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samurai swords are to be banned


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It's great isn't it, this nanny state.


You can walk into any B&Q and buy a flaming great sharpened axe, all manner of deadly looking hardware, nobody bats an eyelid.


Banning something for which there is no register of owners, much like trying to license airguns, simply won't do anything.


In fact, legitimate owners might feel compelled to get rid of these items and they could well be snapped up by criminal types.


We can't be far off banning hot drinks, I mean gadzooks someone might get burnt!

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Dear Mr Brown


I am a ninja and I require a sword as part of my work, if you ban swords I will not be able to work and this is against my human rights and I will sue.




The Black Wind of Death


P.S I would come round and stab you but you've just banned my weapon of choice, how do you feel about throwing stars

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Thing is you have to see things from the point of view of others.


We don't understand why people don't like guns. We know they are not dangerous, just the tools behind them (when misused).


If someone wants to collect swords, fine by me. Same as if someone wants to collect antique guns, fine by me. Each to their own and all that.


Just because you can't see a reason why someone would want a sword, isn't a good reason to ban it.

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I guess they're gonna have to go back to carving the turkey with a regular knife like us normal folks, cancel Christmas :rolleyes:


I suppose they're like anything if you have a passion about something and want to collect them, that makes sense. Unless someone can tell me different I don't see much of a reason to have one otherwise. Myself and a cousin used to play as kids with real swords :lol: It's a wonder I'm here at all.

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It's not the arrow, it's the Indian that counts.


Banning Samurai swords will not make one ounce of difference. Address the chav-scum pyscho thugs that we're plagued by and then you may begin to...


If the Dangerous Dogs Act can't define what is and what is not actually covered....our courts' will just be clogged up by legal arguement over sword ethnicity and difference between Samurai and Korean swords and their slightly smaller cousins, the Chinese straight sword.


Any crime that can be committed with a Samurai sword (or any other weapon) is already covered by existing legislation. More laws to ban them are, un-necessary, impractical and (IMO) un-workable.


There's about 650 PM's sitting at Westminster, each costing us about £250,000 a year. Surely there is more important and pressing problems to address than this?

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It's not the arrow, it's the Indian that counts.


Banning Samurai swords will not make one ounce of difference. Address the chav-scum pyscho thugs that we're plagued by and then you may begin to...


If the Dangerous Dogs Act can't define what is and what is not actually covered....our courts' will just be clogged up by legal arguement over sword ethnicity and difference between Samurai and Korean swords and their slightly smaller cousins, the Chinese straight sword.


Any crime that can be committed with a Samurai sword (or any other weapon) is already covered by existing legislation. More laws to ban them are, un-necessary, impractical and (IMO) un-workable.


There's about 650 PM's sitting at Westminster, each costing us about £250,000 a year. Surely there is more important and pressing problems to address than this?


Totaly agree with above I myself have a collection of swords all of wich will never leave my house. Why should swords be bannd just because some idiot missused it, it's already against the law to carry one in public so where is the problem, just inforce the law thats already there.

I used to do Ninjutsu in my younger years for approx 6 years some of which involved sword training hence my interest started and just carried on from that.

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Can people here really not see the danger in allowing a movement to ban things, which if misused by criminals, made prove to be dangerous? We may not be next, but we're on their list and they are trying to work their way thorough it, to us.


Wake up and smell the coffee - or you may as well take out an ad on guntrader while there is still a market for privatly owned guns.

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if the government concentrated more on immigration and less on **** like this then they wouldnt need to worry about stupid things like"banning samurai swords" ,whatever any made up government statistic says if you go into a built up area with a concentration of immigrants there is a higher crime rate than other parts of the uk with brits in, i know in every community there are british idiots that dont work,steal do drugs etc but they are our idiots ,we shouldnt be letting the scum in from other countries as well.perhaps if we dont ban the samurai swords it might help drop their numbers a bit! :rolleyes:

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Looking further the Governement are going to ban imitation swords, not genuine swords.

Now that i can see a point to - real ones are mainly kept by collectors

imatation ones are for .............. well i've already said my views on that.



imitation ones are for ............ people that cant afford genuine ones

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good i say - why do you need samuri swords anyway -( unless you are a japanese samuri that is)


Most of the people i've seen with them are just chavs and druggies, who have them because the think they are 'cool man'


Trust me the only Samurai swords chavs own a cheap Chinese Ebay ones.


I have been thinking of buying a real one for some time. They are truley amazing peices of history.

Banning stuff just doesnt solve anything. Everytime something is banned, we loose part of our freedom. Untill we will need permits and paperwork just to do our daily lives. Wait a minute... we pretty much do already.

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good i say - why do you need samuri swords anyway -( unless you are a japanese samuri that is)


Most of the people i've seen with them are just chavs and druggies, who have them because the think they are 'cool man'

good you say! good for who? whe've already been down this road with handguns,

did it stop shootings NO.now theres more than ever.

Its all very well for some fat little hitler to sit there and put a ban on somebodies prize collection.

some of these replica swords are a work of art in there own right.

so if its going to be illegal who will refund the purchase cost of these said items.

just to put matters straight for the shortsighted. I own one. I'm NOT a chav i'm NOT a druggie, but a retired business man who collects for a hobby.

perhaps ypu would like to reimburse me for my loss?

bet you don't say good when they get round to banning shotguns. :rolleyes:

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Dear Mr Brown


I am a ninja and I require a sword as part of my work, if you ban swords I will not be able to work and this is against my human rights and I will sue.




The Black Wind of Death


P.S I would come round and stab you but you've just banned my weapon of choice, how do you feel about throwing stars


Dear Mr Death,


We do not care about your chosen profession, nor your human rights (unless you are found using your sword against an individual who's home you've broken into and perhaps been injured by the said owner - then you will of course have a case).


After all it has long been our policy to ban or place a huge tax anything we either do not like or disagree with. If you do not like it, tough.




Mr Brown

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