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Drey poking rods


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try find ones that they use for drain clearing



and they r great for ratting







They are too bendy and will come round and clout you, or worse :good:


:unsure: D2D




Im a Plumber and these rods are designed to be 'bendy' to go around slow radius bends and into alkward areas...


All the best...



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My pieon hide poles fit together with 4 coupling type things i got when i bought the poles but there very flimsy when there all in use and sometimes the top one gets stuck in the bottom of the drey .Your far better giving the drey a shot in the bottom then trying to shoot the squirrel with your remaining barrel .

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its better t poke the drays as owls get in old ones and migth be nsting in it . Little owls are nown for this i woulnt shot first poke poke pokeO W

You know what..............I hadnt even considred that.............



Good point..........



Was out this weekend managed 2 of the little grey *******..........



My daughter was out with us too............was having a stroke of a male that we had taken out. Was asking if she could have it stuffed.........



I said, well it would cost a bit of money babe and daddy hasnt got the pennies.


She said, thats fine...............You can use my money.


Well I dont know dear.


No daddy its ok.................but before we get it stuffed..............Can you cut its balls off...............





To which I tried not to choke and have a negligent discharge..................




Kids..........dont you just love em.

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