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2 minutes ago, Red carp said:


It’s not a problem, unless you believe it to be one or it was advertised as being HP proof. 
The only reason I asked is my nephew bought a brand new Crown and his wasn’t proofed for HP steel also, which I find puzzling as it was a modern brand new gun. 
Brand new Crowns were sold with a yellow sticker on the barrel stating ‘lead only’. Did you buy yours new? 

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8 minutes ago, BrowningDJC said:

No this isn’t HP proof, the shop also has a 12 bore version which does have the fleur delys stamp. 
It would cost about £100 to be sent for HP proof if I wished, I’m quite certain it would pass no problem. 

It will pass. Thats what I meant by ‘it’s not a problem unless you think it is’.
I was just confused as to who the gun belonged to as you’re the OP but then @Red carp started answering my queries! 🤷‍♂️

Anyhow, as you say, it will most definitely pass, I just can’t understand why the Crown isn’t necessarily already HP steel shot proofed. 
They are very nice guns. 

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32 minutes ago, Scully said:

It will pass. Thats what I meant by ‘it’s not a problem unless you think it is’.
I was just confused as to who the gun belonged to as you’re the OP but then @Red carp started answering my queries! 🤷‍♂️

Anyhow, as you say, it will most definitely pass, I just can’t understand why the Crown isn’t necessarily already HP steel shot proofed. 
They are very nice guns. 

No it is odd, you would think they would all be hp steel proof. 
The shop had just had an mk60 grade 5 proofed for HP steel, so easily doable. 
Very unlikely I’ll use any more than standard steel for my shooting, and thats if we don’t start seeing better alternatives, without getting in to that topic! 

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Sorry lads it’s not my gun I was looking at one last year & I remember the gun shop owner telling me it was HP steel proof, when I answered last night I took it for granted ALL crowns were HP steel I’ve had a shock that they are not 😳 again I apologise for causing  confusion 🙄

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