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How did we all get on today?

Evil Elvis

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:ninja: i did 2 rounds of skeet today (all the carts i had!) and managed a 22 and a 22....I was well chuffed considering i havent done any since may!!!!! :drinks:


Annoying thing was the 3 i missed both times were silly misses....i have to straight it one of these days!!!!!! :rolleyes:


Popped over to JJ's ...got 56 ex 84...pretty sad...even for me! must concentrate harder....must concentrate harder....must concentrate harder....must concentrate harder....must concentrate harder....must concentrate harder....

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well today , was the second shoot with my new 391 auto, I said two weeks ago I would pack up clay shooting if I could no longer shoot as good as I used too, Last week 81X100.... at shugboro,..... today Kingsley moor,.... 86X100..!!. finished only 2 behind Graham Stirzacker, top AAA shooter! So far on target to carry on clay shooting!, Downside my mate Claybuster, put in a ....95!!!X100. (Wished I had never taught him how to shoot!! )Oh well. doing O K so far. :rolleyes::drinks:

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Nice to see me old mate berettaman with a smile on his face again, :lol::lol: thought I was going to have to book him into Rehab. By the way Ron it's better to shoot 95 with a perazzi than win High Gun with your old Beretta. I dont know why these scores have started to come in so high just lately, I can only put it down to leaving the last 6 cans of Stella in the fridge.


I supose that I will have to watch my back if you continue with this upward trend in your scores :unsure: :huh:;)



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:lol: i did 2 rounds of skeet today (all the carts i had!) and managed a 22 and a 22....I was well chuffed considering i havent done any since may!!!!! ;)


Annoying thing was the 3 i missed both times were silly misses....i have to straight it one of these days!!!!!! :unsure:


Popped over to JJ's ...got 56 ex 84...pretty sad...even for me! must concentrate harder....must concentrate harder....must concentrate harder....must concentrate harder....must concentrate harder....must concentrate harder....


Don't knock yourself, we know something you don't know :huh:


How did Mr Digweed get on?

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After checking our shoot didn't take place within the Avian Flu exclusion zone now set up in Norfolk I promptly ate a lovely pheasant tonight, and lovely it was too :huh: Had I found the shoot took place within the exclusion zone, well, let's just say the wife would've eaten a lovely fez tonight :unsure:

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How long did you leave your Fez hanging?


I never quite know what the view is on this but recall that Samuel Peeps said that a Fez should be hung and would be ready when the first maggot hit the floor.


Anyways, I ain't waiting that long but I got back from a weekend away and remembered I had a few Fez and Partridges hanging in the shed since last Wednesday's driven day.


How long can I safely leave them?

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How long did you leave your Fez hanging?


I never quite know what the view is on this but recall that Samuel Peeps said that a Fez should be hung and would be ready when the first maggot hit the floor.


Anyways, I ain't waiting that long but I got back from a weekend away and remembered I had a few Fez and Partridges hanging in the shed since last Wednesday's driven day.


How long can I safely leave them?


Six months, you'll be alright :unsure:

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well today , was the second shoot with my new 391 auto, I said two weeks ago I would pack up clay shooting if I could no longer shoot as good as I used too, Last week 81X100.... at shugboro,..... today Kingsley moor,.... 86X100..!!. finished only 2 behind Graham Stirzacker, top AAA shooter! So far on target to carry on clay shooting!, Downside my mate Claybuster, put in a ....95!!!X100. (Wished I had never taught him how to shoot!! )Oh well. doing O K so far. :/:good:


Well done Sir!!!!! Glad the new auto is a clay smashing machine!!

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Hi AAA did you have a good holiday. It takes a bit to get back in the swing and your timing right. Still 86 is a good score at Westfield they dont give you birds there.


Berettaman was like a dog with 2 d**ks on sunday now he's got a bit of form back, still it's better than having him being a miserable old sod, even his jokes were getting bad like his shooting.


Anyway Ron see you the weekend of 25th Nov me old m8

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Ohh **** shot Doveridge today, Weather really dark, Guys driving into the ground had sidelights/headlights on, really surreall, started off ok first 5 stands only dropped 3 birds, then dropped 7X10? on a easy stand! Oh, **** I was that amazed I then had 7X8 on a couple of stands and had a 6 X10!! finished on 77X100, disapointed or what!! last 3 weeks -81--86--77. ok see how I do next week.

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Went out with Bagsy et al to JJ's.


Had a blinding card of 11/12, 12/12 and 11/12 and was looking at High Gun (with the SBS). We then moved onto stand 7 (we jumped about to miss the queues).


Problem was it was cold and the trapper clearly couldn't be ***** and didn't want to be there. He did a half ***** job of sending the clays up and keeping score. He shall now be known as trapper Tommy because he was ******* well deaf dumb and blind.


Anyhows, I stick in a 10/12 on the stand with two silly misses (fair enough, it happens) and I pick my card up and it says 8. After that I am flippin fuming and it's wheels off. An interesting lesson about just how physcological it all is.


Bagsy had a good result on the "excuses" today - I dunno how the boy does it - he just magic'ed 3 absolute pearlers out of the air without any preparation or planning.

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:lol: We should keep a book of excuses and copyright them, we'd make a killing!


It has to be said, Mungler whipped butt again, the Thompson Local is looking a bit tattered now with all the work it's getting :yes:


As for the trappers it's not good when they don't pay attention when your shooting in competition, Mungler had the answer though, a full set of pens from trapper red to trapper green. Never again will a spotty herbert from Kent get in the way of a fine score :lol:


Broken Man also had a sound shoot and it won't be long before Munglers tubes are forced to work a little harder :lol:


3Amp and Mr Digweed wern't far behind and given that we were made to freeze while awaiting pre-shoot scoff (my fault for calling the wonderful Debs 'Del') the scores came in quite well.

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After much contimplating due to it hammering down with rain I went to Longridge, it was freezing, chucking down with rain and muddy! - No clubhouse either which doesnt help!!


Dropped 4 on my first stand but managed an 87 which bagged second in AA class :angry:


What i read above about the scorers was true there were only about 5 on the entire course today!!


Martin Myers did three shoots today as well!!


Ps Cat you made the right choice!

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Guest The Outlaw

I was right peed off though because I shot sindle barrel DTL today for the second time ever.


I was straight until stn 5 and the 4th bird.


On 5 I had 1 normal, 2 low rights and then had a 3rd low right and missed it over the top, ****** it! then got another low right and got it for a 24/25 72.


I said a few choice words.


Funniest thing was the trappers are really nice lads up there and even he sounded sorry I had missed, as he knows me and the Calam are new to this trap lark.



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