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Before I start this is a TRUE STORY!!!!!


My neighbour who I have been teaching and getting in to shooting, has now got his SGC, was at our local chinese restaraunt finished his meal and received a fortune cookie.............


His good ladys one was "they are going to be travelling on strange ground"!! (booked a trip for his 40th going in 10 days time to Maritius and Dubai) His cookie said.......................













No word of a lie





If I could copy it I would it was...........




Aparently he nearly choked on his drink we are planning a day on the tree rats next weekend!!!!


Keeping the insert

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its a metaphor, basically means be kind to people or you will get **** on from a great height by people you upset on your way up the ladder of fame or business


"On your Way Down" Little Feat :/





Sunrise, Sunset

Since the beginning it hasn't changed yet

People fly high, begin to lose sight

You can't see very clearly when you're in flight


It's high time that you found

The same people you misuse on your way up

You might meet up

On your way down


Vintage wines from the year '62

It's your thing, it's your thing

It pleases you

You got to frown when you cross town

You think it's an honour just to have you around


It's high time that you found

The same dudes you misuse on your way up

You might meet up

On your way down


You think the sun rises and sets for you

But the same sun rises, sets and shines

On other folks too

I don't mind you turning round

I myself would even like a little higher ground


It's high time that you found

The same people you walk on on your way up

You might meet up

On your way down



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you know it is spooky how accurate they can be: when in the un hung lo my cookie insert said and I quote verbatim" he who eats and drinks all day, and moves like the sloth, shall be fat and corpulent" and ****** me i am the size of a boat.

gave me the fear.

i am off opening me tin of family circle. the only oriental thing in there is the jammy dodgers if you squint a bit. or sit on them.

confucious sy JDF

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