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Another fish dinner


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They're pretty good in that respect, you can eat the wings pretty much like chicken wings. We also cook big and small fish whole. Piper, a kind of garfish get eaten whole like whitebait, but they are about 6 inches long. Doesn't sound like one for your wife!


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41 minutes ago, Houseplant said:

They're pretty good in that respect, you can eat the wings pretty much like chicken wings. We also cook big and small fish whole. Piper, a kind of garfish get eaten whole like whitebait, but they are about 6 inches long. Doesn't sound like one for your wife!


Sea food is some my favourite food, your a lucky man to have such variety of fish and what seems an abundant supply and size of fish.

Keep em coming. :good:

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2 hours ago, ditchman said:

all them bones will make me gip

I'm with you on that 😬🤢 I do love a nice bit of fish, but anything with bones in and I lose interest very quickly,,,, don't ask me why 😝😂

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We people of northern European descent are unique in eating out fish in neat little boneless parcels. The rest of the world get stuck in to the whole fish and wouldn't waste a thing. I worked with a group of Indian nurses. To a fish, every capture gets treated the same way whether it mullet or a big shark. Guts out, scales off and steaked, Job done!

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1 hour ago, Houseplant said:

We people of northern European descent are unique in eating out fish in neat little boneless parcels. The rest of the world get stuck in to the whole fish and wouldn't waste a thing. I worked with a group of Indian nurses. To a fish, every capture gets treated the same way whether it mullet or a big shark. Guts out, scales off and steaked, Job done!

we in England have "moved on" from Neandertol cuisine.....we fillet and skin and cook gently so the flavours remain in the fish....

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2 minutes ago, Houseplant said:



i apologise for slagging off your cuisine...the stuff you usualy put up is bloody awesome.................but that looks like a serious car crash

infact looking at it again it reminds me when i was a little boy and mum and dad took me to the seaside and i saw something on the tideline like that ...which had been picked at by a bored seagull:lol:

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4 minutes ago, ditchman said:

i apologise for slagging off your cuisine...the stuff you usualy put up is bloody awesome.................but that looks like a serious car crash

It make mine look neat and tidy , to be honest it look as though the maggots have been working overtime , or the fish was born in a concentration camp , :lol: Hope he take it all in good heart :drinks:

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11 minutes ago, ditchman said:

i apologise for slagging off your cuisine...the stuff you usualy put up is bloody awesome.................but that looks like a serious car crash

infact looking at it again it reminds me when i was a little boy and mum and dad took me to the seaside and i saw something on the tideline like that ...which had been picked at by a bored seagull:lol:


It's all part of the fun, no offence taken 😀

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23 minutes ago, ditchman said:


do you have flying fish where you are like in the adverts we have in the UK P&O lines cruising holidays down where you are ...?


We do, more so in the summer months. We see them occasionally. The big game fishing fraternity are always pleased to see them because they indicate warm water is here and are a favourite food of marlin. 

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4 minutes ago, Houseplant said:


We do, more so in the summer months. We see them occasionally. The big game fishing fraternity are always pleased to see them because they indicate warm water is here and are a favourite food of marlin. 

how do you catch them ......do you use a rod or a bloody 12 bore shotgun.....?

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Just now, JKD said:

We do take the pee in this section, but as MM said, it's all in jest 🥳 😆

It's great to see different meals as it gives others ideas,,,, well, to some it does 😲 

NOT always, sometimes the presentation is so dior, we do take the proverbial.  :lol:


You know who I am talking about.   :w00t:

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12 hours ago, hushpower said:

Looks like bombay duck 👍  I'd get stuck into it  

Gosh. Takes me back to the early 60’s and visits to Indian restaurants when some of us did think it really was duck on the menu - that was before we sampled it !!! I even managed to buy dried Bombay Duck which were reconstituted by soaking in water then deep fried. The house stunk like sweaty feet for ages and I was banned from preparing them again.

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I got caght out in the early 80s on a vist to a Indian restaurant after the pub .Wasnt into indian food looking for something i could relate to. Ordered the bombay duck thinking half a duck...and  a dried fish skeleton turns up on a plate & i was ****** off to say the least  at the time i was like a ravenous alsation. Another time looking for basic english fodder  i ordered the bombay potatoes.. which after the first mouthful nearly blew my tupay off.

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You won't get to see number 4. My wife cooked a Thai red curry with the remaining fillets. She made the curry base from scratch and it was excellent. However, her plating skills are not as good as her cooking and I'm not putting a picture like that next to my name. Some of you would have liked it though! 

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