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Hi there,


I am 57, have 4 x 4, two working labs, 20 and 12 bore shotties and a .22

Having recently moved from Aberdeenshire to the Boston area of Linconshire I know nobody and have nowhere to shoot (sob, sob). Living out in the sticks it is difficult to meet anyone - let alone fellow shooters.


Following recent beaters day I realise what a **** shot I am; also a young dog who needs some polishing on her work.

Any kind souls out there that would give an old man a break?


Bull :good:

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Hi mate, your not too far from me, I almost bought a house in holland fen last year one of the cottages on the right over the bridge where the new bungalows are built, but alas finished up in Nocton.

I used to holiday in holland fen when I was a kid with my cousin and his grandpa we used to fish and shoot all the time and just enjoy ourselves.

You can have a day out with me if you fancy it, not got much mainly rabbit on the rimmy and a few pigeon for the shotty but it's better than nothing I suppose.

Cheers mate


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