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2 hours ago, ditchman said:

am i the only person who thought last nights political debate looked like and episode of the"Weakest Link"

if that ole scrag bag anne robinson..(who is inserdently humping cammillas ex hubby) had been there it would have been perfect...


PS what is it with these old people rutting like oversexed dogs ....jesus christ murdock is on number 5 now....what bloody pills are they on................i couldnt do sex anymore i have an ingrowing toenail.............(shouldnt have let sarah ferguson suck it)

Sarah was the suckee not the sucker👍

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6 hours ago, Stonepark said:

People are regulary quoting Farage as a "one man band" and that there is not team behind him, I would beg to differ.

Nigel, is however the only one who gets 'Airtime', all the rest, the mainstream media ignores unless someone finds a less than flattering "tweet", as they actively seek to disenfranchise voters.

Currently Reform UK have 619 candidates standing, full set of organisers/agents, support staff albeit running on a shoe string budget and more supporters joining every day.

Reform UK is still not invited to most hustings, tv debates, etc as we have no "track record", well 10 million of the 17 million Brexit voters, potentially voting for Reform this time, might just change that.


I personally think the pollsters have yet to catch up on what is happening (remember they poll normally people already on their data base who are interested in politics), instead like Brexit, a ground swell of non-political normal people who just want to get on with their life and have government and councils do what they promised are signalling they will be voting for Reform UK.

Pollsters still seem to be thinking that the right of the Tory party who are being abandoned are somehow going to vote Labour and Libdem instead of Tories, looking at the polls, Conservatives down, Labour up, yet the Tory left (equivalent of Blairite rihgt in Labour) and represented by Sunak and co is going down in flames as true conservatives leave in droves.

The Tory right who are disenchanted are going to vote for Reform UK.


You raise a good point regarding the pollsters, but given the results from the local elections, I expect that they’re unfortunately going to be correct this time.

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8 minutes ago, Zoli 12 guage said:

Sarah was the suckee not the sucker👍

not when i knew her.......we used to live in adjoing terraced houses.....the mews in London and i would often meet her in her back passage...

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1 hour ago, ditchman said:

is that a codeword for something ?

i didnt work at Bletchly park unfortunatly






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7 hours ago, Stonepark said:

People are regulary quoting Farage as a "one man band" and that there is not team behind him, I would beg to differ.

Nigel, is however the only one who gets 'Airtime', all the rest, the mainstream media ignores unless someone finds a less than flattering "tweet", as they actively seek to disenfranchise voters.

Currently Reform UK have 619 candidates standing, full set of organisers/agents, support staff albeit running on a shoe string budget and more supporters joining every day.

Reform UK is still not invited to most hustings, tv debates, etc as we have no "track record", well 10 million of the 17 million Brexit voters, potentially voting for Reform this time, might just change that.


I personally think the pollsters have yet to catch up on what is happening (remember they poll normally people already on their data base who are interested in politics), instead like Brexit, a ground swell of non-political normal people who just want to get on with their life and have government and councils do what they promised are signalling they will be voting for Reform UK.

Pollsters still seem to be thinking that the right of the Tory party who are being abandoned are somehow going to vote Labour and Libdem instead of Tories, looking at the polls, Conservatives down, Labour up, yet the Tory left (equivalent of Blairite rihgt in Labour) and represented by Sunak and co is going down in flames as true conservatives leave in droves.

The Tory right who are disenchanted are going to vote for Reform UK.


Nail......Head. Go Nigel, this country needs you like we needed Churchill 84 years ago  - he was far from perfect, but he was the man the country needed.

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13 hours ago, 12gauge82 said:

I watched the political debate last night. Farage was the only one who would answer a straight question and give specific detail as to what he wants to do and how he'd go about it. Greens, snp and plaid cymu seemed completely and utterly out of touch with the issues that affect most people. Labour and Tories spent the entire time blaming each other for the state of the country and made the same old promises about how they were going to change things for the better, but without giving any credible answers as to exactly how they would achieve it, which is laughable considering both parties have had all the time to do it and are both responsible for the mess we're in.


The others are certainly frightened of him and his intellect,

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2 hours ago, ditchman said:

not when i knew her.......we used to live in adjoing terraced houses.....the mews in London and i would often meet her in her back passage...

the "back passage" scenario is a completely different "ball" game to the John Bryan shenanigans 👍

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Robin Horsfall was a member of the UK special forces team who stormed the London Iranian Embassy in 1980.

He’s a regular commentator on the war in Ukraine. He posted this on a professional networking site earlier this week.


I would like to thank Nigel Farage.

Thanks Nigel for fighting so hard for Brexit. Thank you for preventing me from travelling freely across Europe. I am grateful that I can no longer simply work and live across the continent, buy a house, stay as long as I want and get the best medical care in the world. Thanks for saving me so much money. Thanks for my increased fuel prices, import taxes and food costs. If you hadn't saved us so much money by withdrawing us from Europe heaven knows how I could have afforded to live. Thanks for closing the borders and preventing illegal imm.... No sorry that hasn't happened has it?

The one thing I truly admire about you Nige is your 'special relationship' with DJT. I truly admire anyone who could do something so demeaning and then smile at the end. It's a true test of character. Awesome! We all love to worship convicted criminals to forward our political careers. Goes with the territory you will fit in well.

I admire your fortitude. You led a long and fierce campaign to remove us from a club that only benefited us. You know of course that it was for the greater good. Thanks! 

Dividing Europe did of course help someone, but Russia isn't really Europe is it?

Anyway, thanks for all that you have done for us in the UK. We can now all look forward to voting you in, in the true and certain knowledge that you will get the job done, that your predictions will be accurate and we will all benefit for the long term future. 


I get the impression he’s not a fan.

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25 minutes ago, Raja Clavata said:

Robin Horsfall was a member of the UK special forces team who stormed the London Iranian Embassy in 1980.

He’s a regular commentator on the war in Ukraine. He posted this on a professional networking site earlier this week.


I would like to thank Nigel Farage.

Thanks Nigel for fighting so hard for Brexit. Thank you for preventing me from travelling freely across Europe. I am grateful that I can no longer simply work and live across the continent, buy a house, stay as long as I want and get the best medical care in the world. Thanks for saving me so much money. Thanks for my increased fuel prices, import taxes and food costs. If you hadn't saved us so much money by withdrawing us from Europe heaven knows how I could have afforded to live. Thanks for closing the borders and preventing illegal imm.... No sorry that hasn't happened has it?

The one thing I truly admire about you Nige is your 'special relationship' with DJT. I truly admire anyone who could do something so demeaning and then smile at the end. It's a true test of character. Awesome! We all love to worship convicted criminals to forward our political careers. Goes with the territory you will fit in well.

I admire your fortitude. You led a long and fierce campaign to remove us from a club that only benefited us. You know of course that it was for the greater good. Thanks! 

Dividing Europe did of course help someone, but Russia isn't really Europe is it?

Anyway, thanks for all that you have done for us in the UK. We can now all look forward to voting you in, in the true and certain knowledge that you will get the job done, that your predictions will be accurate and we will all benefit for the long term future. 


I get the impression he’s not a fan.

cross between a know all.....a **** all ....and a dead rat............

he of all people should rekonise the value of good intell'.........there is good intell' out there and he cant see it........as a result his head is full of rubbish.....he is a taker not a do'er

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31 minutes ago, Raja Clavata said:

Robin Horsfall was a member of the UK special forces team who stormed the London Iranian Embassy in 1980.

My that balcony was crowded!

31 minutes ago, Raja Clavata said:

He’s a regular commentator on the war in Ukraine. He posted this on a professional networking site earlier this week.

Ahhh playing to the gallery on StInkedIn...fishes/barrels springs to mind.

But welcome back @Raja Clavata

32 minutes ago, Raja Clavata said:

Thank you for preventing me from travelling freely across Europe.

Passport expired?

8 minutes ago, ditchman said:

and get the best medical care in the world.

Switzerland isn't in the EU.  And if you were travelling in the EU without health insurance prior to, during, and after, Brexit, then you are a <Swear filter interdiction> moron.

38 minutes ago, Raja Clavata said:

. You led a long and fierce campaign to remove us from a club that only benefited us.

Demonstrably didn't.  Only benefited the upper middle class, perhaps.


I mean I could go on, but this one really does mark him out as gross ignoramus (that's 144 times worse than a normal ignoramus...

40 minutes ago, Raja Clavata said:

Dividing Europe did of course help someone, but Russia isn't really Europe is it?

***. Hope he wasn't the in charge of the reading the map in his unit.  They'd have been doing sneaky beakies in Tie Rack otherwise.

Anyway, speccy-ops genius seems to have missed the point. Whatever coalition is formed after the election, Nige and his fellow reform MPs (I predict somewhere between 4 and 8 ), are really unlikely to be part of it.  He seems to struggle to grasp that Farage has never actually been in government, but that's beside the point...

But they will be able to hold the Keith and his frankly bat **** cabinet appointees to account somewhat, and hopefully highlight, if not curb, their worst excesses. 


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8 hours ago, Raja Clavata said:

Robin Horsfall was a member of the UK special forces team who stormed the London Iranian Embassy in 1980.

He’s a regular commentator on the war in Ukraine. He posted this on a professional networking site earlier this week.


Politics are obviously not his strong point.

Then again, perhaps being self centred isn't a surprise from someone who has obviously taken a **** on his ex colleagues by going public.

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On 08/06/2024 at 11:12, JohnfromUK said:

I live in a very 'safe' Tory seat, and have in the past voted for the Tory candidate - because he was a good MP (and also good for fieldsports).  However - he retired (and has since died) and I'm not fond of the new MP who I suspect is at best luke warm on fieldsports/shooting. 

I have voted Brexit party in the past (in non - UK parliamentary elections) - and I may do so again because it sends a message.

I agree with what you say on the recent government's (lack of) performance and agree a shake up is needed.  But at present there is no way Reform could form a functioning Government (and it is impossibly unlikely they would get a majority at present).

I also think that giving Labour a huge majority is fraught with danger.  Starmer could very easily be replaced by a serious left wing leader (Labour's leadership election procedure has form on this) and the need for Starmer to have his manifesto 'approved' by the Unions reminds us that the strings are being held (if not currently pulled much) by the Party machine, not MPs.  "Unite" want Starmer replaced and they have a lot of power over who gets elected to lead the party.

Reform and Tories both have around 20% I think, but the Tories are likely to win 100+ seats - whereas Reform may only win a small handful if they are very lucky.  It is the way the dice are loaded.  Therefore to have a credible opposition to Labour will need some tactical voting and as of now - my mind in my constituency is not made up.

Starmer is seriously left wing according to Peter Hitchens.


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10 hours ago, Raja Clavata said:

Robin Horsfall was a member of the UK special forces team who stormed the London Iranian Embassy in 1980.

He’s a regular commentator on the war in Ukraine. He posted this on a professional networking site earlier this week.


I would like to thank Nigel Farage.

Thanks Nigel for fighting so hard for Brexit. Thank you for preventing me from travelling freely across Europe. I am grateful that I can no longer simply work and live across the continent, buy a house, stay as long as I want and get the best medical care in the world. Thanks for saving me so much money. Thanks for my increased fuel prices, import taxes and food costs. If you hadn't saved us so much money by withdrawing us from Europe heaven knows how I could have afforded to live. Thanks for closing the borders and preventing illegal imm.... No sorry that hasn't happened has it?

The one thing I truly admire about you Nige is your 'special relationship' with DJT. I truly admire anyone who could do something so demeaning and then smile at the end. It's a true test of character. Awesome! We all love to worship convicted criminals to forward our political careers. Goes with the territory you will fit in well.

I admire your fortitude. You led a long and fierce campaign to remove us from a club that only benefited us. You know of course that it was for the greater good. Thanks! 

Dividing Europe did of course help someone, but Russia isn't really Europe is it?

Anyway, thanks for all that you have done for us in the UK. We can now all look forward to voting you in, in the true and certain knowledge that you will get the job done, that your predictions will be accurate and we will all benefit for the long term future. 


I get the impression he’s not a fan.

More importantly, how's the fishing going?

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16 hours ago, Gordon R said:

Horsfall seems to be an idiot.

Horsfall in a publicity hungry, attention seeking no one, who has bloated his own career out of all comprehension.
The post quoted by @Raja Clavata from LinkedIn is a typical example of this, full of misconceptions, complete lies and what he believes to be his 'relevant' opinion that everyone needs to hear.
To blame Farage entirely for Brexit is stupid.
To think he forced 17.4 million people to vote for it, is condescending , and stupid.

The fact is, Horsfall probably doesnt even disagree with Farages politics, but just uses the bandwagon to further his own agenda to be a someone, in a sea of nobodies.
A decorated ex serviceman, long retired and living in a remote cottage in Wales, would have you believe he needs to travel across Europe on a regular basis, because hes 'Oh so important' , and Farage stopped him from doing that !
If he did actually travel, instead of being sat in his armchair as a full time keyboard warrior, he would know there is no issue moving freely around Europe.

Sorry Robin , youre not relevant , and no one cares about your opinion about anything really.
Youre most famous for bloating about killing terrorists at the Iranian embassy , that never actually happened.


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I'm not sure Horsfall will thank Raja for opening him up to further and deserve ridicule.

There is a message in there - if you are going to quote somebody, chose the person with a brain.

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4 minutes ago, Gordon R said:

I'm not sure Horsfall will thank Raja for opening him up to further and deserve ridicule.

There is a message in there - if you are going to quote somebody, chose the person with a brain.

The best thing is Raja knows that most of the statement is rubbish anyway, but still quoted it !

Weve had Trump derangement syndrome (TDS) now weve got FDS too.
What are they so scared of ?

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I can’t speak for Robin but I think the crux of his message is that Farage is no different to the rest of them. This is also in line with what Hitchens has been saying for a while now, well documented, even for the hard of listening.

Most of what Robin states is not rubbish, to rubbish it vehemently because it doesn’t fit your narrative could be interpreted as perhaps being a little narrow minded.

Suggesting that anyone who doesn’t agree with your views is an idiot might just be extreme irony.

Personally I believe Farage could be useful in opposition to keep things in check, the risk is a fluke, like in 2016, allowing him to ascend to a real position of responsibility. His role in life seems to be pointing out all the problems caused by other people, very little in the way of proposed solutions in return. That’s fine for an obnoxious bystander, dangerous for a person holding power/responsibility.

There are some who say a vote for Farage is a vote for Trump is a vote for Putin. Clearly ridiculous in a practical sense, less so perhaps, from an indirect consequence perspective, only time will tell.


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2 hours ago, Raja Clavata said:

I can’t speak for Robin but I think the crux of his message is that Farage is no different to the rest of them. This is also in line with what Hitchens has been saying for a while now, well documented, even for the hard of listening.

Most of what Robin states is not rubbish, to rubbish it vehemently because it doesn’t fit your narrative could be interpreted as perhaps being a little narrow minded.

Suggesting that anyone who doesn’t agree with your views is an idiot might just be extreme irony.

Personally I believe Farage could be useful in opposition to keep things in check, the risk is a fluke, like in 2016, allowing him to ascend to a real position of responsibility. His role in life seems to be pointing out all the problems caused by other people, very little in the way of proposed solutions in return. That’s fine for an obnoxious bystander, dangerous for a person holding power/responsibility.

There are some who say a vote for Farage is a vote for Trump is a vote for Putin. Clearly ridiculous in a practical sense, less so perhaps, from an indirect consequence perspective, only time will tell.


Farage getting in would be an absolute blessing, name which Prime Minister we've had in recent times that's better, I can't think of one?

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12 minutes ago, 12gauge82 said:

Farage getting in would be an absolute blessing, name which Prime Minister we've had in recent times that's better, I can't think of one?

Is it a contest to see how bad a PM we can get, like a race to the bottom that drags us all down with it? Didn’t Liz Truss win that by a narrow margin…

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13 minutes ago, Raja Clavata said:

Is it a contest to see how bad a PM we can get, like a race to the bottom that drags us all down with it? Didn’t Liz Truss win that by a narrow margin…

Who's your suggestion for PM?

You said him being in opposition would be okay, I say he's at least up there with the best if not better than the current crop.

What sets him apart is he doesn't want to be PM and is driven by passion and belief in what he wants to achieve for the country and he's not afraid to say the controversial. Most of our political class simply want to climb the greasy pole, further their own careers and don't want to rock the boat.

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16 minutes ago, clangerman said:

as the donkeys who were  braying tory tory last time are now same ones cheering for fraud farage you can only conclude fools and their vote are  easily parted! 

So what's the answer, who are you voting for?

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