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sharp fall in lead prices


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i havn't seen it being passed on to cartridges as yet though

35% fall since october :P rip off britain strikes again me thinks


I think you'll find that cartridge companies have to agree on prices (for shot or ingots) months in advance. They're not going to reduce the price of something to below cost price if they have millions to sell!

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Ammo prices are ridiculous, but i'm sure it's much worse for you guys since shooting isn't a very common sport over there. I remember last year I bought 500 rounds of 55 grain FMJ and soft point .223 from a guy and it was $10 for a box of 50. I think it came out to around $125 total. This year, the exact same ammo was $17 a box.


It's not just the war that's driving up prices. A lot of its the Chinese and Indian companies buying up all the raw materials they can find and storing them. Though i'm sure the war ending would definatley help.

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shotty carts have dropped a little, £5 off a thou.. eley game 12g -32g No6 @£140=1000




Only £120 per 1000 for 32g No6 eley game last week :lol: :lol: :lol:


could you bring me 15k, pls :good:



Ive told you where to get them from before,

I believe you got a load from them and then sold some to members at an inflated price to cover your costs. :P

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:P The way it was explained to me in the shop on friday is that the cartridge companies have had to buy in tons at the inflated price, and until that has all been used we wont see any reduction. :lol:


Yeah but what about when they buy it cheaper and the costs goes up afterwards, they will be making more profit on it wont they.

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bang on Bagsy

theres always going to be the odd place that gets new stock @ a lesser price and keeps the price up !!! my local dealer told me to hang on as there next load will be cheaper & i have a few 100 left , i always buy in multiple thousands and spend a few $$ in the shop so hes good to me :P they know there going down a little :lol:

but its going to take a little time to filter through and it wont be masses of £ off ....

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