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Little roastie


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Thoughti would do a little roast chicky with a couple of chicky thighs from the freezer and finish up half a pkt of paxo....gravy done with the sprout juice and juices from the chicky....

boiled the spruts (as i find steaming is too hot and bleaches the vedgetables)

all done without the aid of a hairdryer......this is how we cooked in the old days....

cant be doing with all these modern bloody contraptions...as it is my kitchen looks like a full skip in silicon valley

"now...where's that sofa gone ?"




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5 minutes ago, ditchman said:

the question you need to ask yourself is ....

"how much longer do i have to live ....":big_boss:

I think any of us could ask the same question, no one knows what's round the corner.

I am a lifelong smoker and 74 but I bought one, you can have mine if I pop my clogs before you:)

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I can't really fault anything on the plate , I have took on board about steaming the veg bleaches them and Simons sprouts do look nice and Green , I will try it but the amount of time my veg are steaming seem to be about right , then again if you don't try then you won't know if they are better or not .

P S   Do you have a late dinner , or a early tea ?, I can't seem to get hungry enough to have my main meal much before 7.15 / 7.45pm and I think that was one of the reasons I left half my Xmas dinner , late afternoon was far to early for me .   MM

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33 minutes ago, marsh man said:

I can't really fault anything on the plate , I have took on board about steaming the veg bleaches them and Simons sprouts do look nice and Green , I will try it but the amount of time my veg are steaming seem to be about right , then again if you don't try then you won't know if they are better or not .

P S   Do you have a late dinner , or a early tea ?, I can't seem to get hungry enough to have my main meal much before 7.15 / 7.45pm and I think that was one of the reasons I left half my Xmas dinner , late afternoon was far to early for me .   MM

i tend to eat late afternoon otherwise it will lay heavy on my tum and i need rennies....

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8 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:

Looks very nice.  Chicken and beef are my favourites.  I'm another Paxo fan as well.  I add a little butter to the mix when making mine.

sometimes i add some lemon zest and cranberries and if i have them fresh picked herbs...and extra plain crumb...

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