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samurai swords are to be banned


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good i say - why do you need samuri swords anyway -( unless you are a japanese samuri that is)


Most of the people i've seen with them are just chavs and druggies, who have them because the think they are 'cool man'

good you say! good for who? whe've already been down this road with handguns,

did it stop shootings NO.now theres more than ever.

Its all very well for some fat little hitler to sit there and put a ban on somebodies prize collection.

some of these replica swords are a work of art in there own right.

so if its going to be illegal who will refund the purchase cost of these said items.

just to put matters straight for the shortsighted. I own one. I'm NOT a chav i'm NOT a druggie, but a retired business man who collects for a hobby.

perhaps ypu would like to reimburse me for my loss?

bet you don't say good when they get round to banning shotguns. :rolleyes:


Hmmm i don't think you're a collector....I think you're a secret assasin...equiped with sword, stars...and wear those strange two toed shoes I've seen in the films!!!! :lol::lol: B)

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The problem is that the government has lost the trust of the nation. Thus they have lost control, and the only way they think they can regain control is more laws.



I really do think that the government should be banned, they are decidedly bad for your health and wellbeing. Ban them, ban them all.


Or better still, make them work for a normal salary, say about £17k. And make it performance based, everytime they remove another of the **** laws from the statute books they get £100.


So repealing the 3,000+ laws they have made in the last ten years should keep them going for a while.


Also, there should be a limit on the number of laws they can pass, and can only do it on a one for one variation scheme, they have to scrap one to get another, but the new one cannot be worse than the one they are removing.

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Guest The Outlaw
It's great isn't it, this nanny state.


You can walk into any B&Q and buy a flaming great sharpened axe, all manner of deadly looking hardware, nobody bats an eyelid.


Banning something for which there is no register of owners, much like trying to license airguns, simply won't do anything.


In fact, legitimate owners might feel compelled to get rid of these items and they could well be snapped up by criminal types.


We can't be far off banning hot drinks, I mean gadzooks someone might get burnt!

There was a case brought against Maccy D for a person burning thier mouth on a cup of coffee hence thier cups are now labeled


"caution contents are hot" or something obvious.


A sad world we live in.



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Dear Mr Brown


I am a ninja and I require a sword as part of my work, if you ban swords I will not be able to work and this is against my human rights and I will sue.




The Black Wind of Death


P.S I would come round and stab you but you've just banned my weapon of choice, how do you feel about throwing stars


Dear Mr Death,


We do not care about your chosen profession, nor your human rights (unless you are found using your sword against an individual who's home you've broken into and perhaps been injured by the said owner - then you will of course have a case).


After all it has long been our policy to ban or place a huge tax anything we either do not like or disagree with. If you do not like it, tough.




Mr Brown


Dear Mr Brown


You are a ****


Yours The Black Wind of Death


P.S The rest of the country thinks so too.

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I'm having trouble getting the image of a ninja using a Sheffield steel butter knife out of my head...


I keep seeing a masked and hooded figure dressed in black walking through the kitchen department at John Lewis trying out various types of small, but exquisite, knives on fruit and veg. Do you think they could be claimed back against tax as a business expense?

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The average chav hooligan wont buy a samurai sword, he wont buy a Rambo knife, a lock knife or a Ballisong, he`ll raid the kitchen draw for the biggest kitchen knife he can get, fact.

Most stabbings are with your common kitchen knife in this country by a long way, I can`t remember the percentages but they`re not even close. This will achieve the virtual sum of naff all, whether you mind people owning Samurai swords or not.

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good i say - why do you need samuri swords anyway -( unless you are a japanese samuri that is)


Most of the people i've seen with them are just chavs and druggies, who have them because the think they are 'cool man'

good you say! good for who? whe've already been down this road with handguns,

did it stop shootings NO.now theres more than ever.

Its all very well for some fat little hitler to sit there and put a ban on somebodies prize collection.

some of these replica swords are a work of art in there own right.

so if its going to be illegal who will refund the purchase cost of these said items.

just to put matters straight for the shortsighted. I own one. I'm NOT a chav i'm NOT a druggie, but a retired business man who collects for a hobby.

perhaps ypu would like to reimburse me for my loss?

bet you don't say good when they get round to banning shotguns. :lol:



hes right ban this and we move closer to the top of the `to ban` list

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Can people here really not see the danger in allowing a movement to ban things, which if misused by criminals, made prove to be dangerous? We may not be next, but we're on their list and they are trying to work their way thorough it, to us.


Wake up and smell the coffee - or you may as well take out an ad on guntrader while there is still a market for privatly owned guns.



Here,here. We are definately somewhere on the agenda for the future rest assured.


We don't fight it. All this goverment wants to do is cure the headache by cutting off the head. Just ban everything -cars, fags beer you just won't win.

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Can somebody define 'Samurai Sword' for me pls? Is it a bit like the machete I have in my garden shed for when I can't afford the petrol for my strimmer?


"In Germany, they came first for the Communists, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist;

And then they came for the trade unionists, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist;

And then they came for the Jews, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew;

And then . . . they came for me . . . And by that time there was no one left to speak up."

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I likes knifes and swizzle, they looks bling on my wall innit!



Apart from the chav element the above it true, I like knifes!


Small ones under an inch to as big as they get, if I like the look of it I may buy it because, well, I like the look of it!


I can't afford to spend hundreds of pounds on some hand crafted doobury that can chop a man clean in half in a single swipe but it doesn't mean I should have any less right to own and collect knives than anyone else.


I personally would rather have a knife on a stand on the mantle piece rather than some poncey piece of Royal Dolton ****!


I wonder how many people who have added comments to this thread like "I don't see the point of collecting them" have only one hunting knife.

Or like me did you buy a basic knife that done the job well, then after a while progress to another, maybe better knife, and then buy another of the same type because you liked the grain on the handle etc.


Go and look in your hunting kit and see how many different knives you seem to have unknowingly collected over the years.................... Will you instantly become a chav if you have more than 10?



If I wanted to stab someone would I do it with the katana or wakazashi and run around the streets with a 2-4ft blade when I could just calmly walk along with a knife from the kitchen and shank them or just pop a bic pen through their throat!


(That’s a theoretical question btw)




It's already illegal to carry them in the streets, if that law is not being complied with then a new one won’t do much good.

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Home Secretary to Chief Rozzer: "Why don't you shower get out of your panda cars and nick some hooligans, people are being stabbed all over the place?"


Chief Rozzer: "Ah, well, criminals can buy samurai swords in the market and use them, my lads would nick them all but these swords aren't banned."




Home Secretary: Well I've banned samurai swords, why don't you shower now get out of your panda cars and nick some hooligans, people are being stabbed all over the place."


Chief Rozzer: "Ah, you see, most of these hooligans are drunk on cheap white cider, my lads would nick them but cheap white cider's not illegal, see?"



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Dear Mr Brown


I am a ninja and I require a sword as part of my work, if you ban swords I will not be able to work and this is against my human rights and I will sue.




The Black Wind of Death


P.S I would come round and stab you but you've just banned my weapon of choice, how do you feel about throwing stars


Dear Mr Death,


We do not care about your chosen profession, nor your human rights (unless you are found using your sword against an individual who's home you've broken into and perhaps been injured by the said owner - then you will of course have a case).


After all it has long been our policy to ban or place a huge tax anything we either do not like or disagree with. If you do not like it, tough.




Mr Brown


Dear Mr Brown


You are a ****


Yours The Black Wind of Death


P.S The rest of the country thinks so too.


:good: Couldn't have worded it any better :yp:

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