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Not a bollocking


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I was out this morning walking the dog, we had just turned for home and left the local farmers land. As usual I closed the gate as we went onto the road. We were suddenly passed by the farmer, who stopped his car just in front of my wheelchair and jumped out. My immediate thought "Was what have I done wrong?" He came racing back to me and started the conversation by asking if I still went shooting. I cautiously said "Yes" - to which he replied that did I want to pigeon shoot on all of their farm as they were being hit hard by pigeons and no-one was clearing them. I just about managed to say yes before he was moaning about all the rabbits as well, he then offered me the rabbit control. We carried on chatting and he mentioned about a muntjac that had been attacked by a rogue dog in their farmyard. What a pity I didn't have a rifle - er excuse me but I have and I'm trying to complete DSC2. Next thing I'm offered the stalking as well. When I said it was very kind of him but that I might have a problem as I can no longer drive on the road, he then said that I could use their farm quad to get about if they weren't using it.


I think Christmas came a bit late for me. I have known this guy for years but only to pass the time of day and comment on the weather in the pub. So it pays to keep on good terms with people and let it be known to the locals that you shoot. I can only say that I am very lucky and just wish I was more mobile, so I could do more... though I think this will keep me busy with my other permissions.

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I mentioned it today to some mates who had taken me out for a healthy breakfast (egg,bacon,sausage, black pudding,beans, fried bread, etc). I thought i was going to get killed in the rush to assist me. As they kindly pointed out, if I get stuck in the mud - and there's plenty of it down here - who's going to help me out. So I think I have one mate going rabbiting with me and another pigeon shooting, the stalking will be with another guy who has taken me on his permission.


and before you all say it, yes I had already mentioned to the farmer that I might need assistance. He knows the other guys as he has seen me with them and knows them through business. Everything looks good. I'm sure something has got to come along and spoil it. All I've got to do now is get my FAC changed to "open" as it will make life a lot easier.

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I was out this morning walking the dog, we had just turned for home and left the local farmers land. As usual I closed the gate as we went onto the road. We were suddenly passed by the farmer, who stopped his car just in front of my wheelchair and jumped out. My immediate thought "Was what have I done wrong?" He came racing back to me and started the conversation by asking if I still went shooting. I cautiously said "Yes" - to which he replied that did I want to pigeon shoot on all of their farm as they were being hit hard by pigeons and no-one was clearing them. I just about managed to say yes before he was moaning about all the rabbits as well, he then offered me the rabbit control. We carried on chatting and he mentioned about a muntjac that had been attacked by a rogue dog in their farmyard. What a pity I didn't have a rifle - er excuse me but I have and I'm trying to complete DSC2. Next thing I'm offered the stalking as well. When I said it was very kind of him but that I might have a problem as I can no longer drive on the road, he then said that I could use their farm quad to get about if they weren't using it.


I think Christmas came a bit late for me. I have known this guy for years but only to pass the time of day and comment on the weather in the pub. So it pays to keep on good terms with people and let it be known to the locals that you shoot. I can only say that I am very lucky and just wish I was more mobile, so I could do more... though I think this will keep me busy with my other permissions.



Well done, its good to hear of something like this happening with all the doom and gloom on here recently.


Good luck and watch the mud :D


:lol: D2D

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Nice one, well worth walking the dog then! I think that's the best way to get a permission, if they know you then they feel they can trust you as you're familiar. Talk about in the right place at the right time!


I find most farmers are ok, I think shooters expect too much to be honest. Why do most of us tend to think that knocking on a door and saying "hi, can I shoot on your land" should get us permission? How about re wording it slightly to see it from their point of view.... "Hi, I'm a complete stranger with a gun, can I play with it on your land? I promise I'll try not to shoot your animals, but if I do I'm insured". It's no wonder they're doubtful at times!

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That is some excellent news and it sounds as though you have plenty there to get your teeth into.

There are still a lot of good Farmers about. :blush:

As Cranny said there are a lot of good farmers out there. Some not so nice one's too. Great news for you. Well done

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  • 2 weeks later...

i though this only happend to me, I was in the same situation. was stood with a friend that i clay shoot with when the guy 3 doors away came talking to us.

he has 3 small fields with a pigeon problem on, my mate had already been told he could shoot on his land but never did as he said nothing was ever on it. i on the other hand and only just getting in too shooting am more than happy to walk round a field gun in hand and not pull the trigger once. My high intrest and continuios "popping" round to check for pigeons for him lead him to ask me if i was intrested in shooting some rabbit for his mate who owns a fish farm. hopefully this will be sorted in the next week or so.

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