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shuttle due for launch this evening


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I think everyone holds their breath now, after the incident a few years back where 7 of Nasa's finest where killed. Just goes to show no matter how many billion dollars go into safety procedures, computer checks, hardware checks, there can always be an accident.


Glad it went well, good luck to them on their mission!


Now im off back to selling bits of my SJ on the internet.. :good:

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Can anyone tell me what the gas release at the base of the rocket is? is it 'primer' gas for starting? or fire prevention Co2? always wondered what it is.


When, before launch (like 30 minutes before) or just before (seconds) before it fires up?

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I assume you mean the water dump seconds before lift off?


Q. Why is so much water released at the pad during launch?

A. A sound-suppression water system was installed on the pads at Launch Complex 39 following the Apollo Program to protect the Space Shuttle orbiter and its payloads from damage by acoustical energy reflected from the Mobile Launcher Platform (MLP) during launch. The Space Shuttle is much closer to the surface of the MLP than was the Saturn V rocket, carrying the Apollo spacecraft. Acoustical levels reach their peak when the Space Shuttle is about 300 feet above the platform and cease to be a problem at an altitude of about 1,000 feet. For additional information, please refer to the Web site link below.


Sound Supression System

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Nice work. Thats alot of water they dump in there



Thanks Shaggy :lol:


I've not seen the water being sprayed just before lift-off, guessing that they have always done this, but as times have changed they have put a camera there for the puplic to watch this on the TV channels. They were also getting one of the crew members to film/photograph the seperation of the main tank so that NASA can study the tank for any flaws.


Amazing stuff all this and has me intrigued. :lol:

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