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Shot in the manhood


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Got to tell some one this, in the hope it never happens to any other poor devil :lol: Back in the early part of 2006, both my son and I had been out lamping at home in Cornwall :lol: unknowingly my son had forgot to make my air rifle safe and left it loaded on the kitchen table whilst we had a snack in preparation for a long nights lamping, got our clobber back on and wait for it. Missy picks up the rifle and starts pointing it at my nether region saying how do you like it :lol: next thing i know wallop.ahhhhhh ouch,jumping all round front room floor, Missy throws rifle on table Joni screaming, me now on floor trying to get my pants off to see what damage she had done. OH MY GOD, my baby maker shot to pieces, cant stand up, bleeding right good, smack bang in the middle,(what a shot) :lol: time for the ambulance, next thing they say can you make your own way to the a&e :lol: no i cant you silly *** i have been shot.Next thing all hell breaks out ,Wifey still screaming Joni trying to help me up so i can get dressed. bee ba bee ba, heck that was quick i thought :lol: No ambulance. only Armed response helicopter dog van,sister neighbour, the comotion was agonisingly embarrassing, rifle took by police ambulance called again arrived 30 Min's after impact. wifey took out side and questioned if she meant to do it. i had to tell them it was not done in anger :lol: , any way that all sorted had to do the gas thing on way :good: ,that was cool. then guess what, they only sent a wpc to interview me at hospital :lol: cracker i thought until she said get it out then i have to confirm the injury, well i was four times bigger and black as the ace of spades. she could not keep a straight face, :D and said she will have to take a picture, from there on it was pure p--s taking,even the nurses in xray-can you pull it a bit higher we cant see it. any way in theatre they said they may have to chop some off, worst night mere as i was just passing out for opp. :good: came through ok in about an hour, they said they managed to leave me a bit to play with. struth was that painfull, :lol: sore for a fortnight but full recovery,moral of the story if you want more lead in your pensil leave your weapon loaded,THINK SAFE BE SAFE

Edited by Fleabag
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I took a mate of mine from the army shooting years ago with a couple of air rifles I had back then. I stopped for an impromptu pee in some nettles, leaning the muzzle of my rifle against a bit of string going across the fenceline, holding it in one hand (the other was busy you see). Anyway, I had just relaxed into the task at hand when.. WHAM, there was a massive impact right in my a**e.. He had shot me! I spun round (the impact having made me stop peeing in an instant), dropped my rifle and layed into him.


In the end his feeble protests made me stop, and with much cursing he stood up and fired the rifle into the ground to prove it wasnt him. Upon looking more closely, I realised I had rested my rifle barrel on an electric fence, the shock of which had for some reason manifested itself in my nether regions. Needless to say, I paid for his beer for quite a while!



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Hope everything is working OK. Won't even make a joke about it. You are lucky and that's great. My late father wasn't.



sorry to hear that, been there .lost my 18 year old boy six years ago keep chin up mate.


Fleabag, it's OK, he was shot by a Browning Long Recoil 12 gauge (through the hand) in an accident. That was in 1977. He never really recovered. Seems like yesterday. He was my Dad and a great shooting buddy, too!



On a more cheerful note, if your correct Birthday is 13th November, you share it with the late, great, 'Carbine' Williams!!!!! (Zapp Brannigan will explain! :good: )


Oh, by the way, my birthday is 13th March! I'm soon to be 61!





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Hope everything is working OK. Won't even make a joke about it. You are lucky and that's great. My late father wasn't.



sorry to hear that, been there .lost my 18 year old boy six years ago keep chin up mate.


Fleabag, it's OK, he was shot by a Browning Long Recoil 12 gauge (through the hand) in an accident. That was in 1977. He never really recovered. Seems like yesterday. He was my Dad and a great shooting buddy, too!



On a more cheerful note, if your correct Birthday is 13th November, you share it with the late, great, 'Carbine' Williams!!!!! (Zapp Brannigan will explain! :good: )


On, by the way, my birthday is 13th March! I'm soon to be 61!






Fleabag, very, very sorry to hear that.


On the birthdays note, 13th Nov is my best mate's birthday, and 13th March is my youngest boy's (he'll be 6 this year).... Spooky!


Edit: To explain as per Alan's wishes, he has a serious, some would say unhealthy regard for 'Carbine' Williams, inventor of the "Floating Chamber" as seen in the M1 Carbine and Winchester Model 50 and 59. I hear he tries to use them to open letters/turn lights off, like Homer Simpson in the episode "The Cartridge Family"...



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