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Strogonoff #2


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not pleasedwith thelast one ..the recipe was off the BBC website and like all the other 30 odd reciepes..it was full of herbs spices and variouse alchohols...........

so i did it my usual way with a out of date sirloin steak from the cheap shelf....used double cream instead of creme fresh   didnt use any bloody paprika or booze (some say Brandy) or garlic or dijon mustard (too strong)

AND IT WAS BLOODY LOVERLY you could taste all the ingredients as they fused together....and the sugar snap peas went well with it




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When I was in the QEH, Woolwich, three years ago, just about the only  dish that was edible on their main menu was the Beef Stroganoff. 

I normally found that picking from the "Cultural" or "Kosher" menus produced tastier food.

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They don't live as well as that in the south of the county and us southerners are nowhere near as inventive with mixing different type of foods together , full marks for coming back from your last attempt at what you had tonight , you can't keep a good man down for very long , not sure if I would eat it all but it do look very nice and I would give it a good go .  MM

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