticing that F M allways quotes the young Muslim lady he attends college with, Unfortunatly F M, you do not see the big picture down south,you should travell around the big cities and see whats going on , the future for christians in this country looks bleak, to say the least. :no:

It's true I do quote the people around here who are Muslim because these are the people I interact with on a daily basis. I am aware it is very different in the inner cities but this has more than it's fair share of representation on here so I like to put my side across. I'm sure you will agree it adds more balance to the debate rather than basing it solely on Daily Mail 'headlines'.


FM :lol:


I would have thought it was quite an achievement finding a Muslim in Chippenham :good:


Do you know the area then? :no:


FM :lol:

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A muslim girl in my year at school gave her English friends Christmas cards despite the fact she doesn't celebrate Christmas.


2 sides of the coin chaps.

Cant help noticing that F M allways quotes the young Muslim lady he attends college with, Unfortunatly F M, you do not see the big picture down south,you should travell around the big cities and see whats going on , the future for christians in this country looks bleak, to say the least. :lol:

It's true I do quote the people around here who are Muslim because these are the people I interact with on a daily basis. I am aware it is very different in the inner cities but this has more than it's fair share of representation on here so I like to put my side across. I'm sure you will agree it adds more balance to the debate rather than basing it solely on Daily Mail 'headlines'.


FM :lol:


I would have thought it was quite an achievement finding a Muslim in Chippenham :good:


Do you know the area then? :no:


FM :lol:


I know it well enough to suspect that it's not exactly a hotbed of Islamic fundamentalism :no:

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A muslim girl in my year at school gave her English friends Christmas cards despite the fact she doesn't celebrate Christmas.


2 sides of the coin chaps.

Cant help noticing that F M allways quotes the young Muslim lady he attends college with, Unfortunatly F M, you do not see the big picture down south,you should travell around the big cities and see whats going on , the future for christians in this country looks bleak, to say the least. :lol:

It's true I do quote the people around here who are Muslim because these are the people I interact with on a daily basis. I am aware it is very different in the inner cities but this has more than it's fair share of representation on here so I like to put my side across. I'm sure you will agree it adds more balance to the debate rather than basing it solely on Daily Mail 'headlines'.


FM :lol:


I would have thought it was quite an achievement finding a Muslim in Chippenham :good:


Do you know the area then? :no:




I know it well enough to suspect that it's not exactly a hotbed of Islamic fundamentalism :no:

:lol::lol::lol: Very true! I hope anyway.



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A muslim girl in my year at school gave her English friends Christmas cards despite the fact she doesn't celebrate Christmas.


2 sides of the coin chaps.

Cant help noticing that F M allways quotes the young Muslim lady he attends college with, Unfortunatly F M, you do not see the big picture down south,you should travell around the big cities and see whats going on , the future for christians in this country looks bleak, to say the least. :no:

It's true I do quote the people around here who are Muslim because these are the people I interact with on a daily basis. I am aware it is very different in the inner cities but this has more than it's fair share of representation on here so I like to put my side across. I'm sure you will agree it adds more balance to the debate rather than basing it solely on Daily Mail 'headlines'.


FM :lol:


I would have thought it was quite an achievement finding a Muslim in Chippenham :good:


Do you know the area then? :no:


FM :lol:

Well I do young master FM, Up untill my retirement 5 years ago I used to travel all over Britain, nice area Chippenham and all those villages around there, as I said before you dont know the misery it must be for people in the big towns and cities to be aware our country is allready being taken over by people who dont like christians, I E US,

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Does anyone really believe that Christmas will be banned, or anyway down graded? In all seriousness, amidst all the knee jerk reactionism, do people actually believe this could happen?


These nonsense stories are getting farcical.



It's already happening. However, in fairness, we are largely to blame ourselves. I'm not religious at all, I'm a devout atheist :no: but I do think that Christmas should be recognised as a Christian festival, I even keep my atheist gob shut at that time of year. Through the decline in religious belief within the "Christian" community, Christmas has just become a commercialised spending spree and excuse to get ratarsed :no::lol: :lol: I don't think it's treated as a Christian religious festival in this country any more, half the kids in this country don't even know anything about the Nativity etc. The probem then is that it's very easy for the PC brigade to degrade and distort the Christmas festival, because we don't feel passionate enough about it to tell them to **** off :good:

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Having lived in a country with mind control from religious dogma,state run media and plain backwardness I thank my lucky stars to live here,warts and all.Tin pot dictatorships thrive on siege mentality.We are above that kind of thing I hope.

ERM I think you will find thats the way this country is going!!

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Does anyone really believe that Christmas will be banned?


I dont give a ****. Me, the missus and the kids **** off somewhere every Christmas.


Disneyland Paris this year, Skiing in Chamonix the year before and a cottage in North Devon the year before that.


No turkey to buy & eat for weeks after, no relatives to entertain, no Queens speech, no **** Xmas TV repeats - PERFECTO !!! :good:



EDIT: and none of that rare breed that is hated so much on here - the "******, Muslim, Immigrant, non-shooting, anti" !!!!!!! :no:

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Does anyone really believe that Christmas will be banned, or anyway down graded? In all seriousness, amidst all the knee jerk reactionism, do people actually believe this could happen?


These nonsense stories are getting farcical.



It's already happening. However, in fairness, we are largely to blame ourselves. I'm not religious at all, I'm a devout atheist :no: but I do think that Christmas should be recognised as a Christian festival, I even keep my atheist gob shut at that time of year. Through the decline in religious belief within the "Christian" community, Christmas has just become a commercialised spending spree and excuse to get ratarsed :no::lol: :lol: I don't think it's treated as a Christian religious festival in this country any more, half the kids in this country don't even know anything about the Nativity etc. The probem then is that it's very easy for the PC brigade to degrade and distort the Christmas festival, because we don't feel passionate enough about it to tell them to **** off :good:


Eveything you say is very true. For me Christmas has always been a commercial exercise.


But Christmas being 'banned' or 'downgraded' to make forigners more welcome is utter nonsense. Just because a bunch of Primrose Hill champange socialists on a 'think tank' have plucked an idea like this out of the air doesn't mean that it will actaully happen.


Like you said the downfall of Christmas as a religious festival is soley due to the downfall of people practicing Christianity and nothing at all to do with immigration, legal or otherwise.


This in no way expresses my views on immigration and multiculturalism (as opposed to multiracialism), in fact they're quite right of centre. But getting in to a tiswas about silly stories like this does no one any good. Let alone the health of the foaming at the mouth Mail readers.

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Does anyone really believe that Christmas will be banned, or anyway down graded? In all seriousness, amidst all the knee jerk reactionism, do people actually believe this could happen?


These nonsense stories are getting farcical.



It's already happening. However, in fairness, we are largely to blame ourselves. I'm not religious at all, I'm a devout atheist :lol: but I do think that Christmas should be recognised as a Christian festival, I even keep my atheist gob shut at that time of year. Through the decline in religious belief within the "Christian" community, Christmas has just become a commercialised spending spree and excuse to get ratarsed :lol: :lol: :lol: I don't think it's treated as a Christian religious festival in this country any more, half the kids in this country don't even know anything about the Nativity etc. The probem then is that it's very easy for the PC brigade to degrade and distort the Christmas festival, because we don't feel passionate enough about it to tell them to **** off <_<


a bunch of Primrose Hill champagne socialists on a 'think tank'



:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Does anyone really believe that Christmas will be banned?


I dont give a ****. Me, the missus and the kids **** off somewhere every Christmas.


Disneyland Paris this year, Skiing in Chamonix the year before and a cottage in North Devon the year before that.


No turkey to buy & eat for weeks after, no relatives to entertain, no Queens speech, no **** Xmas TV repeats - PERFECTO !!! <_<




Haven't spent Christmas in this country for a fair few years now.

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The bashing of the daily mail is entirely deserved, it misleads people and writes such biased stories that its unbelievable. They start with an attention grabbing headline which is what BM usually reads then explains more in the small print. Seeing Heather Mills on telly today did open my eyes a little as to what it must be like to be hounded by the press and how the press makes people form an opinion. Its scary that the sun won the last two elections its just total manipulation.


FM has a more valid opinion than most as he is of a generation that has mixed with far more different races and has mixed with probably second generation immigrants and they act as English as any of us and often have a far better upbringing on a moral and religious front than most in this country. Its a shame this shooting forum is blighted by these racist and very blinkered views as it really detracts from it. The odd one is fine but please BM read the small print and what is behind the story as believe me there are a lot of our own I'd throw out of the country before a lot of muslims

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I doubt there are many Christians on here. Are most of the people on this board church going hypocrites? No, I don't think so.


I'm quite happy to have a winter festival that is non-Christian. It was our winter festival before the Christians hijacked it, like they hijacked traditions from other people when they were making up the Christian religion. Many of the stories about Jesus and the things he did were ripped straight from earlier pagan legends - I won't use the word beliefs because they were just stories and fables handed down to illustrate lessons.


It cracks me up, Christians, Muslims, Jews. A bunch of Semitic tribes squabbling over made up stories from thousands of years ago.


I want my Christmas to be about Father Christmas and snowmen and robins, stuffing my face and enjoying my little lad's excitement at it all. A celebration that we're at the turning point of the winter, facing a new year. Not all that religious mumbo jumbo cak.

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I doubt there are many Christians on here. Are most of the people on this board church going hypocrites? No, I don't think so.


I'm quite happy to have a winter festival that is non-Christian. It was our winter festival before the Christians hijacked it, like they hijacked traditions from other people when they were making up the Christian religion. Many of the stories about Jesus and the things he did were ripped straight from earlier pagan legends - I won't use the word beliefs because they were just stories and fables handed down to illustrate lessons.


It cracks me up, Christians, Muslims, Jews. A bunch of Semitic tribes squabbling over made up stories from thousands of years ago.


I want my Christmas to be about Father Christmas and snowmen and robins, stuffing my face and enjoying my little lad's excitement at it all. A celebration that we're at the turning point of the winter, facing a new year. Not all that religious mumbo jumbo cak.

Atheists are welcome, but discussing matters of faith with people who have none is a little trying to describe sound to a man with no ears - the conversation becomes a waste of time and appears foolish.

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All of the Muslims I have ever spoken to about Christmas and other Christian religious festival, have no problem with it at all.

They celebrate their festivals, so they are happy and most of them are doubly happy, because they celebrate both.

Cranfield :- yesterday


I would agree with your points here. <_<


However, have you considered that it isn't the other Religions that are making all the fuss about our Christian festivals but rather it is the town hall politicians and MPs etc that are creating these divisions with their politically correct thinking? Advised as someone elsse mentioned by political think tanks - to what end - why to get as many votes as they can and stay in power! Always remember the old adage " divide and conquer". They play us for mugs all the time and they are the only ones who gain any benefit. use your votes wisely people and remember Orwell's vison of 1984 - it is just taking them a bit longer to achieve it than he thought they would :lol::lol::lol:


Pushki :lol: n

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The bashing of the daily mail is entirely deserved, it misleads people and writes such biased stories that its unbelievable. They start with an attention grabbing headline which is what BM usually reads then explains more in the small print. Seeing Heather Mills on telly today did open my eyes a little as to what it must be like to be hounded by the press and how the press makes people form an opinion. Its scary that the sun won the last two elections its just total manipulation.


That is your view, and that is all it is. It doesn't appear to have any factual base.

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Atheists are welcome, but discussing matters of faith with people who have none is a little trying to describe sound to a man with no ears - the conversation becomes a waste of time and appears foolish.

As an atheist, I have every right to discuss faith, thank you very much, especially when the discussion centres round religious fruitcakes who would polish me off for my religious beliefs (or lack of them). Because a person has no religious faith, doesn't mean they're not capable of discussing religion. It also does not mean that they know nothing about religion.

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